Rector’s Directive No. 21/2021 ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Title: Method of Submitting Applications for MSCA IF Projects at Charl Responsible unit: Department of Science and Research Effective date: 14 May 2021 ****************************************************************************************** * Method of Submitting Applications for MSCA IF Projects at Charles University ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * Article 1 - Introductory Provisions *========================================================================================= The aim of the Directive is to ensure the quality of applications for Marie Sklodowska-Cur Fellowships (hereinafter referred to as “MSCA IF”) in accordance with the Strategic Plan o University (hereinafter referred to as "CU") to increase their chances of success and to m academics and researchers at CU to actively seek out good early career stage researchers w for a MSCA IF at CU. The Directive also aims to set the rules for the submission of applic MSCA IF projects at CU in a way that will ensure poor quality applications are not submitt knowledge of the relevant department at the individual CU faculties and without the cooper Rectorate’s Department of Science and Research (hereinafter referred to as "DSR"). In case is successful, it is advisable for the CU Rectorate to consider financially remunerating t supervisor. *========================================================================================= * Article 2 - Application Procedure *========================================================================================= 1.All applications for MSCA IF projects with CU as the host organization must undergo an e by the relevant faculty and the DSR. The intent to submit a project proposal shall be co the supervisor or researcher no later than August 1 of the relevant year to ec(zavinac)c "ec(zavinac)"] . 2.The responsible DSR staff member handling MSCA IF projects must be listed as the contact application. 3.The full project proposal is to be sent electronically (ec(zavinac) [ MAIL "ec(zavinac)"] ) to the DSR two weeks before the deadline of the call at the late 4.All parts of the project application will be checked, and, if necessary, returned to the relevant comments for its incorporation in the text. *========================================================================================= * Article 3 - Final Provisions *========================================================================================= Unless the above conditions are met, the MSCA IF grant application cannot be submitted on University. This Rector’s Directive becomes effective on 14 May 2021. In Prague on 11 May 2021 prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA