Post-Master’s Examinations (Examen Rigorosum) ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Graduates of Master’s degree programmes – who hold the degree ‘magistr’ (Master) – can tak State Examination in the same field. This ‘examen rigorosum’ (‘rigorózní zkouška’ in Czech defence of a post-Master’s dissertation (‘rigorózní práce’ in Czech); this is an approxima of the M.Phil. Successful candidates are awarded the following degrees (all titles are wri holder’s name): • in law, Juris utrisque doctor (JUDr.), • in humanities, pedagogical and social sciences, Philosophiae doctor (PhDr.), • in natural sciences, Rerum naturalium doctor (RNDr.), • in pharmacy, Pharmaciae doctor (PharmDr.), • in theology, Theologiae licentiatus (ThLic.) or Theologiae doctor (ThDr.). ****************************************************************************************** * Charles University Rigorosum Examination Code ****************************************************************************************** Applications for post-Master’s examinations are available at the faculties. Applications a throughout the year. The examination process and conditions are governed by the Charles Un Rigorosum Examination Code [ URL "UKEN-121.html#4"] .