Rector's Directive No. 34/2017 ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Effective as of: 1 September 2017 ****************************************************************************************** * Charles University Computer Network Rules ****************************************************************************************** In this regulation, Charles University lays down the terms and conditions of access to the University Computer Network, binding rules for the use of the Network and its services as for administration and operation of the Network and services provided by the Charles Unive Network. ****************************************************************************************** * Part A. Rules for Charles University Computer Network Users ****************************************************************************************** Charles University (hereinafter referred to as “CU”) hereby stipulates the terms and condi to the Charles University Computer Network, as well as the binding rules for the use of th its services. *========================================================================================= * I. Definitions of Terms Used *========================================================================================= 1.The Charles University Computer Network (hereinafter the “CU Computer Network”) means a information and communications technology devices (hereinafter “ICT”), including (but no cabling, network elements, servers, computers, mobile devices and other specialised comp devices enabling users access to services provided. The CU Computer Network may be furth individual parts may be administered by different operators. 2.CU Computer Network User means any person that uses the CU Computer Network, any devices thereto or services provided within this Computer Network. 3.CU Computer Network Service means a service provided to CU Computer Network Users via IC 4.Central Authentication Service (hereinafter the “CAS”) is a central service of the CU Co run by the Computer Science Centre (hereinafter the “CSC”) which serves to verify the id via usernames and passwords to enable them access to other services. 5.User Account means a User identification and verification mechanism (authentication). Th permits the User to access the CU Computer Network and services provided. 6.If not provided for otherwise, an Operator of a part of the Network (hereinafter the “Op a faculty or another CU unit that has established the given part of the Network or has b to operate that part of the Network on the basis of an internal regulation or a contract is entitled to lay down other User rules for the given part of the Network or services w are not in conflict with these Rules or the CU Computer Network Operation Rules. If the the workplace requires so, the Operator shall issue operating rules for the workplace in shall comply with this regulation. 7.Administrator means a natural or legal person (or their organisational unit) that has be the Operator to conduct activities related to the administration of the operated system, Network or a service. 8.Security Incident means an event that may lead to the violation of confidentiality, inte accessibility or non-repudiation of information or services provided within the frame of Network. A Security Incident shall also mean an event recorded in the CU Computer Networ thereby which has or may have a negative impact on the operation of a part of the Networ provided or which has a negative impact on other persons, operation of other networks or 9.CSIRT-CUNI (Computer Security Incident Response Team) means a security team whose main t receive information on Security Incidents related to the CU Computer Network, their solu co-ordination of solutions in co-operation with Operators of a part of the CU Computer N Administrators and Users. In organisational terms, CSIRT-CUNI is run by the Computer Sci (hereinafter the “CSC”). *========================================================================================= * II. Basic Principles of CU Computer Network Use *========================================================================================= 1.The CU Computer Network and the services related thereto may only be used in compliance mission and activities stated in the CU Statutes, and in the CU trade licences. 2.Users are allowed to connect ICT components, such as computers, notebooks and other mobi the CU Computer Network, solely at designated places and by means designed for the purpo 3.Users are not allowed to: a.Connect communications devices (routers, switches, etc.) or entire networks to the CU without the prior consent of the relevant Administrator b.Install and operate, without an Administrator’s consent, any software that excessively Computer Network, servers, or other ICT components, if relevant c.Install, copy or publicly communicate any works, software, databases and other results creative work that are subject to intellectual property rights (in particular copyrigh Protection Act and Protection of Classified Information Act) via the CU Computer Netwo relevant authorisation d.Modify software, data or technical equipment owned or used by CU without the relevant (e.g. any computer configuration that would affect the operation of the Network or a s e.Damage or destroy ICT devices (computers, software, communication lines) in the owners f.Ensure access to the Network and other services of the CU Computer Network to other le natural persons g.Use false identity or misuse the negligence of other Users to access data and informat people h.Use such software that permits unauthorised use of another person’s User Account i.Attempt to obtain access rights to which they are not entitled (should the User gain s mistake resulting from the erroneous operation of software or technical equipment, s/h notify the Administrator or CSIRT-CUNI thereof without undue delay) j.Develop or use programmes facilitating activities specified in paras d) to i), unless the scope of their study or work duties (this, however, requires an explicit written c Operator) k.Use CU computer devices for activities specified in paras d) to i) against any other o whose computer tools are accessible through the CU