HR Excellence in Research at Charles University ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Charles University is the recipient of the prestigious "HR Excellence in Research" award, from the European Commission in February 2019. This award recognizes Charles University's aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Charter & Code, based action plan/HR strategy. Additionally, Charles University has been awarded the right to us Excellence in Research" to highlight its commitment to implement fair and transparent recr appraisal procedures for researchers. *========================================================================================= * Find out more about the key areas of development at CU *=========================================================================================
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*========================================================================================= * Project status and the implementation of the action plan *========================================================================================= More information here [ URL "UKEN-1974.html "] *========================================================================================= * Important documents *========================================================================================= More information here [ URL "UKEN-1970.html "] *========================================================================================= * People and departments involved in HR Excellence in Research at CU Charles University *========================================================================================= More information here [ URL "UKEN-1971.html "] *========================================================================================= * Who can receive the HR Excellence in Research award? *========================================================================================= The European Commission recognises with the 'HR Excellence in Research Award' the institut make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Chart based on a customized action plan/HR strategy. The European Charter Researchers & Code of the Recruitment of Researchers. [ URL ""] are tw addressed to researchers as well as research employers and funders in both the public and and key elements in the EU's policy to boost researchers' careers. They include a set of g and requirements that define the roles, responsibilities, and rights of researchers and th Based on these principles, research institutions across Europe implement their Human Resou Researchers (HRS4R [ URL ""] ).You can find a list that have been awarded and the latest figures on the implementation of the HR Strategy for Europe here [ URL ""] . Tento projekt je podpořen z operačního programu Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání v rámci projekt "Zkvalitnění strategického řízení na Univerzitě Karlově v oblasti lidských zdrojů ve VaV", CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006210. [ URL "