General Plan for Facility Development ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** As a modern, cutting-edge institution, Charles University is able to respond flexibly to t changing demands of society and the pressing need to compete in an increasingly globalized This constant evolution is reflected in the University’s ever-changing range of innovative its strong emphasis on research and development, and its increasing focus on bridging the disciplines. These key strategic goals are set out in Charles University’s Long-term Plan. policy document, addressing the priorities identified in the Long-term Plan, is the Genera Facility Development, which lays out key strategic objectives related to the University’s technological infrastructure. The General Plan for Facility Development presents an outline of the University’s holdings land and other facilities, including their location within the Czech Republic (and more de showing locations within Prague, Plzeň and Hradec Králové), their structure, age and utili The General Plan presents information on major investments both completed and planned, inc new projects at Albertov, Plzeň and Hradec Králové. For historical reasons, the various pa University are scattered over many different locations – not only in Prague, but also in o view of this situation, the University plans to focus in future on the development of “min main objectives of building minicampuses are to concentrate related activities at a single state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research, and to harness the synergic potenti the close collaboration of experts and students from different fields. The University’s de are guided by the need to optimize the use of its extensive real estate portfolio. The con the General Plan outlines the University’s priorities in this area up to 2020, taking into zoning regulations. The General Plan is an important supporting document for the Universit future investment plans.