The Secretariat of the Academic Senate of the university ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Address: Charles University The Secretariat of the Academic Senate of the university Ovocný trh 5 116 36 Prague 1 Czech Republic President: JUDr. Ing. Josef Staša, CSc (PF) [ URL " osoba/1080441062487884/?lang=cs"] Student representativeRNDr. Andrej Farkaš (MFF) [ URL " osoba/1799437322044444/?lang=cs"] Staff: Administrative Support for the Academic Senate: Antonie Křížová [ URL " lang=en"] E-mail: [ URL ""] Tel.: +420 224 491 311, +420 224 215 632 Amáta Vohradská [ URL " lang=cs"]  - Secretary of the Academic Senate Mgr. Anna Matoušková [ URL " osoba/1911540125518011/?lang=cs"]  - Legislative Board Secretary of Senate Resolutions of the Academic Senate of Charles University in English language [ URL "https: UK-5760.html"]