With 17 faculties in three different cities, Charles University does not have one central campus. Instead, the faculties, dorms, and refectories are spread around the city (cities, in fact) with some faculties having their own little campuses. Take a look at the map of just the main faculty buildings in Prague:
Given the spatial distribution of our university and the large number of applicants, we are not able to give private tours. Instead, the International Student Hub (CU Point) offers information and guidance to both applicants and current students alike (in-person or online). It is always recommended to make an appointment in advance or join any of the events for international applicants, such as faculty Open Door Days, virtual office hours of the Admission Officers, or Webinars with our current students and alumni.
You may also contact the faculty's Admissions Office and inquire about the possibility of meeting with the faculty representatives or student ambassadors directly.
Interested visitors may also enjoy our University Museum, Botanical Garden and other sightseeing staples (see the left menu for more details or visit a dedicated websiste). Note that the Faculty of Science provides a number of visiting opportunities in their faculty's overview, which includes the Geopark, Hrdlička Museum of Anthropology, Chlupáč Museum of Earth History, Mineralogy Museum or Herbarium.
To accommodate the needs of study counsellors and their (high school) students, Charles University offers several opportunities to explore and learn about our institution, its study offer, and the student experience.
introductory presentation about CU and its study opportunities (about 45 mins long)
visit to the chosen faculty (or faculties)
meeting with the student ambassadors
guided tour of Carolinum (main seat of CU) – PAID
visit to the University Museum (The History of CU exhibition) – CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
guided tour of Klementinum (National Library) – PAID
visit to the Botanical Garden (Faculty of Science) – PAID
Interested visitors may book the paid elements directly using the links provided. For further information and appointments, please contact the international student's advisors well in advance.