All graduates who successfully completed their studies at Charles University prior to 1990 and obtained a university degree, but were not awarded any official academic title at the time, are entitled by law to use the academic title “master” (magistr) (abbreviated as "Mgr." and placed before the first name).
Procedure for authorisation to use the academic title “master” (magistr)
Procedure for the recognition of the right to use an academic title (placed before the name) for graduates of postgraduate studies who obtained the academic title of "master” (magistr) and the academic title of "doctor" for a scientific degree (issue of a certificate of the right to use an academic title under § 99 (9) of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on higher education).
This applies to graduates of Charles University who completed doctoral (formerly postgraduate) studies by 31 December 1998 (§ 99 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. enters into effect on 1 January 1999).
Procedure for gaining authorisation to use the academic title "doctor" for a scientific degree
Replacement of the abbreviation for the academic and scientific title "doctor", abbreviated "Dr", with the abbreviation "Ph.D." (placed after one's surname)
(§ 99 (10) of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on higher education).
This applies to CU graduates who completed doctoral (formerly postgraduate) studies by 31 December 1998 (§ 99 of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., comes into effect on 1 January 1999).
Procedure for replacing abbreviations for academic titles for scientific degrees
Replacing the academic title "Doctor of Theology" (abbreviated as "Th.D.", placed after the surname) with the academic title "Doctor" (abbreviated "Ph.D.", placed after the surname
(§ 99 (11) of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., to regulate higher education institutions).
This applies to CU graduates who have completed studies in doctoral study programmes in the field of theology and have obtained, under § 47 (5), the academic title "Doctor of Theology" prior to 31 August 2016 (§ 99 (11) of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., comes into effect on 1 September 2016).
Procedure for replacing the academic title "Doctor of Theology"
Granting of the academic title "doctor" (abbreviated as "Ph.D." and placed after the surname) (graduates of medical and veterinary studies)
(§ 99 (12) of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., to regulate higher education institutions).
This applies to CU graduates who completed doctoral (formerly postgraduate) studies by 31 December 1998 (§ 99 of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., comes into effect on 1 January 1999).