Published by UK Point and Doctoral Studies Office, contact:

June 2024


 Doctoral Study Hub


 for Doctoral Candidates


Dear doctoral candidates,

Welcome to the June issue of our newsletter, the last one before we all take a well-deserved summer break. In this issue, we are excited to share with you a variety of events and activities taking place in June, July, and August that are designed to enrich your academic journey and provide opportunities for learning as well as relaxation and networking.

In addition, we would like to remind you that elections for the European Parliament will be held in the Czech Republic on Friday and Saturday (7 to 8 June). If you’re not sure if you're eligible to vote, or need more information, have a look at our website.

We wish you all a wonderful and refreshing summer and look forward to seeing you in September.

Your Doctoral Study Hub Team


CEE Application Workshop


3 JUN Join us this Monday from 3:30 to 4:30 pm for an interactive application workshop. You will learn more about the Community Engagement Exchange Program and how to start your application.

The 11th EuroScience Open Forum Katowice


12 to 15 JUN Register for free for the 11th EuroScience Open Forum. Join experts, scholars, politics and members of the public to discuss the impact of science on society.

Exploring Generative AI and Machine Learning


13 JUN Join this online lecture organized as part of the 4EU+ AI Days and gain insights, skills, and hands-on experience to harness the power of AI in your academic projects.

Seminars about Open Science


13 and 19 JUN and 1 JUL “Fair principles in science, technology and engineering”, “Open research software”, and “Citizen science” are three webinars in the “Open for You” series that unlocks the world of open science.

Czech Movies with English Subtitles


19 JUN Every month, Kino Aero picks a typical Czech movie that the locals adore. All movies are screened with English subtitles and introduced by English speakers. After the screening you can stay for a drink and networking.

PhD Mondays Continue in the Summer


Also during the summer you can use the study rooms at Campus Hybernska and write your dissertation or study with colleagues. The rooms are available to you every Monday.


Useful information

Proofreading During the Summer


Good news - proofreading of English academic texts is back, even in the summer. If you are lost in grammar, style, and spelling, do not wait any longer and register for the new terms.

Institutional Research Publications Repository


Do you want to make your publication openly accessible without paying open access fees? Use the institutional publications repository. Visit the Open Science Centre website to learn more.

CU Career Centre Services


Want more success in your career? CU career counselling or personality and career aptitude diagnostics can help you discover hidden potential, support your personal development, or assist you in finding a job.


Events and Information in Czech Language

Inspiration Café


11.6. Připojte se k nám na další neformální setkání vysokoškolských vyučujících. Tentokrát vás zveme do Plzně k diskusi o převrácené třídě – objevte její výhody a výzvy.

Karlovka na VědaFestu


19.6. Pojďte s Karlovkou objevovat hravý a fascinující svět vědy na VědaFest. Čeká na vás to nejzajímavější z oblasti přírodních, technických, humanitních i společenských oborů.

Letní škola vysokoškolské pedagogiky 2024


18.-21.8. Srdečně vás zveme na letní setkání v Peci pod Sněžkou zaměřené na témata výuky na vysoké škole a rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí.

Setkání k datové politice na fakultách


Přijďte si poslechnout, co najdete v datové politice UK, k čemu vám bude a jakou podporu správy dat univerzita nabízí. Během setkání bude také prostor pro diskuzi a pro vaše dotazy.

Proofreading pod slunečníkem


Máme pro vás dobrou zprávu - korektury českých vědeckých textů budou k dispozici i přes léto. Pokud si nejste jistí gramatikou, stylistikou nebo pravopisem své práce, zarezervujte si nový termín.

Průzkum rozvoje odborných kompetencí


Jaké jsou potřeby doktorandů v oblasti rozvoje inovativního myšlení a přenosu poznatků z vědy do praxe? Pomozte nám zkvalitnit nabídku zaměřenou na rozvoj odborných kompetencí.


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Foto: Community Engagement Exchange Program | 4eu+ | Kino Aero | Charles University | Paedagogium | Centrum pro podporu Open Science | CPPT