Computer Network l.Use services of the CU Computer Network to disseminate commercial information, for adv purposes, political or religious campaigning, or spreading information that is in cont legislation, internal regulations and internal CU standards, ethical or moral rules or that could be detrimental to the CU reputation (activities conducted within the scope activities organised by CU are not considered to be the dissemination of commercial in information for advertising purposes) m.Disturb other Users by sending spam through the CU Computer Network or its services n.Overburden the Network infrastructure and services available and thus restrict other U use of ICT and services. *========================================================================================= * III. User’s Rights and Obligations *========================================================================================= 1.The basic right of a User who is a student or employee of CU is the right to obtain a Us access the CU Central Authentication Service. 2.The User is authorised to use the CU Computer Network for commercial purposes solely in with Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions, as amended, and with the supplementary activities. 3.Users are obliged to: a.Familiarise themselves with the method of and rules for the use of CU Computer Network during their first connection to the Network b.Respect any additional rules or operational rules applicable to the use of devices, se premises issued by individual Operators of parts of the CU Computer Network c.Co-operate in the process of establishment and modification of their User Account d.Respect the instructions of the Administrator and other persons authorised by the Admi and upon request prove their identity (CU identification card, study record book, nati passport, etc.) e.Protect their User Account by password or other technical means developed for that pur also obligated to minimise the opportunities for the User’s Account misuse f.Respect the protection of copyrights and other intellectual property rights, personal information g.Notify CSIRT-CUNI, without undue delay, of any breach of the aforementioned rules, in they suspect that any of the ICT tools or services of the CU Computer Network have bee misused or personal access data has been disclosed. 4.Users are liable for the data and ICT components administered by them (Users are fully l potential consequences arising from their conduct, including liability for damage). *========================================================================================= * IV. Other Provisions *========================================================================================= The User hereby confirms and agrees unconditionally with the following: 1.The CSC and Operators have the right to store information on the operation and services CU Computer Network for administrative, operational, statistical, monitoring and securit 2.The CSC and Operators undertake to ensure that all information obtained in the process o registration or User Account establishment is protected within the meaning of Act No. 10 Personal Data Protection, as amended. CU is entitled to communicate the data provided by enforcement authorities for their purposes in compliance with the applicable legislation 3.In the event of substantiated suspicion of breach of Czech legal regulations or these Ru Operators are entitled to temporarily restrict the access of the User to the CU Computer part or selected services, if applicable. 4.In the event of reasonable suspicion of misuse of a User Account or device by another pe and Operators are entitled to immediately block the User Account (including a CAS accoun Accounts necessary for the fulfilment of study or work duties) or disconnect such device Network and services. CU is obliged to inform the User immediately thereof using the con stored for the purposes of the User Account in question or the registered device. 5.In the event of provable violation of these Rules by the User or in the event of a Secur caused by the User, the CSC and Operators are entitled to permanently disable the User’s CU Computer Network or its part and selected services, if applicable. 6.In order to adhere to the obligations laid down in Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain In Society Services, as amended, the CSC, Operators and Administrators are entitled, in the learn about the existence of User files, parts of files or other information that are of nature, to immediately delete such information, take all reasonable steps to eliminate s or make it inaccessible or secure such information for the purposes of criminal proceedi The User hereby confirms and consents to the fact that the CSC, Operators and Administra be liable for any direct or indirect damage or other harm that has occurred or may have User due to the aforementioned steps. 7.In the event of breach of these Rules by any User, the CSC or Operators may, in complian applicable national legislation and international treaties by which the CR is bound, als measures not mentioned above. 8.The CSC and Operators do not guarantee the User in any way the uninterrupted operation o Computer Network or its services, their accessibility or quality. 9.In compliance with the general civil and criminal liability of the User pursuant to the provisions of the generally binding legislation, CU shall be entitled to damages should the obligations laid down herein. *========================================================================================= * V. Final Provisions *========================================================================================= 1.These Rules become binding on the User as soon as s/he expresses his/her consent to the Charles University Computer Network Users” document. The Rules are binding for the User period of use of the CU Computer Network or its services. These Rules as well as other r are accessible at [ URL ""] . 