Principles of the Use and Protection of the Coat of Arms

Under section 36 (2) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered the Principles of the Use and Protection of the Coat of Arms of Charles University in Prague under ref. n. 14 975/2000-30 on 13 March 2000.

Amendments to the Principles of the Use and Protection of the Coat of Arms of Charles University in Prague were registered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under section 36 (2) and (5) of the Higher Education Act under ref. n. MSMT-7697/2013-30 on 28 February 2013 and under ref. n. MSMT-38084/2016 on 14 December 2016.


                                                                                       Mgr. Karolína Gondková

                                                                         Director of Higher Education Department

The Second Consolidated Version of the Principles of the Use and Protection of the Coat of Arms of Charles University of 14 December 2016

Under sections 9 (1) (b) and 17 (1) (k) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (the Higher Education Act), as amended, and under Article 56 (4) of the Constitution of Charles University, the Academic Senate of Charles University has adopted the following Principles of the Use and Protection of the Coat of Arms of Charles University as an internal regulation:

Article 1 Introductory Provision

This regulation governs the use of the coat of arms of Charles University (“the University”) by the University, units of the University, external parties, as well as the protection of the coat of arms of the University (“Coat of Arms”), and the use of the Coat of Arms as a trademark (Article 56 (3) of the Constitution of the University).1

Article 2 The Use of the Coat of Arms by the University and Its Units

  1. The Coat of Arms may be used by the University in graphical representation I, as set out in Appendix No. 4 to the Constitution of the University (“the Appendix”), for ceremonial and exclusive publications as determined by the Rector.

  2. The Coat of Arms may be used in graphical representation II, as set out in the Appendix, for higher education diplomas and other diplomas issued by the University, as well as in appendices to diplomas. In this case, the Coat of Arms is printed in standard form, or as blind embossing.

  3. The Coat of Arms may be used in graphical representation III, as set out in the Appendix, by the University, a faculty, or a unit of the University, to mark other certifying documents about study or a lifelong learning programme, in official correspondence, to mark commemorative documents, books, journals, press releases, leaflets or multimedia products, business cards, and the website of the University, faculties, and other units. In addition, it is used for promotional or presentation purposes, or for sports events or social, cultural, and other events. The Coat of Arms may also be used in this form by students and employees of the University to mark their bachelor’s, master’s, or rigorosum theses, or habilitation dissertations.

  4. If it is not technically possible to use the Coat of Arms in graphical representation III, the simplified representation IV, as set out in the Appendix, may be used instead.

  5. Faculties and units of the University which do not have their own coat of arms may use the Coat of Arms of the University. A faculty logo which includes the Coat of Arms of the University must comply with the rules stipulated in the Rector’s directive.

  6. The Rector is entitled to allow an exception to the conditions of use of the Coat of Arms of the University under paragraphs 1 to 5. Deans of faculties or directors of other units are entitled to allow an exception to the conditions of use of the Coat of Arms of the University under paragraphs 1 to 5 provided that they are authorised by the Rector to do so; the authorisation may stipulate its extent.

Article 3 Use of the Coat of Arms by Other Persons

  1. By concluding a contract for the use of the Coat of Arms, the University may confer a right, for a fee, to use the Coat of Arms in graphical representation III or IV, as set out in the Appendix, on manufacturers and sellers of memorabilia, or on another person for advertising purposes to promote the University; such goods may be marked with the Coat of Arms in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in that contract provided that the Coat of Arms used in graphical representation III or IV, as set out in the Appendix, is used in accordance with the Rector’s directive under Article 56 of the Constitution of the University, and in a way so as not to damage the good reputation of the University.

  2. Under a contract of association concluded by the University with a legal entity, this contracting party may be granted a right to use the Coat of Arms in graphical representation III or IV, as set out in the Appendix, while carrying out activities for the purposes of the association. The respective contract will also stipulate other terms and conditions for the use of the Coat of Arms for the purposes of the association.

  3. The right to use the Coat of Arms may also be conferred on a legal entity established by the University. The contract conferring on the legal entity the right to use the Coat of Arms in graphical representation III or IV, as set out in the Appendix, must provide for the possibility to remove this right if the activities of such legal entity jeopardize or damage the good reputation of the University, or if the University no longer has an interest in this legal entity.

