Endogenous geodynamics in Geology ****************************************************************************************** * Endogenous geodynamics in Geology ****************************************************************************************** The research group focuses on Petrology, mineral transformation and deformation in the Lit model the pressure and temperature conditions of magma crystallization and metamorphism in principle of thermodynamic equilibrium are used. The research further includes numeric mod understand formation of igneous textures and their rheological implication, evolution of s of fluid phases and their interaction in the subduction environments and finally their sig geochemical cycles in the convergence boundaries. The microstructures and interaction of m rocks, the emplacement of magma in the crust and large scale tectonic processes are also i In this direction it includes various geodynamic environments, like the Bohemian Massif wi rocks, the Alpine orogenic belt, known for its thrust?nappe system (Western Carpathians, E Collisional belt with thickened and double continental crust (Hindu Kush and Himalaya) and Variscan Belt with multiple orogenic processes. ****************************************************************************************** * Selected outputs ****************************************************************************************** • Dolejš D. 2013. Thermodynamics of aqueous species at high temperatures and pressures: eq and transport theory. - Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 76, 35-79. • Faryad, S. W., Jedlička, R., Ettinger, K. 2013. Subduction of lithospheric upper mantle solid phase inclusions and compositional zoning in garnet: example from the Bohemian Mas Research, 23, 3, 944-955. • Lexa, O., Schulmann, K., Janoušek, V., Štípská, P., Guy, A. & Racek, M., 2011. Heat sour mechanisms of exhumation of HP granulites in Variscan orogenic root, Journal of Metamorp 1, 79-102. • Jeřábek, P., Lexa, O., Schulmann, K., Plašienka, D. 2012. Inverse ductile thinning via l flow and fold-induced doming in the West Carpathian Eo-Alpine collisional wedge. Tectoni doi:10.1029/2012TC003097.