University Research Centres (UNCE) - Annotations ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204001 - Primary Education Research Centre ****************************************************************************************** The Primary Education Research Centre focuses on building the foundations of education dur of compulsory schooling. Czech and international research in the last decade has shown a c deterioration in the performance of Czech students in both absolute and relative terms, es numeracy and reading literacy skills. The project conducted by the Centre uses a secondary data from Czech and international research with the aim of identifying cultural and social particular the characteristics of the education system, schools, teachers and students, wh students’ deteriorating performance. The collection and analysis of data focuses primarily connected with the teaching and learning of the Czech language and mathematics, the unders subject matter by students, and the development of cognitive and self-regulation/motivatio the acquisition of knowledge in these two key learning areas. The main benefit of the project conducted by the Centre is its transdisciplinary approach the processes of learning and teaching in the Czech primary school environment; this appro findings from pedagogy, psychology and subject-specific didactics. The research is based o of quantitative and qualitative approaches, including methods that are currently neglected scientific research (experimental methods). ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204002 - University Centre for the Study of Classical and Medieval Thought ****************************************************************************************** The members of the University Centre for the Study of Classical and Medieval Thought share it is of vital importance to study the Classical and Medieval epochs and to explore their heritage in contemporary society. This, of course, does not imply the loss of the ability between the present and the past. Neither do we propose doctrinism of any kind. It means b fact that the intellectual systems of the past represent an invaluable treasure; without k systems, we are unable to fully understand the present, including the twists and turns in of our modern identity. Such a reflexive approach towards our intellectual heritage requires a number of tasks whi holistic approach. The main aim of the project is therefore to create a framework within w methods and disciplines, often considered to be antithetical, may enter into fruitful disc philosophy and theology, patristic and scholastic studies, Medieval and Early Modern thoug and systematic disciplines, various doctrines and philological methods. Only by striving t approaches under a common framework can we speak of interdisciplinarity. So far the efforts at studying the intellectual heritage of Antiquity and Medieval times a University have been limited to small-scale teams. The present project therefore enables u the individual groups together within one research team, bringing together top researchers faculties (Faculty of Arts, Protestant Theological Faculty, Hussite Theological Faculty, F Humanities). ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204003 - Research of Socio-Geographical Inequalities and Risks in the Early 21st Ce ****************************************************************************************** This research project focuses on the analytical and synthetic assessment of the developmen of regional demographic, socio-economic and socio-cultural differentiation in society duri totalitarian and post-industrial transformation. The research also aims to identify key is mechanisms of socio-geographical inequalities in different regions, with emphasis on the a their social consequences, including identification of risks and potential problems. Based results, specific attention is directed towards policy implications and instruments affect and social disparities. Research is carried out on several key themes: 1) the development between society and its natural environment, 2) the process of globalization and its econo consequences, 3) the population reproduction process as well as internal and international The aim of the research team is focused on linking existing knowledge of the context-depen of socio-geographical changes with new theoretical and methodological approaches. The rese various hierarchical levels, including the municipal, regional, and national levels. The a research is enhanced by the application of both qualitative and quantitative research meth of modern, dynamically developing methods involving geographic information systems (GIS). the effective linkage of research activities on various themes. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204004 - Nature and Culture – Interaction of Cultural and Biological Evolution in a Interdisciplinary Perspective ****************************************************************************************** The mutual relations between biological and cultural evolution represent one of today’s mo issues in interdisciplinary scientific research, bringing together both social and biologi Many of the current theoretical models, together with a body of empirical data, suggest th processes are inseparable from the biological traits of their bearers, which could have be by different selection pressures over the course of evolution. It is possible that the pre culture, including complex social systems and symbolic language, have evolved as adaptatio biological evolution, as was the case with somatic traits. However, a notion that is also to these disciplines is that culture itself creates new selection pressures, which in many the human phenotype in significant ways and, in the long term, may change the human genoty According to this view, on the one hand human culture has arisen thanks to the biological specific cognitive and other mechanisms, whilst on the other hand human culture itself cre environment in which these mechanisms are selected. According to some theoretical models, between genetic and cultural processes may lead to varying developmental trajectories