Rector's Directive n. 17/24 ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Name: Strategy for the Evaluation of Creative Activities at Charles University To implement: - Lead office: Research Support Office Effect: 26 March 2024 ****************************************************************************************** * Strategy for the Evaluation of Creative Activities at Charles University for the period ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * *========================================================================================= *========================================================================================= * Part 1 FUNDAMENTAL PROVISIONS *========================================================================================= *========================================================================================= * Article 1 Introductory Provisions *========================================================================================= 1.In accordance with its aim, Charles University (hereinafter referred to as the“Universit continually to increase the quality of scientific and research activities, developmental activities, and artistic and other creative activities (hereinafter referred to as the “ activities”). 2.In order to support the development of a wide range of fields at the Faculties and highe institutes (hereinafter referred to as the “units”), to help them meet the level of inte standards according the the Strategic Plan of Charles University for 2021-2025, and to s position of the University as an important European research institution, the University the evaluation of creative activities (hereinafter referred to as the “evaluation”) in a Article 7 of the Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Ch (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”). 3.The evaluation also concerns an assessment of the progress in fulfilling the purposes of Programme for the support of science and research (hereinafter referred to as the “Coope Programme”) as set out in Article 6 of Rector’s Directive No. 22/2023, Principles of the Programme. *========================================================================================= * Article 2 Basic Principles and Definition of the Evaluation *========================================================================================= 1.The aim of the evaluation is to obtain correct and verifiable information through intern comparison with regard to the quality of the creative activities at the University and t basis of such information, recommendations for the future development of these activitie 2.The evaluation is carried out for a period which is defined by entire calendar years, sp the period from 2019 to 2023. 3.The evaluation is carried out in accordance with international activities relating to th evaluation of creative activities (internationally it is known as responsible research a described in Agreement on Reforming Research, to which the University is a signatory and of which is the aim of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), of which is a member. It is, therefore, based primarily on qualitative assessment and recognizes research activities. It is independent and transparent. 4.The unit of evaluation is research areas, according to the structure of the University C Programme (hereinafter referred to as the “research areas. 5.The course of the evaluation is governed by the schedule which forms Appendix No. 1 to t *========================================================================================= * Part 2 ORGANIZATION OF THE EVALUATION *========================================================================================= *========================================================================================= * Article 3 Creative Activities Evaluation Board *========================================================================================= 1.The Creative Activities Evaluation Board (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) is the governing the evaluation procedure. 2.The responsibilities of the Board are, in particular,: supervise the course of the evaluation from the point of view of compliance with it rules, and organization; notify, if necessary, the panelists of any deficiencies, in particular of any factu information, internal contradictions, or differences in requirements made in evaluatin individual research areas; decide on contentious issues; participate in On-Site Visits according to the conditions set out in Article 10 of carry out the calibration of evaluations proposed by the Panels, to prepare a Summa Report on a given research field, and to award the final grade on the basis of the gra provided in Appendix No. 2 to this Directive; and prepare the Summary Final Report and submit it to the Rector of the University acco 13 of this Directive. 3.The following provisions apply to the establishment of the Board: a.Its composition guarantees professional competence for evaluating research areas; b.Its members are eminent scientists working abroad; and c.The members are not in a conflict of interest with regard to the evaluated research ar (see Appendix No. 3 to this Directive). 4.The members of the Board are appointed and removed by the Rector of the University after discussion in the Research Board of the University. 5.The meetings of the Board are governed by the code of procedure which is approved by the 6.The first meeting of the Board is convened by the Rector of the University. 