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CU Sustainable development

Sustainable development at Charles University

Charles University has long supported strategies to deepen sustainable development activities. We programmatically join the UN 2015-2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) project. In line with the UN goals, we understand the term "sustainable development" in its complexity, and in addition to the environment, it also includes areas such as quality education, equal opportunities, health and quality of life, innovation and others. Therefore, an institution like Charles University has a lot to offer. At the same time, however, through education of the next generation and research, it also bears its responsibility for further development, both nationally and internationally.


Science and research

Third role



Green University



Sustainable development has a place in all faculties and units of Charles University and is intertwined with all its core roles and activities. In this regard, we place great emphasis on interdisciplinarity and, above all, on active cooperation across the University's units and departments, as well as with our partners from the academic, private, government and non-profit sectors. Thanks to internationalisation, we can link our education and research in this field with top institutes abroad.

The ambition of Charles University is to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in its primary roles, i.e. in education and research. However, we see the third role of universities as equally important, which is public service, such as participating in public debate, popularising research results and their transfer into practice. Given its size, however, Charles University must also meet its objectives in its own operations, from the functioning of the entire university to the level of individual students and staff.

Last change: July 4, 2024 12:07 
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