Coronavirus guidelines and information ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Charles University is closely monitoring developments regarding the potential spread of th coronavirus, following the latest reports and providing updates. If you have questions about the coronavirus epidemic, write to In the event that the situation escalates in the Czech Republic, Charles University will p instructions issued by the authorities. General recommendations The Czech Republic's Health Ministry has issued a set of basic guidelines in line with tho World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as the ECDC in Europe and the CDC in the United St Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Use hand sanitiser as disinfectant if coming into contact with anyone with respiratory ill Avoid crowded areas. Individuals suffering from respiratory illnesses should take care when blowing their nose, mouth when sneezing, using tissues and disposing of those in the wastebasket. Healthcare workers need to be diligent and protect themselves when treating others. Source: WHO, Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, ČT24 Where to find information Find the latest information in Czech and English about COVID-19 at the following websites: In Czech: Česká televize (online ČT24): [ URL "https://ct24.ceskatelevi specialy/3037207-koronavirus"] Česká televize (přehled ČT): pro-cesko-nabizime [ URL " smrtici-a-existuje-riziko-pro-cesko-nabizime"] On-line zpravodajství o koronaviru (ČRo): nemocnice_2002251345_tef [ URL " karantena-pacienti-nemocnice_2002251345_tef"] Doporučení k cestám do zahraničí (MZV): " In English: World Health Organisation (WHO): [ URL " q-a-coronaviruses "] Research information (WHO): ncov [ URL " coronavirus-2019-ncov "] The newest study of the coronavirus (Nature): [ URL "https://www.spr gp/researchers/campaigns/coronavirus"] Anti-hoax page (AFP): [ URL ""] Text: Václav Hájek Photo: Shutterstock