ÚDAUK Building ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The Institute of History of Charles University and Archives of Charles University is the o university archive in Central Europe and the largest university institute dedicated to res history of the university and higher education in general. The University Archives was est after the founding of the University in the mid-14th century and has been housed on the Ka for most of its existence. It currently uses a building on Ovocný trh in Prague 1, which w for archival purposes in the 1950s and 1960s, but most of the archival material is housed depository on the site of a former uranium mine in Lešetice near Příbram. The existing pre meet the demanding requirements for storing historically unique archival collections and d capacity to store new archival material. Therefore, Charles University is currently preparing the construction of a new building fo - Motol at the intersection of Plzeňská and Bucharova Streets, where a smaller campus is b used by the 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and the Czech Technical University. After several hundred years of its existence, the archive will leave Prague's Old Town, bu given adequate space for modern functioning, which will ensure the long-term protection of monuments and facilities for their research. The location of Prague - Motol is in the wide Prague, so despite its relocation from the historical seat of the University, the UDAUK wi accessible to the general public. The building will provide facilities for the research work of ÚDAUK and the public, storag archival materials and administrative space for staff. The lecture hall will be used for p of students of history and archives. The new data repository will be part of the UK Digita