Rector's Directive No. 10/2020 ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Support for the Internationalisation of Charles University ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * Article 1 Fundamental Provision *========================================================================================= The programme of support for the internationalisation of Charles University (“CU”) is esta accordance with the CU Long-Term Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and the related Implementation P the instruments of financial support for activities aimed at increasing the level of inter of CU with respect to the goals set out in the relevant strategic documents of CU and indi and other units. *========================================================================================= * Article 2 Aims of the Support *========================================================================================= The activities supported under this directive are divided into three groups A, B, and C: a.Activity A, including the following: i.Support for the international mobility of students in the form of short-term stays (wi duration of three weeks): • Support for participation in or stays of CU students at summer schools (with the exc language courses); • Short free-of-charge professional internships of students with a maximum duration of • International competitions and championships; • Student conferences; or • Meetings related to the internationalisation of CU activities; iiSupport for international activities implemented by CU faculties or other units as sho (with the exception of activities falling under letter (c) (i)): • Stays of academic staff and student representatives of a faculty at meetings within of international university networks (such as Coimbra, LERU, UNICA, Europaeum, etc.) • Short-term stays of academic staff for the purpose of preparing international projec b.Activity B, including the following: i.Support for the organisation of international summer schools and other extracurricular non-economic nature organised by CU faculties or other units; c.Activity C, including the following: i.Support for strategic partnerships of CU; iiSupport for the establishment of “international centres” and “student ambassadors” – c information activities. *========================================================================================= * Article 3 Distribution of Financial Support for Individual Activities *========================================================================================= Financial support will usually be distributed such that 60% of the total amount is allocat A and B and 40% to Activity C and the administration of the support under this Directive. ****************************************************************************************** * Support for Activities A and B ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * Article 4 Submitting an Application for Support for Activities A and B *========================================================================================= 1.An application for support under Article 2 (a) (i) may be submitted only by a student of application for support under Article 2 (a) (ii) and (b) (i) may be submitted only by a unit of CU. 2.It is possible to apply for the support of an activity to be implemented in the current semester. Reimbursement of activities implemented in the past is not possible. The suppo provided for a defined purpose, i.e., it is tied to the specific applicant, activity, an dates. It is possible to change the dates of a stay on condition that the applicant info in writing before the event. 3.Support may be granted repeatedly to an identical or similar activity, or a recurring ac 4.An application for support under Article 2 (a) (i) of two standard pages must contain th the planned activity, its description, the personal benefit for the student, and the ben internationalisation of CU. The application must include a motivation letter of one stan the agenda of the event. 5.An application for support under Article 2 (a) (ii) of two standard pages must contain t planned activity, its description, the person responsible (the activity guarantor from t other unit – e.g., a head of a department, director of an institute, vice-dean, dean), t of the contact person, the impact on the internationalisation of the University’s activi benefit for students’ mobility, the sustainability of the project, and possibly sources The application must include an appendix containing the agenda of the activity and the o guarantor of the activity for the faculty or other unit. 6.An application for support under Article 2 (b) (i) of no more than three standard pages the name of the planned activity, its description, the person responsible (dean of a fac of another unit of CU), the email address of the contact person, the impact on the inter of the University’s activities, the benefit for students’ mobility, the sustainability o and possibly sources of co-financing. The application must contain a formal declaration the activity is of a non-economic nature1. If more than one person is responsible, only must be chosen as the contact person. The application must include an appendix containin budget (including the justification of individual budget items). In the case of recurrin an identical or similar activity, the application must also contain an appendix of no mo standard pages that briefly evaluates the previous year or past years. 7.An application for support under Article 2 (a) (ii) may also be submitted for a team. If files an application for support for a number of people, the exact number of persons who the event and for which the support is required must be mentioned. Such an application g an obligation that all persons must participate in the supported event. If one or more m team cannot participate, the applicant has the duty to inform an officer of the Internat Office of the Rectorate to arrange for the reduction of the amount of financial resource where the decision is made by the Expert Panel. In the case of an application for suppor the applicant must include a motivation letter for the whole team of no more than one st 8.Applications are submitted electronically using the online application (CU internal comp system) no later than on the last day of the deadline for submitting applications. In ca difficulties or in other cases worthy of special consideration applications may be submi to internacionalizace(zavinac) [ MAIL "internacionalizace(zavinac)"] . App are available in the CU internal competitions system. 9.The applications may be submitted twice a year, always between 1 April and 30 April and November and 30 November. In the autumn round of the competition it is possible to apply of events that will take place throughout the following calendar year. *========================================================================================= * Article 5 Expert Panel for Evaluation of Applications within Activities A and B *========================================================================================= 1.The applications submitted for support within Activities A and B are evaluated by an Exp consisting of three members. 