Contact ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** PhDr. Kateřina Šámalová, Ph.D. Ombudsman Rektorate – Rector's Office Ovocný trh 560/5, 116 36 Praha 1 e-mail: [ URL ""] Mgr. Monika Čajko Eibicht, Ph.D. Ombudsman Office Coordinator Rektorate – Rector's Office Ovocný trh 560/5, 116 36 Praha 1 monika.cajko.eibicht(zavinac) [ MAIL "(zavinac)"] How to get to the ombudsman's office: The easiest way to access the office is from the street Celetná 20 in Old Town. Upon entering the building, proceed past the reception desk, where you can ask for directi assistance. To your left, there will be an elevator. Take the elevator to the 4th floor. Exit the elevator and proceed straight ahead towards the large window. You will see a wood your right. Ascend these stairs, then turn right again and take another smaller set of sta you'll find large glass doors in a wooden frame. Ring the bell labeled "Ombudsmanka" on th the doors. Please note: There are no regular consultation hours currently established. If you wish to submit a com ombudswoman, please contact us using the email address provided above.