2.By clicking “I agree to the Rules” or by signing the record enclosed to these Rules, the that s/he has read the document (“Rules for Charles University Computer Network Users”), the information contained therein and expresses his/her full consent. The User also conf has not given his/her consent to the Rules under pressure and that it has been an act of will. 3.By clicking “I agree to personal data processing” or by signing the record enclosed to t User confirms that s/he agrees to the processing of the personal data provided in connec establishment of access to the CU Computer Network or use of its services. This personal and administered pursuant to the “Processing of Personal Data of Students, Applicants, E Other Persons at Charles University” regulation, as amended. ****************************************************************************************** * Part B. CU Computer Network Operation Rules ****************************************************************************************** Charles University hereby lays down the rules for the administration and operation of the services provided by the Charles University Computer Network. *========================================================================================= * I. CSC Basic Obligations and Rights *========================================================================================= 1.The CSC provides for the connection of individual university localities to the CU Comput and based on their requirements it ensures their interconnection and connection to the I network. In substantiated cases this obligation may be delegated to the relevant Operato 2.The CSC is liable for the configuration and operation of central services, assigns Inter connected networks, registers second level domains, eliminates (in connection with Opera of the CU Computer Network) defects arising from the use of these addresses and domains Computer Network, and take measures to prevent their misuse. 3.On the basis of information from the centrally operated information systems the CSC esta cancels accounts in the CAS. 4.The CSC checks and provides methodological guidance to Operators of parts of the CU Comp ensure that, in co-operation with Administrators, they see to the proper configuration, and security of ICT components and services provided to their Users and ensure that thei not restrict or disrupt the operation of the CU Computer Network or other networks. 5.The CSC operates the CSIRT-CUNI security team. 6.The CSC is entitled to retain information on operation and services provided in the CU C for administrative, operational, statistical, monitoring and security purposes. The CSC to analyse information obtained solely to the extent necessary to ensure the proper func the Computer Network and its services and in compliance with the applicable legislation. are bound by confidentiality obligations with respect to information that they learn in with the aforementioned activities and that could be of confidential nature or relate to Users. These obligations remain in validity despite the termination of an employment con contractual relationship with CU. Employees shall not be bound by the confidentiality ob handling a Security Incident; in that case they have the right to communicate the inform to the Incident in question to the Administrators dealing with the Security Incident or Operator and CSIRT-CUNI members. Furthermore, the confidentiality obligation shall not a communication with the Police of the CR or other law-enforcement bodies. 7.In the event of reasonable suspicion of misuse of the CAS User Account by another person is entitled block the User Account. The CSC is obliged to inform the User thereof using information maintained for the Account in question. 8.In the event of reasonable suspicion of device misuse, the CSC is entitled to block or d devices. The CSC is obliged to immediately notify thereof the relevant Administrator of Network to which the device was connected. 9.In the event of violation of these Rules or handling a Security Incident, the CSC is ent other measures to ensure the proper functioning of the CU Computer Network and its servi such measure lie in the limitation or termination of service provision or connection to Network, the person who has taken this measure must inform the Administration of the rel the Network. 10In the event of violation of these Rules or the “Rules for CU Computer Network Users”, t other measures in compliance with applicable national legislation and international cont the CR is bound. 11The CSC does not provide Users with any guarantee regarding the uninterrupted provision their accessibility or connection speed. 12In cases when the CSC takes on the role of an Operator or Administrator of a part of the shall be bound by the provisions of Articles II and III, Part B hereof. *========================================================================================= * II. Basic Obligations and Right of Operators of a Part of the CU Computer Network *========================================================================================= 1.Operators are liable for the proper configuration, functionality and security of technic part of the Network operated and services provided by them. The administration is delega their organisational units or an external entity or natural person. Operators shall info the body authorised to carry out the administration. 2.Operators may divide the Network operated into parts and authorise different organisatio external entities or natural persons to carry out the administration. Furthermore, Opera are entitled to delegate the responsibility for the operation of a certain part to any o organisational units. Operators shall inform the CSC on the division of the Network and decision to delegate the responsibility for the operation of their part. 3.In compliance with the provisions of Section 5 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Inf Services, as amended, the Operator whose activity lies in the provision of services cons storage of information (files) provided by Users is liable for the contents of the infor the request of a User only if: a.they could, with regard to the subject of their activity and the circumstances and nat know that the contents of the information stored or action of the User are illegal; or b.they have, in a provable manner, obtained knowledge of the illegal nature of the infor illegal action of the User, and failed to take, without delay, all measures that could remove or disable access to such information. 