Agáta Michalová ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * *========================================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Second-year student at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, majoring in Czech Language ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (21 years old) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agi was an absolutely extraordinary person. Whether as an amazing sister, daughter, friend anything else, because she managed to juggle a lot in her incredibly packed schedule. Her chaos, but Agi, being a true positive ball of nerves, held that chaos firmly in her reins She used order as a counterbalance in her life. Everything had to be neatly arranged, orga importantly, follow a plan. Yet she always found time for her family and friends, for whom anything. She could listen to anyone, provide support they needed, and help guide them bac path. You could never be bored with her—whether through her occasional clumsiness or humou brought a smile to her loved ones' faces. She loved to read in her tidy room. She could do this for hours on end, and no one was all her—otherwise, there would be trouble. She was relentless in encouraging everyone around h though not everyone appreciated it at the time. But Agi never gave up. Her love for litera Czech language led her to study at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. As she often thing I know from high school is Czech, so I'll study Czech.” Czech also briefly found its professional life, when, as a reporter, she roamed the streets of Prague in search of inte to write about. This work fulfilled her immensely, and she finally found her calling. Volleyball was also a big part of her life, having played it since childhood, and she cont school in České Budějovice, where the school's sports program allowed her to fully devote sport. Among her greatest achievements was being named to the top six in the Junior catego Grand Prix 2021, and in the same year, earning the title of Best Blocker at the 12th Grand Budějovice. She wasn’t just a player, though—she also coached young girls in volleyball. It's not easy to come to terms with Agáta’s passing. The world has lost a promising writer an amateur traveller, a lover of the colour yellow, tulips, and a companion whose kindness and determination will be practically impossible to replace. But at the very least, she wi inspiration to her closest ones, reminding them that nothing is impossible—you just need t properly! The Michal Family