Ceremonies and Diplomas


The requirements of the academic ceremonies may change in the connection with valid protective measures. Please follow the current information of the University.

Matriculation ceremonies

Charles University maintains the traditional academic rituals of passage: matriculation and graduation ceremonies. In a matriculation ceremony, students entered in the student register of a faculty (matricula) pledge to fulfil the requirements of academic study, to honour their moral obligation toward the University, and to respect its internal regulations and the decisions of academic officials.

The order of the matriculation ceremony is stipulated by Matriculation and Graduation Code of CU. Like most Charles University ceremonial events nowadays, matriculation ceremonies take place in the Aula Magna of the Carolinum. They feature University insignia and the University officials present at the ceremony wear academic gowns.

The schedule of upcoming matriculation ceremonies is available in the Student Information System.

For information about the division of students into groups for successive matriculation ceremonies, please contact the study department of the relevant faculty.

Graduation ceremonies

In a graduation ceremony, the student (Bachelor, Master, Doctor) officially takes leave of Charles University, taking the academic pledge (in Latin) and receiving a diploma which entitles him or her to use an academic degree.

The order of the graduation ceremony is stipulated in Matriculation and Graduation Code of CU. Graduation ceremonies take place in the Aula Magna of the Carolinum (for graduates of Master's and doctoral programmes) or in the Hall of the ‘House for the Professed’ (Profesní dům) at Malostranské náměstí (Prague’s Lesser Town Square - for Bachelors). The graduation ceremonies feature University insignia, and University officials wear academic gowns.

The schedule of upcoming graduation ceremonies is available in the Student Information System.

Doctoral graduation ceremonies

Charles University holds either separate graduation ceremonies for doctoral graduates of a single faculty, or joint ceremonies for several faculties, depending on the number of graduates. Joint graduation ceremonies are organized by the Curriculum and Student Affairs Department of the Rectorate and take place twice a year, in May and November. Faculty graduation ceremonies are held by the relevant faculty once or twice a year, depending on the number of graduates.

Doctoral graduates receive all information on the graduation ceremony by mail from their respective faculties (i.e. its Research or Study Department).

University diplomas

A diploma is proof of the completion of a degree programme in the given field of study. Displaying the national coat of arms of the Czech Republic, it bears the name of the University and the name of the academic degree conferred on the holder. It is usually awarded in a special graduation ceremony.

Sample Power of Attorney - Czech and English (Bachelor´s, Master´s, Doctor´s Study Programme)

Sample Power of Attorney - Czech and English (State Rigorosum Examination)

Diploma samples:

Bachelor diplomas (Bc.)

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Old accreditations

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

New accreditations

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Master diplomas (Mgr.)

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Old accreditations

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

New accreditations

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Rigorosum diplomas (PhDr., JUDr., RNDr., PharmDr., ThDr., ThLic.)

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Old accreditations

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

New accreditations

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Medical diplomas (MUDr., MDDr.)

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Old accreditations

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

New accreditations

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Doctoral diplomas (Ph.D.)

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Latin text

Czech translation

English translation

Verification of diploma:

Since November 2019, verification of a copy of Charles University diplomas can be done by: notaries, municipal and regional authorities, holders of the postal service obligation and Czech Chamber of Commerce.

Diploma supplement

A diploma supplement is issued under Section 57 of Act 111/1998 Sb. (the Higher Education Act), on the basis of data from the Charles University Information System. It follows the model developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES and draws on the experience and recommendations of higher education institutions that have been discussing the content and form of the supplement over the past several years. Describing the nature, level, content, context and status of the successfully completed studies and the qualifications obtained, this document supplements the information contained in the basic certificate of qualifications. The diploma supplement, issued in bilingual form (Czech-English), can be used nationally and internationally to facilitate academic and professional recognition and mobility. It is a factual document, and contains no value judgements or statements of equivalence about the education obtained. All graduates receive the diploma supplement automatically, free of charge.

Sample diploma supplement.

Last change: August 21, 2024 16:13 
Responsible for site content: Student Affairs Department
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Ovocný trh 5

Prague 1

116 36

Czech Republic

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E-mail: info@cuni.cz

Phone: +420 224 491 850

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E-mail: erasmus@ruk.cuni.cz


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