4.In compliance with the provisions of Section 6 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Inf Services, as amended, the service provider whose activity lies in the provision of servi in storage of information (files) provided by Users is not obliged to monitor the conten information which they transmit or store or actively seek facts or circumstances indicat contents of information. 5.In order to adhere to the duties laid down in Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Informa Services, as amended, the Operator, should they obtain knowledge of User files or parts other information of illegal nature, is obliged to take all measures that could be requi or disable access to such information or secure such information for the purposes of pot proceedings. 6.With respect to devices operated by them, the Operator is obliged to ensure adherence to authorised use of products as well as respecting the set licence terms and conditions. 7.The Operator is obliged to retain the identity of Users using a device in the Operator’s including such information that proves that the device was used by the User at a given t data must be stored for a period of at least 6 months. Upon request of the CSC, the Poli or other law-enforcement authorities, the Operator is obliged to immediately retrieve an such information in order to determine the liability for a Security Incident or to commu information requested. The Operator shall always inform the CSIRT-CUNI team of Security are investigated upon request of the Police of the CR or other law-enforcement authoriti operation therewith. In special cases (e.g. connection of a device to a part of the Netw eduroam service) the Operator’s obligation to retain the identity of Users connecting de Network shall apply appropriately. 8.In exceptional cases (e.g. organization of conferences, seminars and other events withou participant registration) the Operator is entitled to permit, for a necessary period of a technical solution permitting connection of devices to a part of the CU Computer Netwo verification shared by multiple Users. This must be communicated to CSIRT-CUNI. If the t solution fails to enable the Operator to adhere to the obligation to retain the identity connected as specified in the paragraph above, this is not deemed to be a breach of the obligations. 9.The Operator undertakes to ensure that all information obtained during the registration device or the establishment of the User Account is protected within the meaning of Act N Coll., on Personal Data Protection, as amended. The Operator is entitled to disclose the provided by the User to law-enforcement authorities for their purpose in compliance with legislation. 10Should a Security Incident be detected, the Operator is obliged to provide, upon request to the CSC, CSIRT-CUNI members, and law-enforcement authorities, if applicable. 11The Operator is entitled to store operational data and information on services provided Computer Network for administrative, operational, statistical, monitoring and security p 12In the event of violation of these Rules or the “Rules for CU Computer Network Users”, t adopt other measures in compliance with applicable national legislation and internationa which the CR is bound. 13The Operator does not provide Users with any guarantee for the uninterrupted provision o their accessibility or connection speed. 14If required, the Operator is entitled to lay down other rules of operation of a part of are not in conflict with this Regulation. *========================================================================================= * III. Basic Obligations and Rights of Administrators of a Part of the CU Computer Network *========================================================================================= 1.The Administrator ensures, based on the Operator’s instructions, the running of the infr and service configuration in the part of the Network that has been entrusted to the Admi administration. The Administrator sees to the proper configuration, functionality and se components and services provided and ensures that their operation does not restrict or d operation of the CU Computer Network or other networks or services. 2.With the Operator’s consent, the Administrator may divide the Network entrusted to them delegate the administration of individual parts to different organisational units, exter natural persons. 3.The Administrator permits connection of devices to the Network under the conditions laid Rules and according to the instructions of the Operator of the part of the Network and i assigning network addresses to such devices. To connect devices to the Network, the Admi suitable technical means. 4.The Administrator establishes and cancels User Accounts (excluding CAS accounts) and reg devices for access to the CU Computer Network. In the process of account establishing an registration, the Administrator is obliged to adhere to the administration instructions Operator and common administration instructions laid down by the CSC. 5.In compliance with the provisions of Section 5 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Inf Services, as amended, the Administrator whose activity lies in the administration of ser in storage of information (files) provided by Users is liable for the contents of the in at the request of a User only if: a.they could, with regard to the subject of their activity and the circumstances and nat know that the contents of the information stored or action of the User are illegal; b.they have, in a provable manner, obtained knowledge of the illegal nature of the infor illegal action of the User, and failed to take, without delay, all measures, that coul to remove or disable access to such information. 6.In compliance with the provisions of Section 6 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Inf Services, as amended, the service provider whose activity lies in the administration of consisting in storage of information (files) provided by Users is not obliged to monitor of the information which they transmit or store or actively seek facts or circumstances illegal contents of information. 