2.The members of the Expert Panel are appointed by the Rector: one is appointed on the adv of the Academic Senate of CU, one is appointed on the joint advice of Vice-Rector for Eu and Vice-Rector for International Affairs, and one member is appointed on the advice of for Education. 3.In the case of applications for support within Activity B the Expert Panel may request t the Finance Department of the CU Rectorate. 4.The Expert Panel meets at least twice a year after each period for the submission of app support. The applications are evaluated by the Expert Panel within 30 days of the end of filing applications. 5.The administration related to the receipt of the applications for support and to the wor Panel is carried out by the International Relations Department of the CU Rectorate. *========================================================================================= * Article 6 Criteria for the Evaluation of Applications and Grounds for Dismissal of Appli Activities A and B *========================================================================================= The criteria for the evaluation of applications for support are as follows: a.Limited possibility for support from other University sources (for example other sources the international mobility of students); b.Representation of applications from various faculties or other units of CU; c.The benefit of the activity for the support of the internationalisation of activities of community of CU; d.Efficiency and justification of the use of resources allocated; e.Evaluation of the previous year or years in the case of application for support for a re activity; f.Full use of the resources allocated. The grounds for dismissal of applications are as follows: a.Low impact on internationalisation of CU; b.The application does not comply with the requirements of the Rector’s Directive; c.Funding not available. *========================================================================================= * Article 7 The Maximum Amount of Allocated Support within Activities A and B *========================================================================================= 1.The maximum amount of support allocated on the basis of one application within Activity CZK 50,000, in cases worthy of special consideration it is up to CZK 100,000. 2.The maximum amount of support allocated on the basis of one application within Activity 200,000, in cases worthy of special consideration it is up to CZK 400,000. 3.The support allocated does not have to cover the total costs of the planned activity. *========================================================================================= * Article 8 Allocation of Support within Activities A and B *========================================================================================= 1.The activities to be supported are selected by the Rector based upon a recommendation fr Panel; the Rector also determines the amount of support to be allocated. The Rector’s de it is not possible to appeal against it. 2.The contact persons (a student if the application for support under Article 2 (a) (i) is student) are informed about the result electronically via the email address provided. Th also sent to the faculty or other unit of CU where the contact person either works or is student. 3.Upon the Rector’s decision, the Finance Department of the CU Rectorate transfers the fin in the relevant amount to the faculty or other unit. If the beneficiary of support under (i) is a student, the faculty provides the support to the student via a bursary in the f prize for the support of study abroad based on a Dean’s decision. *========================================================================================= * Article 9 Audit of the Use of Financial Resources Allocated: *========================================================================================= 1.Applicants (a student, faculty, or other unit) who received support are responsible for effective, and efficient use of the resources. 2.The supported activities must be concluded with an evaluation report (including the acco report on the use of resources provided) and possibly a confirmation of a stay. These do delivered to the International Relations Department of CU Rectorate within two months of of the project or return from the stay abroad. The documents are submitted electronicall internal competitions system. In case of technical difficulties or in other cases worthy consideration the documents may be submitted via email to internacionalizace(zavinac)cun "internacionalizace(zavinac)"] . 3.If the applicant breaches his duties under paragraphs 1 or 2, he will be obliged to retu provided, or a part thereof, and to pay a possible penalty for breach of budgetary disci decision about the duty to return the amount or a part thereof is made by the Rector bas recommendation from the Expert Panel. The provision of this paragraph does not apply to to a student in the form of a bursary (Article 2 (a) (i)). ****************************************************************************************** * Support for Activity C ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * Article 10 Support within Activity C *========================================================================================= 1.The proposals for support of activities within the framework of strategic partnerships ( by a commission. The commission is chaired by the Vice-Rector for International Affairs. of the commission are appointed by the Rector. The commission meets as required. The res commission meetings are submitted to the Rector’s Board for approval. 2.Support for the establishment of “international centres” and “student ambassadors” (ii) a continuous basis by the Rector’s Board and the Rector determines the amount of the sup ****************************************************************************************** * Article 11 Common Provisions ****************************************************************************************** The Rector informs the Academic Senate of CU on allocation and use of the resources once a ****************************************************************************************** * Article 12 Final Provisions ****************************************************************************************** 1.Rector’s Directive No. 35/2018 is hereby repealed. 2.This Directive becomes effective on 18 February 2020. In Prague on 18 February 2020 Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA Rector In accordance with the Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation