Research at Charles University ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Charles University is an internationally acknowledged research university. Research projec represent one third of the yields; the academic and research workers account for more than Charles University staff. Together with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Cha is the most efficient scientific institute in the Czech Republic according to an official the scientific outcomes (evaluation by the Board for Research, Development, and Innovation Charles University spends about CZK 3.2 billion to finance its research programmes. The ac actively and successfully participates in grant programmes within the Grant Agency of the and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. *========================================================================================= * Scientific achievements and discoveries *========================================================================================= The greatest recent scientific achievements [ URL "UKEN-1251.html "] of Charles University Research Areas [ URL ""] Scientists and students are often nominated for prestigious domestic and international awa "UKEN-63.html "] for their discoveries and merits. *========================================================================================= * Research Support at CU *========================================================================================= Charles University provides a comprehensive system of support for science and research, wh parallel in the Czech university setting. It combines elements gradually built since the e new programmes for support of excellent science so that it incorporates all the stages of from student projects up to large projects by notable scientific teams. The system consists of several mutually complementary university programmes: See closely in the section Research Funding [ URL "UKEN-65.html "] Another important aspect of scientific work is the qualification growth of academic staff. of Science and Research is also responsible for the agenda of Academic-Pedagogical Degrees "UKEN-75.html "] , be it habilitation and professors, visiting professors or honorary doct titles of associate professors and professors from the CU have traditionally enjoyed great Transfer of Knowledge and Technology - The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (C "UKEN-78.html "]  is an independent part of Charles University providing information and s for knowledge and technology transfer (KTT). *========================================================================================= * International cooperation in science and research *========================================================================================= The extension of international cooperation in science and development corresponds with the international prestige of Charles University. Charles University applies many tools that h this area: The International Advisory Board The International Advisory Board [ URL "UKEN-395.html "] acts as an advisory body of the C Rector especially in determination of the main directions of scientific and educational wo university, its research centres, and the system of internal funding. The individuals appo board are important scientific and pedagogical personalities active in the prime foreign i Photo: IAB meeting, Karolinum, 2019. European Centre The Charles University European Centre [ URL ""] was establi 2014. The centre aims to strengthen the role of Charles University in international scient the “research university” and to involve Charles University research workers in internatio networks, thus allowing especially young and inexperienced research workers to gain experi international level and obtain more financial means for science and research Together with other partners, Charles University has signed CELSA (Central Europe Leuven S Alliance) cooperation agreement; the cooperation is to facilitate the exchange of good pra and research The “Post-doc” fund was established in 2010. It seeks to support young foreign researchers of the doctoral study). The researchers work in teams at the faculties and other organisat Charles University and participate in work on scientific and research projects for the per Large research infrastructures Scientific teams of Charles University actively and successfully enter international resea [ URL ""] through programmes of the Ministry of Education, of the Czech Republic, the Horizont 2020 programme, ESFRI, and other EU programmes, which built on the basis of cooperation. Research centres of Charles University BIOCEV (Vestec u Prahy) BIOCEV is a joint project of Charles University and the Academy of a main partner in the area of science and research. The research of the centre focuses on of specific genes responsible for heart and liver diseases, deafness, viral infections or of new biomaterials for replacement of blood vessels, cardiac valves, development of new t diagnostic procedures in medicine, etc. MEPHARED (Hradec Králové) The Teaching and Research Centre of Charles University gave rise campus of two faculties – the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kr university sought to improve the quality of study and research, and ensure maximum interco activities’ results with companies in the application sphere. UNIMEC and BIOMEDIC (Plzeň) The campus of the Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň is located in t vicinity of the teaching hospital and incorporates the building of theoretical institutes, intended mainly for education, and the Biomedicine Centre – an institute for research and in the area of substitution and regeneration of organs. Five of the twenty theoretical ins Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň have moved to new and modern facilities for research and deve Centre for Mediaeval Studies A joint enterprise of the Institute of Philosophy of the Acad v.v.i. and Charles University in Prague. (The Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sc a of Charles University in Prague). It organises and provides specialised doctoral trainin lectures, and seminars. It also holds interdisciplinary medieval discussions, internationa conferences. European Research Council (ERC) grants at Charles University - see list of current project"] . International projects and centres of excellence at Charles University The scientists and research workers are currently involved in 48 projects within the 8th f programme Horizont 2020. The scientists from Charles University participate in a number of international projects, programme of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) and also the MŠMT progr of international research and development cooperation INTER-EXCELLENCE, KONTAKT, COST, ING “Public Health” and “Lifelong Learning: Erasmus, Jean Monnet”, ELI-CZ and others In 2017, excellence were established at Charles University (the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Physics, and the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové): • The Centre of Advanced Materials: Design, Synthesis, and Applications (CUCAM) was establ University, Faculty of Science. The centre managed by Prof. Russel E. Morris from the Un St. Andrews in Scotland will be concerned with a preparation of new materials with suita properties by means of non-traditional methods of synthesis • Two centres – MATFUN and NanoCent were established at the Charles University Faculty of and Physics. The MATFUN centre will examine basic physical principles of materials with memory. The scientific team will work under the leadership of the outstanding scientist Straka, DSc. Researchers examining nano-materials usable for advanced applications will newly established NanoCent centre. The research will focus on the development and study applicable in chemistry of surface, power applications, microelectronics, or biomedical The research centre will be managed by RNDr. Milan Dopita, Ph.D. • A new centre of excellence for the area of advanced research in Separation Science STARS activity at the Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové. The scientific under the leadership of Professor Petr Solich; Professor František Švec, a renowned anal with long experience in the most prestigious scientific institutes in the USA will becom the team. The project incorporates three strategic foreign partners – the University of Australia, the Requimte Research Institute of the University of Porto in Portugal, and t Balearic Islands in Spain. • In 2018, the KREAS project (Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions for the Success of Interrelated World) is being started at Charles University, Faculty of Arts. It is the o scientific project, which has gained financial support for excellent research from EU so project involves humanities-scientific research into adaptability of the European societ the new social challenges (e.g. globalisation, migration, or new technologies). The proj will be managed by its head applicant and researcher, doc. Mirjam Friedová, Ph.D. For staff mobilities, post docs etc. please visit section International [ URL "UKEN-1.html Are you interested in science at CU? Do you have any question? Do you need help with anyth Please do not hesitate to contact us [ URL "UKEN-259.html "] !