that significantly from trajectories predicted on the basis of, for example, population genetic project thus predominantly draws on current theories and empirical findings according to w part of human ecology. The main objective of the project is to interconnect the theoretical-historical perspectiv empirical approach in order to address the issue of biological and cultural coevolution. T historical-theoretical research is on the analysis of the general problem of the relations nature and culture. Specifically, it involves investigations of proto-evolutionary concept the Darwinian revolution1; in more general terms, it involves studies of interactions betw and science during the development of European thought2. Another research issue addressed is the conceptualization of cultural transmission in the form of discrete units from the v biosemiotics. The empirical part of the project addresses selected aspects of human appear eye colour)3, whose interpopulation variation may have arisen as a consequence of the mutu of biological and cultural processes4. Another intensively researched area is that of evol psychological processes, which may influence cultural variability. Specifically, this issu for instance, in terms of the phenomenon of body ornamentation or dance and singing from c perspective. Identifying the particular factors contributing to the intra- and inter-cultu intra- and inter-individual variability of presumably evolved characteristics may help cla interconnection of biological and cultural phenomena. 1 Hladký V, Kratochvíl Z, Kočandrle R (2012) Evoluce před Darwinem, Červený Kostelec: Pave pp. 2 Hladký V (2013) The Philosophy of Gemistos Plethon, Ashgate, 330 pp. 3 Kleisner K, Priplatova L, Frost P, Flegr J (2013) Trustworthy-Looking Face Meets Brown E e53285. 4 Komárek S (2012) Muž jako evoluční inovace? Academia, 264 pp. 5 Havlíček J & Roberts SC (2013). Perfume-body odor complex: An insightful model for cultu coevolution? In: Chemical Signals in Vertebrates XII (East, M.L. & Dehnhard, M. eds). Spri pp. 185-196. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204005 - Centre for Advanced Economic Studies (CAES) ****************************************************************************************** The main aim of the project is to further improve the quality of basic research in economi University and to intensify the cooperation between the workplaces engaged in economic res for Economic Research and Graduate Education (CERGE) and the Institute of Economic Studies Faculty of Social Studies. The primary research areas involved in this project are macroec and models, microeconomic theory and labour markets, and finance. Several of the junior re are involved in the Centre received their doctoral degrees at top universities abroad (e.g University, University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, London School of Economics) a experience of long-term research stays at top institutions (e.g. Institute of Technology, University, New York University). They have already published or begun to publish in leadi research journals and to cooperate with top universities abroad. The financial support of significantly by creating a more stable background for the most talented young economists Charles University and allows closer cooperation among senior and junior members of the pr The aim of this project is the production of high-quality studies published in prestigious journals, which will help to boost our cooperation with leading international universities internationally renowned academics to work at Charles University. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204006 - Research Centre for Human Rights ****************************************************************************************** One of the key paradigms of contemporary law (associated with the concept of the rule of l limitation of state power by its obligation to respect, protect and fulfill the fundamenta freedoms of individuals. Regardless of their philosophical foundations in natural law, hum now part of positive law (declarations or bills of rights) at the national (constitutional international levels. The influence of these declarations of human rights is currently gro to ensure the enforcement of fundamental rights come mainly from international and Europea and jurisprudence of constitutional and international courts. The dynamics in this field o are reflected in both its content and its structure. At the international level (but also the question of so-called new human rights is arising. At the national level, research foc relationship between the texts of human rights declarations and their interpretation and d jurisprudence. The project also offers a comparison of the approaches to human rights take states across legal cultures, both in the present and in the historical perspective. The Centre offers a platform for a collaborative research carried out by both junior and s professionals from various branches of law. It was established primarily to stimulate disc theoretical foundations and methods of research on human rights. Another important aspect exchange of views and opinions within the multidisciplinary team which consists of senior personnel and postgraduate students from various departments of the Faculty. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204007 - Centre for the Research of Collective Memory ****************************************************************************************** Collective memory is one of the constitutive features of human societies, related closely and historical identities. All societies remember, and the need for memory is enshrined in “Those who forget the past are bound to repeat its mistakes.” However, collective memory i edged sword. It can serve as protection and a safe haven - but it can also mobilize one co another. Collective memory has emerged as a significant topic in the social sciences due to the mas took place in the 20th century in many of our societies. The history of the study of memor names including Maurice Halbwachs, Jan Assmann, Paul Ricoeur, Pierre Nora, or Paul Connert Today’s scholarship approaches collective memory from the position of social constructivis memory a product of different social and mental worlds. Thus, memory is hard to grasp with one discipline – it is clearly an interdisciplinary field of research. In 2011, Charles University launched an initiative to gather together representatives of v disciplines (including area studies, history, linguistics, and sociology) who had already the topic of collective memory, and to create an interdisciplinary research cluster on col As a result of this effort a team was established, consisting of researchers from the Facu Faculty of Humanities, and the Faculty of Social Sciences. After successfully securing res the Centre for the Research of Collective Memory was established in 2012, and it has found home at the Institute of International Studies (part of the Faculty of Social Sciences). The Centre for the Research of Collective Memory focuses on conducting research and produc through various workshops, seminars and conferences. It aims to interrogate major discipli and explore areas of linkage and dialogue between theoretical and methodological concerns mentioned disciplines in order to establish fields of shared and feasible joint research. Hence, the Centre’s first discussions and seminars focused on the “exhibition“ of epistemo instruments from the disciplines already involved in the research of collective memory. Su topics (e.g. trauma) have been selected to map out particular disciplinary strengths and w well as highlighting elements shared by several fields of inquiry. In terms of organization, the Centre works on two parallel levels. The first one focuses o planning of seminars, workshops and conferences, and helps especially junior researchers p conferences organized outside of the Centre (see ( [ U"] ). The Centre’s second level involves the coordination of projects which aim to produce synergy among various research activities related to collect assisting junior scholars for whom the topic of collective memory is a major concern and a of their academic career. Finally, the Centre has established a community of knowledge to questions of research and scholarship. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204008 - Transcendence: Its Interpretation in Theology and Art ****************************************************************************************** The project aims at a formulation of hermeneutics in theology and visual art. Both theolog into religious faith) and art (as a particular interpretation of spiritual content, includ analysis) both necessarily deal with the phenomenon of transcendence. The research begins with an analysis of points of contact between theological reflection a creation. To achieve this aim, an interdisciplinary dialogue between theology, philosophy, history must be opened up in order to clarify some essential philosophical and theological as transcendence, inspiration, revelation, etc. Without such clarification, hermeneutics i is hardly conceivable. These aspects will therefore be theoretically considered in a range studies, and subsequently used in the interpretation of Charles IV and the artistic produc with him. The core of the project is the attempt to develop a hermeneutics of transcendence in theol Another key aim is its application to a range of specific topics. The project will also ma contribution by building a research team that is able to approach the issue from various p philosophy, theology, aesthetics, history, and art. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204009 - Centre for Phenomenological Research ****************************************************************************************** The Centre for Phenomenological Research was founded to act as a platform for a variety of researchers from different backgrounds, who are united by their long-term focus on the phe method. The research primarily addresses traditional topics in philosophy, e.g. the nature the hermeneutics of human existence, the constitution of meaning in speech, the philosophi time and space, etc. However, other research at the Centre focuses on logic, the history o natural sciences, aspects reaching beyond the boundaries of philosophy, literature or natu well as research reflecting upon the most recent development in contemporary philosophy bo overseas. The research team consists of scholars from the Faculty of Humanities, who have a long-ter focus (both in teaching and publications) on the field of phenomenological philosophy. Int connections to research institutions throughout the world are already in place from former involving the Centre’s members; the main aim of the Centre is to contribute through public conferences to contemporary discussion and debate on phenomenology and philosophy. The act Centre are also closely connected with the international Erasmus Mundus Master’s programme French Philosophy” (which involves key members of the Centre). The Centre will be active f Its Director is Aleš Novák, PhD ( ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204010 - Genetic, Pathophysiological and Epidemiological Aspects of Cardiovascular ****************************************************************************************** The main goal of this research project is to incorporate basic research into clinical rese field of cardiovascular diseases. The project as a whole will involve several separate pro interdisciplinary approach. Topics will include research in the field of atherosclerosis, epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, coronary artery disease, cardiogenetics, the role agents in cardiovascular disease, valve disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, catheter-base denervation and innovative therapies in cardiology. At the present time there are two rand recruiting patients to study the role of catheter-based renal denervation in resistant hyp role of new antiplatelet therapy in patients with myocardial infarction. Furthermore, seve registries and observational trials are currently underway. Some of the results have already been presented at international conferences and are expec published soon (results of the PRAGUE-19 registry – short-term outcomes in patients with i biodegradable stents in the setting of acute myocardial infarction). ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204011 - Centre for the Study of Rare Genetically Caused Diseases ****************************************************************************************** The Centre for the Study of Rare Genetically Caused Diseases investigates the molecular ba disorders - a group of over 8,000 diseases which, according to the WHO definition, affect person per 2,000 inhabitants. In the EU alone, this group comprises over 29 million patien serious health issues as well as socio-economic problems. However, the causal genes have b for less than one half of the known rare disorders. This area of research is characterized in diagnosis, limited knowledge of the molecular basis of the diseases, and thus limited t options. The Centre’s goal is to begin addressing these deficiencies. It employs 21 postdoctoral researchers (juniors), 15 PhD students, 3 senior researchers, a established researcher. The team’s work is focused on studying mitochondrial diseases, sel metabolic diseases, and inherited kidney and eye diseases. A combination of tools and meth taken from the areas of molecular genetics, biology, pathobiochemistry, structural biology models. The results will be used in the design of new types of biosensors, cell analysis m preparation of a new generation of molecular chaperones to address different aspects of th The findings of the Centre’s research are expected to improve our understanding of basic p processes in human cells and tissues with an anticipated impact on outcomes for improved d targeted therapy and prevention, mortality reduction, and possibly a reduction in morbidit who suffer from these rare disorders. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204012 - Leukocyte Development and Regulation in Childhood ****************************************************************************************** White blood cell homeostasis is essential for human life. Disrupting such homeostasis most hematological and immunological diseases. Malignant transformation of leukocytes gives ris Leukocytes undergo development, and especially in childhood the ratios of different leukoc well as their functional repertoire are subject to important changes. Among all childhood leukemias are the most prevalent. Over 75% of children with leukemia are saved by contempo treatment, owing to advances in anti-leukemic and supportive treatment coupled with precis There are several points of interest for this project with respect to the development and healthy leukocytes and their malignant counterparts: • The role of selected fusion genes in the rise and development of (pre)leukemic clones • Diversity of childhood acute leukemias and better characterization of their subtypes inc discovered by our team • New molecules characteristic for subtypes of childhood malignancies and a comparison of genes known to have links to leukemia formation • Pathogenesis of acute leukemia in relation to regulation of normal hematopoiesis • Resistance to treatment These points will be addressed using modern techniques, many of which will be co-developed The expected outcome of the project will be major insights into the regulation and develop leukocytes and their malignant transformation. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204013 - Mechanisms of Reprogramming of Complex Cellular Responses ****************************************************************************************** The Centre brings together researchers from the Faculty of Science and the 1st Faculty of with complex mechanisms of cell  behaviour at different levels and using different models. covers five main areas: (i) development of coordinated cellular  behaviour, (ii) control o of stem cells and induced pluripotent cells, (iii) environmental effects on complex cellul (iv) virus induced reprogramming of cell  behaviour, and (v) new mechanisms of coupled tra splicing. The Laboratory of Yeast Colony Biology studies molecular mechanisms of regulation and diff yeast colonies as primitive multicellular organisms. The research draws on recent findings metabolic similarities between colonies and tumour-affected organisms and the identificati mechanisms in colonies (important in yeast biofilm resistance). The Laboratory of Developm focuses on the migration and differentiation potential of testicular stem cells derived fr of the frog Xenopus tropicalis. The anticipated results could bring new insights into the of human germ pluripotent stem cells (GPSC). The Laboratory of Cellular Immunology deals w spatio-temporal  behaviour of antigen-presenting cells in the context of the whole immune tool is genetically altered mice, enabling in vivo and in situ observations of cellular tr such as the establishment of micro-chimerism between mother and foetus and vice versa. The of Medicine Research Team investigates human tumours which are composed not only of cancer also of stromal elements participating in the control of the biological properties of canc as local aggressiveness and metastasis. Molecular mechanisms of the interaction of cancer stromal cells are studied as a theoretical basis for new therapeutic approaches. The Labor studies interactions among the structural proteins (and virions) of polyomaviruses with ce and other cell structures during different stages of viral infection. Another area of rese Laboratory is the development of nanostructures derived from polyomaviral capsids for util diagnostics and therapy. Research at the Laboratory of RNA Biochemistry focuses on the rol binding proteins in the control of translation initiation in eukaryotes and their viruses. the Laboratory of Gene Expression Regulation focuses on the interplay between the status o one hand, and transcription and splicing on the other. The Laboratory is mapping both gene interactions of the splicing factor Prp45p and proteins influencing chromatin status in ye The Centre is aiming to achieve application outputs in the fields of regenerative medicine influencing of tumour cell behaviour, to improve understanding of viral pathogenesis, and antiviral therapies and new methods of treatment for mycoses. