IFPU ****************************************************************************************** * INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES ****************************************************************************************** International Forum of Public Universities (IFPU) was created on October 11th, 2007. Limit twenty-five establishments, the Forum brings together public universities covering a vast contemporary knowledge, establishments that are recognized within their country for the im afford to research and their close ties to the development of society. The universities th the founding members are from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and North America. The o Forum will be located at Université de Montréal. The IFPU answers a need that is not being met by any existing university group. It brings limited number of public universities working in different languages and in developed and countries. The Forum also stands apart for its goals and its actions. In general, the Forum will prom expression of values that underlie the mission of public universities in an era of interna The Forum will assist in the creation of new models of cooperation in education, teaching According to common themes reflecting the issues faced by public universities, the Forum w education and research actions between establishments by calling upon the professor-resear establishments and their post-graduate students. More information: www.fiup-ifpu.umontreal.ca [ URL "http://www.fiup-ifpu.umontreal.ca"]