
In this section, you can get to know our university, our beautiful city, and our lovely country a bit better. See the menu on the left for various topics. First, let's start with a series of six videos introducing Czech Republic and Charles University.

Study in the Czech Republic

Study in Czechia is the official English-speaking source of information when choosing the right university and study programme for you in the Czech Republic. First-hand experience of the student ambassadors is being published on the blog regularly.

The website is operated by the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS), established by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Check out couple of their videos:

Study in Prague

Study in Prague offers a unique opportunity to pursue your university studies at one of the top seven Prague universities and Charles University is one of them! The website offers not only parametric searcher with all the degree programmes in English (and some other languages) across its universities, but also a lot of useful information about Prague, student's life, accommodation, visa etc.

Erasmus Student Network

ESN CU Prague is a student club which organises various social, cultural and sport events or trips for both international and Czech students, and generally helps international students to handle their stay in Prague. Member of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN).

Last change: July 7, 2023 14:12 
Responsible for site content: CU POINT
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Czech Republic

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