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204014 - MathMAC - University Centre for Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis a Mathematics ****************************************************************************************** The mission of MathMAC is the systematic and creative usage of mathematics as the language social sciences. The guiding idea of the Centre is the search for interesting mathematical the application of state-of-the-art mathematical tools in applied sciences such as materia Newtonian fluids, non-linear solids), geophysics, biophysics and medicine. The members of the applied sciences as an unlimited source of challenging mathematical problems that can development of pure mathematics; they will also cooperate with applied scientists on the a latest mathematical techniques to real-world problems. The members of the Centre strive to develop mathematically rigorous descriptions of natura on all levels of mathematical modelling – the development of a mathematical model, the stu mathematical properties, the design of suitable numerical methods, and finally computer si Successful description of natural phenomena requires excellence on all levels; for this re is composed of top researchers working in mathematical modelling, mathematical analysis an mathematics. The Centre focuses particularly on research in continuum mechanics and thermo the theory of partial differential equations, and numerical analysis with a special intere computations. Research also focuses on related concepts in the realm of pure mathematics, theory of function spaces. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204015 - University Centre for the Study of Energetic Metabolism ****************************************************************************************** The project focuses on basic research in the field of energetic metabolism. It draws on pr successfully completed research projects and integrates several research groups in order t human and technical resources to their full capacity. The project addresses the following causes of beta cell dysfunction and beta cell apoptosis, ER stress and obesity as inductor cell dysfunction, the influence of different factors on mitochondrial dysfunction, nutriti factors in the pathogenesis of cell damage, energetic metabolism of people with diabetes m and MODY diabetes, determination of epigenetic changes in genes involved in growth and met and its connection with metabolic diseases, and the role of iron metabolism and iron trans regulation of energetic metabolism. The context of the project covers important fields of applied research including the early atherosclerosis, muscle atrophy, insulin resistance and pathogenesis of diabetes; other re the role of metabolism in relation to cancers. The UNCE project represents one of theoretical bases for the Centre for Diabetes, Metaboli Research which has been operating at the Faculty for several years. The Centre also collab another project (PRVOUK - "Initial Stages of Diabetes Mellitus, Metabolic and Nutritional Thanks to the UNCE project, several research laboratories have undergone modernization. Th also resulted in significant publication outputs (twelve papers in top international journ first four months of 2013), as well as supporting the continuing education and training of students. The topics of seminars regularly organized by the Centre are often closely relat areas of research carried out within the UNCE project. One of the practical outcomes of the UNCE project involves preventive medicine and hygiene preparation of materials to various specifications and a range of public health promotiona related to nutrition. The project creates conditions enabling researchers to address complex problems related to issues with application in clinical research, disease prevention, and training at undergra graduate levels. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204016 - Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics ****************************************************************************************** The Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics integrates working groups and researchers involved in research at all levels, from genetic diversity in populations to distribution patterns at scale. The problems studied range from evolution-oriented research (focusing e.g. on facto intraspecific genetic and phenotypic diversity, patterns and processes of speciation, or i interspecific hybridization) to ecologically-oriented studies of community composition and affecting it, macroecological approaches to the evolution of diversity at continental and and recent changes of biodiversity due to climate change, biological invasions, and variou factors. The research topics thus range from those of general relevance to applied topics conservation and management of natural resources. The teams involved in the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics are drawn from four departments of Science (Botany, Ecology, Zoology, and the Institute for Environmental Studies) and fro Theoretical Study. These specialists have already established international reputations; t similar questions on different model organisms, and they offer complementary expertise. Th the project are to support the excellent junior members of the teams and to further integr the biodiversity research at all departments involved. We benefit from modern laboratory a methods, intensive involvement of undergraduate and doctoral students in the projects, and international collaboration. Many of the projects are conducted not only in European countries but also in overseas reg Antarctica, African and South American mountain regions, Southeast Asia, Southern Africa, ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204017 - Molecular Mechanisms of the Host-Parasite Relationship and New Strategies Parasitic Infections ****************************************************************************************** The project "Molecular Mechanisms of the Host-Parasite Relationship and New Strategies for Parasitic Infections" brings together the most