Application Deadlines ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Since we do not have rolling admissions, majority of our study programmes are open for adm January/early February. For exemptions, see below. Additional rounds of admissions or dead might happen, but we cannot guarantee it beforehand. Note, that no individual extension of your application deadline is possible. All forms mus time. Your application cannot be accepted after the closing date for any reason whatsoever ****************************************************************************************** * Degree programmes taught in English ****************************************************************************************** Application deadlines for Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes vary for each faculty (from F June/July). Always check the details in our catalogue [ URL " index.php?do=obory"] and the website of the chosen faculty [ URL "UKEN-999.html "] . For postgradual (doctoral) study programmes, the deadline is either April 30 (spring intak starting in October) or between September/December (winter intake for the "DSP II" program starting in March). ****************************************************************************************** * Degree programmes taught in Czech ****************************************************************************************** Application deadline for Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes is either February 28 or March the particular study programme. For postgradual (doctoral) study programmes, the deadline is either April 30 (spring intak starting in October) or between September/December (winter intake for the "DSP II" program starting in March).