  4. By concluding a contract for the use of the Coat of Arms, the University may confer a right to use the Coat of Arms in graphical representation III or IV, as set out in the Appendix, on the state or local government if it is in the interest of the University and in the public interest.

  5. The Rector is entitled to allow an exception to the conditions of use of the Coat of Arms of the University under paragraphs 1 to 4.

Article 4 Protection of the Coat of Arms against Abuse

  1. Employees of the University in management positions are required to create conditions at their workplace to protect, in accordance with these Principles, the Coat of Arms while it is being used. For these purposes, they:


    monitor compliance with the procedure for issuing diplomas and other documents certifying study at the University;


    check whether publications, printed materials, and other documents and products marked with the Coat of Arms are the result of the activities of the University or a unit thereof, and they deal with identified cases of wrongful use of the Coat of Arms by an employee of the University for his private activity within their competence;


    ensure that the Coat of Arms is used exclusively for events organised or co-organised by the University or a unit thereof, and take measures to prevent the abuse of the Coat of Arms at events where there is no involvement of the University or a unit thereof;


    monitor the quality of products and performances in connection with which the Coat of Arms of the University is being used and which arise from the commercial activity of the University; if the quality is found to be insufficient and could damage the good reputation of the University, they take remedial measures.

  2. Contracts for the use of the Coat of Arms under Article 3 are concluded on behalf of the University usually by the Chief Financial Officer (Article 13 (4) of the Constitution of the University), after the Academic Senate of the University expressed its opinion. The content and performance of such contracts may not be contrary to the role of the University or detrimental to its good reputation. These contracts always include a provision about the right of the University to monitor the use of the Coat of Arms and to withdraw from the contract if the other contracting party jeopardises these values while exercising its rights.

Article 5 Use of the Coat of Arms as Trademark

  1. The Coat of Arms has been registered in the Trademark Register as a trademark of the University2.

  2. The use of the Coat of Arms within the scope of the trademark protection under paragraph 1 is protected by Act No. 441/2003 Sb., to regulate trademarks, as amended.   The contracts referred to in Article 3 (1), (3), and (4) are licensing agreements under that act, provided that their subject matter falls within the scope of the University trademark protection. The licensee acquires the right to use the Coat of Arms in these cases on the day of registration of the licensing agreement in the Trademark Register kept by the Industrial Property Office.

  3. All acts which, under Act No. 441/2003 Sb., to regulate trademarks, as amended, can be undertaken by the owner of a trademark, as well as acts aimed at extending the trademark protection abroad are usually undertaken on behalf of the University by the Chief Financial Officer (Article 13 (4) of the Constitution of the University).

Article 6 Common and Final Provisions

  1. Directive ref. n. 2839/94-I/3 “On the Use of the Coat of Arms of Charles University” of 27 July 1994, as amended on 23 January 1996, is hereby repealed.

  2. These Principles were approved by the Academic Senate of the University on 28 January 2000.

  3. These Principles come into force on the date of registration by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports3.

  4. These Principles become effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date of coming into force.

Prof. RNDr. Jan Bednář, Csc., m. p.

President of the Academic Senate

Prof. JUDr. Karel Malý, DrSc., m. p.



The amendment to the Principles of the Use and Protection of the Coat of Arms of Charles University in Prague (the First Amendment) was approved by the Academic Senate of Charles University in Prague on 18 January 2013. That amendment came into force on the date of registration by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, it was registered on 28 February 2013 and became effective on 1 March 2013.

The amendment to the Principles of the Use and Protection of the Coat of Arms of Charles University in Prague (the Second Amendment) was approved by the Academic Senate of Charles University in Prague on 25 November 2016. That amendment came into force on the date of registration by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, it was registered on 14 December 2016 and became effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date of coming into force.

To witness that the text is correct: Tereza Svobodová



Translator’s note: Words importing the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.


For meetings of scientists, published results of research and teaching activities, for services provided in the area of computer science and engineering, and for events and products intended for promotional and advertising activities of the University.


S. 36 of the Higher Education Act. The registration was completed on 13 March 2000 under ref. n. 14 975/2000-30.

Last change: August 8, 2019 14:36 
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