7.The Administrator is obliged to ensure adherence to copyrights, the authorised use of pr as respecting the set licence terms and conditions with respect to devices administered Operator’s instructions. 8.The Administrator is obliged to retain the identity of Users using a device or service a by them or connecting their devices to the part of the Network administered by them, inc information that proves that the device was used by the User at a given time. This data for a period of at least 6 months. Upon request of the CSC or the Operator, the Administ to immediately retrieve and provide such information in order to determine the liability Incident or to communicate the information requested by the Police of the CR. 9.The obligation to maintain the identity of Users pursuant to para 7 of this Article does cases in which the Administrator has, upon request of the Operator, implemented a techni permitting connection of devices in the part of the CU Computer Network with verificatio multiple Users. The Administrator is obliged to ensure that such solutions are applied o strictly necessary. 10The Administrator is obliged to provide the necessary co-operation to the CSC and design members when dealing with Security Incidents. In the event the Administrator is notified disconnection of a device connected to the part of the Network administered by them purs I (8), Part B of this Regulation or other measures taken by the CSC pursuant to Article this Regulation lying in the restriction or termination of services provided by or conne Computer Network, they shall immediately inform the Administrator of the device (or the the subordinated part of the Network, if applicable) and the head of the workplace conce whose identity data was used to connect the device. 11In the event of substantiated suspicion of misuse by another person of a User Account ad them, the Administrator is entitled to temporarily block the User Account. The Administr to inform the User immediately thereof using the contact information retained for the pu User Account in question or via another person designated by the Operator. 12In the event of substantiated suspicion of device misuse, the Administrator is entitled block or disconnect such devices. The Administrator is obliged to immediately communicat device Administrator or the User whose identity data was used to connect the device or t designated by the Operator. 13In the event of violation of any of the provisions of the “Charles University Computer N or supplementary rules issued by the Operator or in the event of handling a Security Inc Administrator is entitled to adopt relevant measures to ensure the proper operation of t Network and Computer Network services. Should the measure adopted lie in the temporary l service provision or connection to the CU Computer Network, the person who has taken thi inform the head of the workplace concerned and the administrator of the device (or part or service concerned. If this refers to a device connected to the CU Computer Network wh Administrator assigned by the Operator, the information on the measure taken is communic whose identity data was used to connect the device to the Network. In the event of perma or termination of service provision, the Administrator is obliged to inform the Operator designated by the Operator. 14The Administrator is entitled to retain, in compliance with the Operator’s instructions, data and information on services provided in the CU Computer Network for administrative, statistical, monitoring and security purposes. The Administrator is entitled to analyse obtained solely to the extent necessary for ensuring the proper functioning of the Compu its services and in compliance with the applicable legislation. The information that the learns in connection with the aforementioned activities and that could be of confidentia relate to individual Users are subject to the confidentiality obligation. This obligatio validity despite the termination of an employment contract or any contractual relationsh Administrator shall not be bound by the confidentiality obligation if handling a Securit that case they have the right to provide the information related to the Incident to the CSIRT members. Furthermore, the confidentiality obligation does not apply to contacts wi the CR or other law-enforcement bodies. *========================================================================================= * IV. Final Provisions *========================================================================================= 1.Each and every Operator is obliged to demonstrably acquaint all their employees with the If the administration is carried out externally, the above shall also apply to the emplo Administrators or a natural person in charge of the administration of any part of the Ne 2.Each and every Operator is obliged to ensure that the access to the CU Computer Network to authenticated services provided within this Network is enabled only after it has been the User has given consent to the Rules and consent to personal data processing pursuant and V(3), Part A hereof. Furthermore, the Operator undertakes to immediately disable any access the Network or use the services provided should the User withdraw any of the afor consents. 3.The Operator’s obligation stipulated in para 2 does not apply to services that are neces fulfilment of study duties and other special services. The list of services which are no verification of the User’s consent to the Rules and consent to personal data processing [ URL ""] . 4.Any potential violation of this Regulation by employees may be considered a breach of wo may affect, among other things, the employment relationship. 5.This Regulation No. 34/2017 issued by the Rector shall take effect on 1 September 2017. 6.To ensure adherence to the obligations of Operators and Administrators arising from this transitional period of one year has been set. Within this period any potential breach of or Administrator’s obligations arising herefrom caused by limited technical means shall considered a violation of the Regulation. In Prague, on 11 August 2017 .pdf version to download [ URL "UKEN-772-version1-charles_university_computer_network_rule Section 2 of the CU Statutes.