Rector’s Directive No. 12/2019 ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Title: To provide for the possibility to continue studies in an identi To implement: Sections 80 (5) and 81b (4) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulat Date of effect: 15 April 2019 ****************************************************************************************** * Rector’s Directive to provide for the possibility to continue studies in an identical or programme of study ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * Article 1 *========================================================================================= Under sections 80 (5) and 81b (4) of the Higher Education Act No. 111/1998 Sb., as amended Directive addresses organisational issues related to providing for the possibility to cont an identical or similar programme of study in the same faculty in the case of termination of a programme of study or withdrawal of the right to offer a programme of study within th institutional accreditation (“termination of accreditation”). *========================================================================================= * Article 2 *========================================================================================= 1.A faculty provides to students of a programme of study whose accreditation has been term persons whose study of the programme has been interrupted (“the students”) a possibility studies in a programme of study having identical or similar content to the programme of accreditation has been terminated (“the successor programme”). 2.The successor programme is determined by the Internal Evaluation Board of Charles Univer the same time as granting the right to offer the successor programme. *========================================================================================= * Article 3 *========================================================================================= 1.The faculty transfers the students to the successor programme. 2.The successor programme may contain a completion-of-study curriculum. The completion-of- is in terms of temporal and content sequence identical to the curriculum within the prog whose accreditation has been terminated. If the successor programme contains a completio curriculum, the students are assigned to this curriculum. *========================================================================================= * Article 4 *========================================================================================= Uninterrupted study For the below-listed purposes in particular, study in the programme of study whose accredi terminated and study in the successor programme is considered a single uninterrupted study a.Determination of the fee for longer study; b.Awarding of scholarship for outstanding academic achievement and doctoral bursary; c.Membership in the academic community and membership in the related bodies, providing it contradict the rules for the composition of such bodies; d.Assessment of study of subjects (including the study requirements for which the students and have not yet satisfied them and all attempts to pass the assessment of study of the final examination and its parts, state doctoral examination and defence of the dissertat e.Interruption of study and the overall period of study; f.Assignment of the topic of bachelor, diploma, or dissertation thesis; g.Determination of conditions of individual curriculum in the case of students of bachelor programmes of study; h.Assignment of supervisor, individual curriculum and its regular evaluation, and subjects and completed in the case of students of doctoral programmes of study; and i.Determination of the overall period of study. The entire study will be registered in the Study Information System of Charles University study, and the date on which the programme of study was changed will be recorded. The maxi study equals the maximum period of study in the programme that had the longer standard per *========================================================================================= * Article 5 *========================================================================================= 1.Details concerning the organisation of the transfer of students to the successor program stipulated in a dean’s directive. 2.The dean issues this directive usually no later than four months before the day when the is to be terminated. 3.The dean’s directive contains the identification of the successor programme and the prog whose accreditation is being terminated and the date of assignment of the students to th programme. *========================================================================================= * Article 6 *========================================================================================= Model Dean’s Directive under Article 5 forms Appendix No. 1 [ URL "UKEN-1412-version1-appe to this Rector’s Directive. *========================================================================================= * Article 7 *========================================================================================= This Rector’s Directive becomes effective on 15 April 2019. In Prague on 10 April 2019 prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA Rector