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Published by UK Point - services and information in one place

April 2023


 Charles University


 for international students

 from CU Point with love


Dear International Students,

Saying hi again on the first work Monday of the month. We hope your March was full of happy spring moments and we want to make sure you will enjoy April, too.

As you can see, our newsletter just has had a facelift but, as always, we want to attire your attention to Charles University’s latest news and especially to our upcoming events. How about joining a running training in Obora Hvězda? Or, at last, starting to write interesting and captive abstracts for your articles? Either way, we have you covered with our Fit&Smart Student program!

If you are staying in Prague during the Easter holidays, do not forget to visit one of the Easter markets and try the Czech Sweet Easter Bread (mazanec). It's worth every bite!

We wish you a calm and wonderful Easter time!

Denisa & Martin, International Student Advisors from CU Point

P.S.: Next newsletter will arrive in your mailbox exceptionally on the first work Tuesday of May because the first two Mondays of the month fall on national holidays.


I like to move it, MOVE IT!

Run for It!


20.4. Do you want to start running, improve your running style or just find motivation? Would you like to get to know both Czech and international students who share your interest in running? Join us in Obora Hvězda and Run for It!

MultiSport Card for all!


MultiSport student card is finally available in Hradec Králové and Pilsen! It offers you 4 entries plus 4 more bike rides per month. So, find the right sports ground, grab your card ASAP, and let's get physical!

Clean up Czechia with Charles!


13.4. The first initiative from our new Volunteer Centre is here. Join us in getting the Albertov neighborhood cleaned up. Let’s meet at 3 PM at the Faculty of Science. Cleaning equipment will be available free of charge, of course.


Open calls

FameLab 2023 Competition – Apply Now!


Three minutes to win the judges and the crowd with a scientific talk that excels for its content, clarity, and charisma. That is the unique experience called FAMELAB! Learn more here and gain great skills for free. You still have time to apply for the 2023 edition, the application deadline is May 30, 2023.

Doctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Alberta


The Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies of the University of Alberta invites applications for a Czech doctoral research fellowship tenable in the 2023–2024 academic year. More information can be found on this website. The application deadline is April 10, 2023.

PRIMUS Opencall for Young Scientists


Academic teamwork for the best! Take advantage of the unique opportunity and establish a new scientific group at Charles University thanks to the PRIMUS competition! If you are interested in actively participating, do not hesitate too long because the application deadline is April 20, 2023.


Hybernská Campus

Studentská Hybernská offers their non-office space to international students who want to organise various events. For more information, contact them at You can also check their Instagram or calendar. And don't forget to join their English-friendly Café Collaborations asking Is the climate crisis gender neutral? (April 18); or one of their Critical Readings discussing the book Bullshit Jobs (April 11).

HYB4 organises several English-friendly events every month. In April, you are welcome to participate in the ElectriCity workshop, discuss the topic of Humour as a weapon in crisis and war, visit an art exhibition called Dragon Fruit, come see a play called BEING DON QUICHOTTE, or enjoy a concert of Nina Kohout & Earie.



Survival Czech 2


18.4.–18.5. If you are a Ph.D. student who has finished the first Survival Czech, join our second follow-up webinar. This course will focus on apologies, time expressions, and daily routine, to help you deal with everyday life in Czechia.

How to Create a Scientific Poster


26.4. A poster presentation is one of the most important ways to promote your scientific work. Come and find out which methods, tools, and particular forms are available and work the best. You can also bring your own data for the design.

Assessment Centre Training


3.5. Some experiences are just not transferable and need to be experienced. This applies also to the so-called Assessment Centre, a specific and quite demanding form of job interview. Learn more and try it before the prime time!

Writing Abstracts and Managing the Writing Process


13.4. Do not hesitate to participate in this workshop led by Mgr. et Mgr. Martin Sedláček, where you’ll work with effective abstracts and analyze them for important rhetorical moves. This strategy will improve your own writing and help you deliver the message.

Writing Clear and Reader-Friendly Academic Texts


11.5. We are inviting you to this highly interactive workshop led by Mgr. et Mgr. Martin Sedláček. Its goal is to show you the hows and whys of clear and reader-friendly writing of academic texts. Make your articles more concise, coherent, as well as dynamic!

Thousands of Elsevier E-Books now available – limited time offer!


Over 1,000 e-books across various fields are now available for Charles University until the end of this year. Read the latest research discoveries in e-book format from this exclusive publisher at the eResourcesPortal or find them via UKAŽ.

Student and Alumni Meet-Up


27.4. Czechia Alumni and Study in Czechia are inviting you for a guided networking and moderated discussion with successful alumni. The meet-up takes place at Radlická kulturní sportovna in Prague – Smíchov. For more details, check out their Facebook event.

Jobspin Job & Relocation Fair


22.4. The 18th edition of the Jobspin Job Fair will happen alongside the 2nd Prague Relocation Fair in cooperation with Move To Prague experts. It will bring together all key services for Prague ex-pats under one roof. Attendance is free of charge.

Social Impact Days


8.–21.5. Erasmus Student Network of Charles Univesity will organise their Social Impact Days to highlight the impact that international students can have on society and local communities. Do not hesitate and participate as a volunteer in this meaningful event!


Going Native

Easter in the Czech Republic. What is it about?

As the Easter holidays are just behind the corner, we decided to introduce you to Czech Easter traditions. Probably the most awkward tradition for foreigners is what we call pomlázka. Celebrated on Easter Monday, this old pagan tradition consists of men whipping women with fresh braided willow rods in order to bring them health, youth, and fertility. Having received the whipping, the women give the men colorful hand-painted and decorated eggs (are you interested in decorating your own ?), related to spring and the beginning of new life. Most of the time it is also complemented with several shots of Moravian plum brandy (slivovice). And because, after all, it is still a holiday, Czech families are having a feast, composed of vajíčkovka, nádivka, beránek, or jidáše. Last but not least, if you want to know more about Czech Velikonoce, we recommend you to read this article.

Wishing you all a Happy Easter, or as we say in Czech, Veselé Velikonoce!


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