7.A meeting of the Board may be attended by a member of the Internal Evaluation Board of t who will be in the role of an observer. *========================================================================================= * Article 4 Expert Panels *========================================================================================= 1.The main executive component of the evaluation procedure are Expert Panels (hereinafter the “Panel”). The following Panels are established on the basis of the structure of the a.Humanities; b.Social Sciences; c.Medicine; and d.Natural Sciences. 2.The following provisions apply to the establishment of a Panel: a.The number of its members is derived from the number of research areas which fall with competence; b.Its members are eminent scientists working abroad; and c.Its members are not in a conflict of interest with regard to the evaluated research ar (see Appendix No. 3 to this Directive). 3.The chairpersons and deputy chairpersons of the Panels are appointed and removed by the University from among the members of the Board. 4.Other members of the Panels are appointed and removed by the Rector of the University. 5.The Internal Evaluation Board of the University nominates one member for every Panel who in the meetings of the Panel in the role of an observer. 6.The division of the research areas between the Panels corresponds to the internal classi University . 7.The Panels carry out the evaluation of the level of the research areas on the basis of t evaluation tools, in particular the Self-Evaluation Reports of the Research Areas (herei to as the “Self-Evaluation Reports”). 8.The evaluation of the level of the research areas by the individual Panels results in th of written assessments and a proposal for the overall grade for the given research area Article 11 of this Directive. These outputs are submitted to the Board and the Board of Area. *========================================================================================= * Article 5 Research Area Boards *========================================================================================= 1.The Research Area Board (hereinafter referred to as the “RA Board”) is responsible for t of the Self-Evaluation Report according to the form specified in Appendix No. 4 to this 2.The coordinator of the RA Board ensures the cooperation of its members from all units in given research area. 3.The members of the RA Board communicate with the management of the individual units whil Self-Evaluation Report. 4.The RA Board submits the Self-Evaluation Report for consideration to the research boards participating units or possibly to analogous bodies of these units and incorporates thei the text of the Self-Evaluation Report has been discussed, the RA Board presents the Sel Report for opinion and final approval to the Dean/director of the relevant unit. 5.The RA Board answers additional questions of the Panels regarding the Self-Evaluation Re 6.The RA Board participates in On-Site Visits with the members of the Board. *========================================================================================= * Article 6 Units *========================================================================================= 1.The units provide the cooperation necessary to ensure the course of the evaluation accor requirements set out in this Directive; in particular: a.They participate in ensuring that the information on the basis of which the evaluation is correct and complete; b.They cooperate with the RA Board in preparing the Self-Evaluation Report; and c.Their representatives participate in On-Site Visits with the members of the Board. 2.The units may submit motions to the Board regarding any non-compliance with the evaluati their violation. *========================================================================================= * Article 7 Administrative and Technical Support *========================================================================================= 1.Administrative and technical support for the evaluation on the University level is provi a.The Research Support Office of the Rectorate of the University (hereinafter referred t b.Analyses and Strategies Department of the Rectorate of the University (hereinafter ref “ASD”) c.Computer Science Centre of the University (hereinafter referred to as the “CSC”). 2.The RSO is responsible for: a.Providing guidance for the participants in the evaluation who include the Board member members, the RA Board members, and the representatives of the evaluated units; b.Providing facilities for the activities of the Board and the Panels; c.Preparing a document containing summary information and basic data on the University a Article 8 of this Directive; d.Providing support during the organization of On-Site Visits according to Article 10 of and e.Preparing contracts for cooperation with the members of the Board and the Panels. 3.The ASD is responsible for: a.Processing of bibliometric data given in a Self-Evaluation Report (see Appendix No. 5 Directive); and b.Processing of data for the calculation of the weights used for the purpose of converti the research areas to the units involved according to Appendix No. 6 to this Directive 4.The CSC is responsible for: a.Preparation of data for the creative activities indicators listed in the Self-Evaluati Appendix No. 5 to this Directive), b.Preparation of data for the calculation of the weights used for the purpose of convert of the research areas to the units involved according to Appendix No. 6 to this Direct c.Providing technical support for the units in recording data in the “Věda” information which are used in the course of the evaluation. *========================================================================================= * PART III EVALUATION TOOLS *========================================================================================= *========================================================================================= * Article 8 Summary Information and Basic Data of the University *========================================================================================= 1.Summary information and basic data of the University are presented to the evaluators in document which contains the following information and overviews: a.Basic information about the University; b.Organizational structure of the University; and c.Summary overviews: i.of the persons participating in creative activities; iiof the outputs of creative activities; iiof the basic financial indicators; and ivof the doctoral programmes of study and numbers of students and graduates of these p 2.This document is prepared on the level of the Rectorate of the University and presented and the Board. *========================================================================================= * Article 9 Self-Evaluation Report of a Research Area *========================================================================================= 1.The Self-Evaluation Report of the Research Area (hereinafter referred to as the “Self-Ev or “Report”) is prepared by the RA Board according to the template which forms Appendix Directive and with regard to the division of the research areas into the relevant catego to Appendix No. 7 to this Directive. 2.The Report is prepared in the English language. 3.The Report describes and provides a commentary on: a.The basic data of the given research area, i.e., its structure, cooperation within the publication structure, objectives in the field of creative activities, etc.; b.The staffing situation in the research area, with an emphasis on junior researchers an key persons; c.The outputs of the creative activities, including the listing of specific outputs and them; d.The financial means provided for the research area, including the listing of the most investigated grants and projects; e.The applied research and societal impact of creative activities in the given research the listing of the most important results, their impact, and application; f.The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks in the given research area; and g.The aim of further development of creative activities in the research area. 4.The Report includes key data indicators on which the RA Board provides a commentary. The are prepared according to the methodology set out in Appendix No. 5 to this Directive. 5.The Report is discussed by the research boards of the relevant units and approved by the of all units involved in the given research area before it is submitted to the RSO which the Panels. *========================================================================================= * Article 10 On-Site Visit *========================================================================================= 1.The Board organizes an On-Site Visit in order to complete the source documents necessary evaluation of the level of the research area. 2.An On-Site Visit is attended by the members of the Board sitting on the relevant Panel, the RA Board, and the representatives of each unit involved in the evaluated research ar by the observer sitting on the relevant Panel who is nominated by the Internal Evaluatio University according to Article 4 (5) of this Directive. 3.All information relating to an On-Site Visit, including the details and subject matter o is provided to the RA Boards and units by the Board sufficiently in advance, usually one the On-Site Visit is to take place. *========================================================================================= * Part IV EVALUATION OUTPUTS *========================================================================================= *========================================================================================= * Article 11 Written Assessments of the Research Areas *========================================================================================= 1.At least two written assessments are prepared for each research area, giving component g individual parts of the Self-Evaluation Report and summary grades, as well as at least t evaluations in the form of component and summary grades without written assessments. 2.The assessments are prepared by the assigned members of the Panel on the basis of their Self-Evaluation Report. 3.The assessments and grades are discussed by the Panel and an overall grade for the given is proposed on the basis thereof. The overall grade is based on the arithmetic mean of a grades proposed by the main and secondary panelists, excluding the single worst grade pr allowing a possible adjustment by one intermediate grade based on the Panel’s decision a (the grading scale and the grading range are described in Appendix No. 2 to this Directi 4.The assessments are prepared in the English language. 