experienced teams in the fields of human an parasitology at Charles University. In the past, these teams participated in several signi including the Centre for Basic Research (Ministry of Education) and the Research Programme of Education); the Charles University UNCE project will enable the teams to extend and fur their previous activities. The project builds on cooperation among three teams at the Facu Science and a team from the Institute of Immunology and Microbiology at the 1st Faculty of The aim of the project is to establish a centre for molecular and biochemical parasitology allows researchers to combine established knowledge in the field of parasite biology (livi morphology, immunopathology) and modern approaches of molecular biology, biochemistry and outstanding results achieved by the teams are documented by over 250 research papers that international impact factor journals since 2006. The research will be focused on three groups of parasitic organisms: (i) parasitic protist helminths, and (iii) blood-feeding insects. A common theme is the study of host-parasite i with the aim of uncovering unique functions/molecules of the parasites as potential target antiparasitic strategies. The research plan includes the investigation of the molecular me by the parasites for penetration into the hosts; the parasites’ adaptations to the host en the strategies used by parasites to acquire host nutrients; molecular mechanisms of pathog modulation of the host immune system. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204018 - Supramolecular Chemistry ****************************************************************************************** Supramolecular chemistry is based on the formation of "supermolecules" in which the indivi are bound by non-covalent interactions. Non-covalent interactions are weaker than the clas bonds, which offers a large field for the development of dynamic systems. The Centre will development of new supramolecular materials (constitution-dynamic conjugated polymers for optoelectronics, photovoltaics and non-linear optics), supramolecular systems for applicat (tomographic and magneto-optic imaging techniques, radiodiagnostics and radiotherapy), sup sensors (selective separation and detection of biomolecules and other materials), and cata situ generated supramolecules. The Centre brings together experts from different chemical disciplines, enabling the synth preparation of different supramolecular systems and their investigation using a large numb spectroscopic, electrochemical and other analytic methods, as well as a theoretical treatm methods of computational chemistry. The interconnection of all these approaches will lead improvement of our knowledge about the given systems and the introduction of rational desi materials. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204019 - Centre for the Study of Toxic and Protective Effects of Drugs on the Cardi ****************************************************************************************** Cardiovascular toxicity of drugs is among the most important complications of modern pharm Numerous drugs have an off-target potential to damage the heart and blood vessels; however important problem has been associated with anticancer chemotherapy. Main objectives of the Research Centre 1.Research of molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular toxicity of both established and new 2.Study of the possibilities for protection of the heart using established and newly synth including structure-activity and pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic relationships, effects effectiveness and advanced drug delivery methods 3.Study of vascular protection and development of new drugs with vascular-targeted photody This Centre is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach, ranging from the rational de synthesis of potential drugs, through the assessment of their therapeutic effects using in vivo experiments and determinations of safety/toxicity, to the analysis of their pharmacok research team is composed of 20 researchers (senior faculty staff and post-doctoral resear the same number of PhD and Master’s students from 7 departments of the Faculties of Pharma in Hradec Králové. This project therefore aims to bring together complementary skills, kno resources in new ways in order to jointly address the research problems. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204020 - Research of the Earth and the Universe by Methods of Theoretical, Computer Physics ****************************************************************************************** The project combines the efforts of six groups working at different physics departments of of Mathematics and Physics. Its objective is to carry out basic research into the structur of matter, fields and energy transfer in geophysical, astrophysical and planetary systems. contribute to a better understanding of the processes in the Earth and its atmosphere, inc affected by human activity; to study the dynamics of asteroids, solar wind and magnetic fi plasma in the solar system; to carry out research of astrophysical systems, both classical and those whose strong gravitational field requires the application of the general theory (in particular neutron stars and black holes); and finally to research cosmic radiation an particle processes, which are of key importance in the physics of supernovae in the early This proposal involves the use of (and linkages between) various techniques, ranging from mathematical approaches, through computer modelling and numerical simulation, to observati experiments using modern technologies. The project will be implemented in cooperation with a number of top international scientif universities. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204021 - Experimental Pathology: Genetic Manipulation of Stem Cells ****************************************************************************************** The project is run by the Institute of Pathological Physiology at the 1st Faculty of Medic researchers and professors (senior researchers), together with thirteen post-docs (junior are involved, plus several graduate students and technical staff. The project addresses re cells and tumour cells using highly sophisticated animal models. We aim to study the molecular mechanisms through which hematopoietic stem cells are able t themselves into various types of blood cells with definite functions (red blood cells, pla cells of the immune system). Differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells at the molecular as a highly coordinated process of switching on and off genes encoding specific cellular f process is driven by molecules, such as transcription factors, enzymes changing the spatia DNA strand around the nucleosome, or molecules known as microRNAs with the function of bro gene expression. The project aims to study the function of these molecules in the developm cell types using experimental murine models. We also aim to study the specific self-renewa of hematopoietic stem cells, the role of the bone marrow microenvironment in their product mechanisms by which the cells ensure the regeneration following chemo- or radiotherapy. We aim to translate our data and develop a preclinical model of aggressive lymphoma. The m based on xenotransplantation of human tumour cells into immunodeficient mice. The model is to characterize the infiltration and spreading of cancer cells in various organs in mice; the role of adhesion molecules and tumour cell receptors in lymphoma attachment, growth, p neovascularization; and to compare the gene expression of tumour cells grown in culture wi in vivo. A major outcome of the project is a series of publications in recognized scientific journa also presented at specialized research conferences abroad and within the Czech Republic, a symposium organized by the lab (G3, [ URL " and senior researchers are also involved in teaching. Both scientific and teaching backgro the career growth of highly educated and experienced academic professionals. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204022 - Chromatin Structure, Organization and Dynamics ****************************************************************************************** This project is focused on a highly competitive field of biomedicine – chromatin. The stru organization and dynamics of chromatin determine genome function. The  behaviour, metaboli every cell depends on chromatin structure and function. The project draws on the most recent research findings and involves the study of gene expr mechanisms from the nucleosome level to the spatial distribution of chromosome territories The project will focus particularly on the structure of the nucleosome, the organization o gene silencing, ribosomal DNA transcription and synthesis, RNA posttranscriptional modific prion-chromatin interactions, chromatin structure during embryogenesis, and the influence structure on nuclear receptors. Mammalian and human cell lines, cells from selected clinic model organisms will be employed for this purpose. In addition to genetic, biochemical, and molecular approaches, researchers will utilize st art microscopy methods including live cell imaging, super-resolution microscopy, cryo-elec of vitrified samples, electron tomography, single particle analysis, and correlative light microscopy. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204023 - Physics of Condensed Matter and Functional Materials ****************************************************************************************** The project includes three main topics: basic research in solid-state physics, the develop experimental methods, and functional materials. The first topic concerns collective and co phenomena in solids, namely magnetism and superconductivity of selected alloys and multife as well as quantum effects and superfluidity of liquid He. The second topic involves the d advanced experimental methods, namely nuclear magnetic resonance methods for the study of electronic and magnetic structure of solids and its dynamic  behaviour. Research within th includes the development of methods of positron annihilation spectroscopy, which are used point defects in crystalline materials, and advanced x-ray scattering methods applied in t of nanocrystalline materials and epitaxial layers. The third topic will involve the develo materials for catalytic convertors and fuel cells, as well as new functional metallic allo The project team will include 18 junior researchers, approx. 15 senior researchers and app students from four departments of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204024 - Modern Diagnostic Methods in Treatment Tailoring and Morbidity Reduction i ****************************************************************************************** The main aim of this project is to establish a multidisciplinary university research diagn The Centre is engaged in the research of new diagnostic methods focusing on better individ treatment and reducing long-term morbidity of patients in several fields in gynecology. It clinically-oriented of all the University centres, aiming to transform the results of clin into routine clinical practice. The main objective is to combine the expertise and inventions of several teams in oncogyne urogynecology and endoscopy with other diagnostic fields - pathology and radiology. The Ce three groups of gynecologic patients: women with gynecological malignant tumors, women wit and women with pelvic floor disorders. In the field of oncogynecology, the project focuses on the use of ultrasound, magnetic res and positron emission tomography in the clinical staging of cervical, endometrial and ovar combination with histopathology examination. The complex and detailed pre-treatment evalua the individual tailoring of treatments in operable stages (different radicality of paramet fertility sparing treatment - radical or simple trachelectomy, nerve-sparing surgery, surg neoadjuvant chemotherapy; laterally differentiated radicality of parametrial resection, pr optimal debulking) and its optimal combination with other treatment modalities. The endoscopic part of the project aims to discover new approaches to the individualizatio treatment in patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE), which is associated with impact on quality of life. An important part of the management of this condition is an ade preoperative evaluation, which is a key prerequisite for tailoring the treatment, choosing modality, lowering the risk of intraoperative and postoperative morbidity, and optimizing outcomes. Another fields of interest are hyperandrogenic syndrome, implementation of new d criteria, and the role of hormonal and surgical interventions in treatment of symptoms and long term complications. Urogynecology group focuses on two key areas - pelvic organ prolapse and dysfunction of th tract after the treatment of gynecological malignant tumors. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204025 - Innovative Technologies for the Identification and Optimization of the New Anti-Cancer Drugs ****************************************************************************************** The team (consisting of seven senior and sixteen junior researchers) is composed of member Department of Biochemistry, the Department of Analytical Chemistry, and the Department of Macromolecular Chemistry. Research focuses on key aspects of tumour recognition and elimin cancer or immunomodulatory drugs have been identified, discovered, and optimized based on of their biochemical or immunological mechanisms. The research team consists of three distinct yet closely co-operating groups addressing th topics: (i) the structure and function of biotransformation enzymes (cytochrome P450, memb reductases, conjugation enzymes), their cell topology and involvement in molecular carcino drug metabolism (investigation of the molecular mechanisms of antitumour drug action in de development, examination of the effect of genotoxic stress on tumour development), (ii) pr structural biochemistry, and therapeutic applications of soluble forms of immune-cell rece proteomics and glycoproteomics (structural-functional analysis of protein/carbohydrate moi biosynthesis of secondary plant metabolites with anti-cancer effects, structural and funct of anti-tumour plant metabolites and their modification by chemosynthesis. The research fi project have recently been published in prestigious scientific or medical journals includi Chemistry, Journal of Immunology, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Toxicology, Current Chemistry, Cancer Research, and Carcinogenesis. The detailed knowledge of molecular mechanisms of cancer cell recognition by the immune sy with biochemical, structural-functional, toxicological and immunological findings, enable the next generation of anti-cancer drugs with high efficiency against a broad spectrum of active even in low doses, thereby causing minor negative side effects to weakened and immu patients suffering from cancer. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204026 - Centre for the Study of Drugs and other Biologically Active Substances fro of the Prevention and Treatment of Important Lifestyle Diseases ****************************************************************************************** The aim of the project is to study newly used drugs in clinical medicine as well as biolog substances of natural origin from the perspective of the prevention and treatment of impor diseases, especially cardiovascular and oncological diseases and degenerative diseases ass human ageing. The project involves studying the influence of significant biological markers in the early of these diseases along with the identification of new potential biomarkers and the isolat identification of new enzymes as potential targets for the inhibition associated with the these diseases. An integral part of the project is the isolation and identification of new of natural origin, especially those with anti-oxidation activity in relation to the preven cardiovascular and oncological diseases. This multi-disciplinary project focuses strongly on the work of young researchers (junior creating linkages between their work and that of experienced, extensively published resear researchers) from several departments at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové who spe prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases. Detailed information can be found at [ URL "http:/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204027 - Centre for Modern Computer Science ****************************************************************************************** The Centre for Modern Computer Science focuses on top-level research in theoretical comput with motivation from and impact into certain applied areas. Current computer science needs new challenges arising from extremely large data sets, huge software and web systems, etc. methods in this new research area are often based also on new theoretical results. In turn questions motivated by massive systems and data sets are an important motivation of new th research. ****************************************************************************************** * UNCE 204028 - Peace Research Center Prague ****************************************************************************************** This inter-faculty project establishes a new interdisciplinary research center in the trad continental Peace Research. It brings together scholars with expertise in International Re Studies, History, Law, Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, and Social Psychology. The Cent main aims: first, to advance theoretical and empirical knowledge in peace and conflict stu build a permanent platform for collaborative interdisciplinary research at Charles Univers provide an opportunity for junior scholars to develop their academic career. The joint focus of the Centre is on the prevention, management, and transformation of conf issue-areas: Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament; Frozen Conflicts; and Power Shifts The team treats these areas separately in individual research groups but also explore poss between them in joint collaborative forums. To fulfill all objectives with the highest aca and the best practices of project management, the research is supervised by Prof. Harald M time director of Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. You can find more at [ URL ""]