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    Discover your legal rights in the Czech Republic with our workshop led by renowned legal expert Piero Orlandin from our Faculty of Law. In just 90 minutes, you'll delve into essential topics like liability, consumer rights, traffic regulations, and more. Gain invaluable insights to navigate everyday situations and avoid common pitfalls during your studies. Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself with crucial legal knowledge and ensure a smooth experience as a foreigner in the Czech Republic.


    Lecture outline

    1. Liability of natural persons in the legal system of the Czech Republic


      Administrative liability (most common offences and how to avoid them)


      Criminal liability (what to watch out for)


      How to contact the "supervisory authority"

    2. Consumer law


      Rights and obligations of the buyer


      Specifics of internet sales in relation to the buyer (withdrawal from contract, how to complain)

    3. Traffic regulations, rights and obligations in road traffic

    4. Miscellaneous (loose categories according to situation, miscellaneous, questions and answers)

    Event start 25 October 2023 at 5PM
    Event end 25 October 2023 at 6:30PM
    Type of event Course, workshop, seminar
    Organiser Martin Hanker
    Organiser's contact email martin.hanker@ruk.cuni.cz
    Organiser's contact phone +420 224 491 774
    Venue Green auditorium (room 141), Celetná 20, Prague 1
    Target group Academic community
    Reservation https://registrace.cuni.cz/RegisterEvent/e8cc53fd-98a8-45a6-885b-6f1e8566c572
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    Univerzita Karlova

    Ovocný trh 560/5

    Praha 1, 116 36

    Česká republika

    Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

    IČO: 00216208 

    DIČ: CZ00216208