5.The assessments and grades are submitted to the Board and the RA Board prior to the On-S 6.Grades are awarded according to the grading scale which forms Appendix No. 2 to this Dir *========================================================================================= * Article 12 Summary Evaluation Report on a Research Area *========================================================================================= 1.The Board will prepare a Summary Evaluation Report on each research area evaluated. 2.The Summary Evaluation Report on each individual research area is based on the written a the panelists and on the discussion held during the On-Site Visit. 3.The Summary Evaluation Report on a given research area includes the final grade for the which, based on a justification, may be adjusted by the Board by one intermediate grade grade proposed by the Panel. 4.The Summary Evaluation Reports on the individual research areas form an appendix to the Report for the University as required by Article 13 of this Directive. *========================================================================================= * Article 13 Summary Final Report on the Evaluation of Creative Activities at the Universi *========================================================================================= 1.The Board will prepare a Summary Final Report on the Evaluation of Creative Activities a which will summarize the evaluation process and its main outputs. 2.The Summary Final Report on the Evaluation of Creative Activities at the University also recommendations for further development of creative activities at the University. 3.The Summary Final Report on the Evaluation of Creative Activities at the University is s Board to the Rector of the University, upon whose proposal it is further discussed by th Board of the University, the Research Board of the University, and the Internal Evaluati University. 4.The Summary Final Report on the Evaluation of Creative Activities at the University is m the members of the academic community after it has been discussed by the University bodi paragraph 3, and its main conclusions are published in the publicly accessible part of t website. 5.The evaluation results presented in the Summary Final Report on the Evaluation of Creati the University are used as sources for: a.The preparation of strategic documents; b.The development of fields and research areas; c.The internal governance of the University and its units; d.The preparation of programmes for the support of science in accordance with Article 7 the Rules e.Decision-making on the funding of creative activities from the resources of institutio f.Support for excellence; and, g.The development of the University’s educational activities. *========================================================================================= * Part V FINAL PROVISIONS *========================================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.The methodology set out in Appendix No. 6 will be followed for the conversion of the ove the research areas to the units involved. 2.The following appendices form an integral part of this Directive: a.Appendix No. 1 – Schedule of the Evaluation Process; b.Appendix No. 2 – Grading Scale for the Evaluation of a Research Area; c.Appendix No. 3 – Conflict of Interest of Participants in the Evaluation; d.Appendix No. 4 – Template for the Preparation of a Self-Evaluation Report; e.Appendix No. 5 – Methodological Rules for the Development of Creative Activities Indic f.Appendix No. 6 – Conversion of Research Area Grades to the Units Involved; and g.Appendix No. 7 – Division of the Research Areas into Categories. 3.The Internal Evaluation Board of Charles University gave its opinion on the draft of thi 28 February 2024 in accordance with the provision of Article 7 (19) of the Rules. 4.This Directive comes into force on the day of its signature and into effect on 26 March In Prague on 22 March 2024 .pdf for download [ URL "UKEN-2028-version1-or_v_aj_strategie_hodnoceni_vedy_2019_2023.pdf .doc for download [ URL "UKEN-2028-version1-or_v_aj_strategie_hodnoceni_vedy_2019_2023.doc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix No. 1 – Schedule of the Evaluation Process.doc [ URL "UKEN-2028-version1-appendix Appendix No. 2 – Grading Scale for the Evaluation of a Research Area.doc [ URL "UKEN-2028- appendix_2.docx"] Appendix No. 3 – Conflict of Interest of Participants in the Evaluation.doc [ URL "UKEN-20 appendix_3.docx"] Appendix No. 4 - Template for the Preparation of a Self-Evaluation Report.doc [ URL "UKEN- appendix_4.docx"] Appendix No. 5 – Methodological Rules for the Development of Creative Activities Indicator "UKEN-2028-version1-appendix_no_5.docx"] Appendix No. 6 – Conversion of Research Area Grades to the Units Involved.doc [ URL "UKEN- appendix_no_6.docx"] Appendix No. 7 – Division of the Research Areas into Categories.doc [ URL "UKEN-2028-versi appendix_no_7.docx"] Article 2 (1) of the Constitution of Charles University, as amended. Https:// Rector’s Directive No. 22/2023, Principles of the Cooperatio Programme. Https:// Rector’s Directive No. 22/2023, Principles of the Cooperatio Programme Part II of Rector’s Directive No. 40/2021, Registration of Creative Activities, Projects a Mobility at Charles University. Report discussed in Article 7 (9-16) of the Rules. Articles 7 to 10 of Rector’s Directive No. 22/2023, Principles of the Cooperatio Programme Ibid. Section 3 (3) (a) of Act No. 130/2002 Sb. to regulate support of research, experimental de innovations from public resources and to change other laws, as amended.