Student Ambassadors

About the programme

Active since 2018, the student ambassador's programme at Charles University brings together enthusiastic international students who seek further opportunities to represent their alma mater and to bring the international student community closer together. The project's core idea is collaboration, aiming to tighten the relationship between students, their university, and the city, hence improving the overall integration into the social and academic fabric.

Our ambassadors participate on future heading of the university or discuss and organise events for the students. They often represent Charles University during various events, from applicants to alumni, and collaborate with our social media team as content creators or bloggers. Some are more active as community leaders and work with local and international students to create more inclusive and interconnected environment. Therefore, the programme has two main axes: PR (representation and communication outside) and community building (inside).

You can if you would like to learn more about the student life, their reasons for choosing Charles University, the admission experience, or any other topic you have questions or doubts about.

Our student ambassadors


Biomedicine, Genetics, Social Geography

Lucija Andjel, Croatia


I have a master’s degree in animal genetics and breeding at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb. I had three Erasmus experiences during my studies; one was in Prague (CULS), one in Vienna (BOKU), and the third one in Jaén, Spain (UJA). Now, I am a PhD student working on evolutionary biology at the Faculty of Science and, for three years, a student ambassador of CU. I love spending time in the countryside to recharge my working batteries. My hobbies include yoga, astronomy, and Netflix. My irrational dream is to rescue all the dogs in the world and give them a safe home (with me). I am always happy to talk about animals (especially dogs), nature, science, fun facts, space, cartoons, and food.

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Why did I choose Charles University?

I chose CU for many reasons. To mention just a couple - it's located in Prague. At the beginning of my master's studies, I spent one semester here in Prague and completely fell in love with the city. From the impressive historical monuments, beautiful parks, and green spaces around every corner to the open-minded, welcoming Czech and international people who live here. It's no wonder it is the sixth most popular tourist destination (in the world!) and one of the best student cities in Europe! Another reason is that CU is the best and most presigeous Czech university. It is also one of the oldest universities in Europe, and with each year, it's becoming more and more international, ranking higher among the world universities.

What do I like about my studies in Czechia?

The Czech Republic has almost everything one could ask for. If you are a nature-loving person, you'll have the beautiful Czech countryside; if you prefer active trips, you can hike through wonderful national and natural parks, and if you like more relaxing walks, there are many greeneries and parks (sometimes with lakes) for a simple stroll. If you like history, you'll love it here, since Czechia is one of the most historical countries in Europe, especially its capital, Prague! Fun fact: Prague Castle is the third biggest castle in the world according to the Guinness World Record! :) Moreover, if you're a people person, there are many social events where you can enjoy the company of native Czechs and cosmopolitan international people alike. If you're an animal person, you will be pleased to know that it is an animal-loving country, especially if you're a dog person: dogs are allowed almost everywhere! If you're a beer lover, well, then you already know where to go. The only thing Czechia is missing is the sea. But do not fear, that is why their favourite summer destination is Croatia (my native country) so there is an excellent, fast transport services to get there. Whith that, you can have the perfect summer holiday!

Adél Petrovic


I am a PhD candidate and lecturer at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development and an Internationalization Coordinator at the Geographical Institute (CU). With a Bachelor's in Political Science and two Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's degrees in Comparative Local Development (CoDe) and Urban Studies (4CITIES), I bring a diverse academic background to my work. My doctoral research, titled "Socio-spatial approach towards understanding identity construction: urban transformations in Prague Urban Region", investigates the complexities of identity formation amid urban change. As a member of the Urban and Regional Research Laboratory (URRlab), I was a principal investigator of the GAUK project researching gentrification and participated in research projects funded by the Czech Science Foundation focusing on the integration and status of foreigners, suburban social environment, and current conditions of the socialist housing estates. I enjoy attending music, dance, food-related festivals and other cultural events, and travelling.

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Why did I choose Charles University?

I cannot say that I chose Charles University at first. I did choose the research team URRlab (Urban and Regional Laboratory) to collaborate with and later do my PhD under the mentorship of the head of the research team. Furthermore, qualities such as prestige, quality mentorship, scholarship and employment opportunities, freedom of research, and the possibility to be engaged in diverse activities not only at the Geographical Institute but also at the University convinced me to decide to pursue my PhD at Charles University.

What do I like about my studies in Czechia?

I enjoy both my studies and free time in Prague. I can always find interesting and English-friendly events and inspiring people to spend time with.

Social Sciences and Humanities

International Relations, Geopolitics, Liberal Arts

Manuel Cerezo, Mexico


I previously received my bachelor’s in law at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH) in Mexico. During my studies, I participated in an international academic exchange program, studying for one semester at the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. That's how I first came to Czechia. Now that I am a full-time student at CU, I decided to take the concept of being an "international student" more seriously. I participated in the Erasmus+ programme and visited the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Bologna, Italy. Besides my studies, I really enjoy hiking so I can admire landscapes from the top of mountains (I consider myself more of a forest person than a beach person). In my free time, outside of studying and working, I enjoy listening to music, and if I really like a song, I often end up singing it. In the city, swimming and going to the cinema are two of my favourite activities. Beyond that, I enjoy traveling and learning about the different cultures of the world.

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Why did I choose Charles University?

Since the beginning of my law studies, I have had an interest in human rights, international law, and international organizations. What I then learned during my semester abroad allowed me to begin with my professional career in international relations. I started working for higher education institutions in the area of academic cooperation and as a aliaison with embassies. All of this led me to pursue my graduate studies abroad as well. My first contact with Czech culture and my professional goal of working in international cooperation made me choose Charles University, specifically the Master's in Geopolitical Studies. Not all universities offer this programme and, being immersed in the field of international higher education for some time, I knew that CU is considered one of the top universities in Europe. Additionally, the beauty of Prague, which I was already familiar with, made me imagine what my experience living here would be like even before submitting my application.

What do I like about my studies in Czechia?

There are many aspects to consider. First, the Czech Republic is a safe country; I feel secure here. Second, living in Prague is totally a positive experience that allows me to connect not only with the local culture but also with people from all around the world. Just with my classmates, we form a small international community which allows us to see the concept from different perspectives. My classmates come from Germany, Norway, Spain, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hungary, Colombia, US, or UK and getting to know them all has been a great experience. This, coupled with the opportunities I have had as a student at CU, make my studies here really worth it. For example, one of my professors is the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to NATO, and so to complement the topics covered in class, we were able to visit the headquarters in Brussels. Last but not least, the geographical location of country right in the centre of Europe allows me to travel and explore the continent easily. In conclusion, living in a country with so much history, culture, and wonderful nature makes everything more special to me.

Justin Douglas Hart


Hi! Justin here. I’m originally from the United States but have been living abroad for 20 years – in Czechia, Oman, Slovakia, Morocco, and the Palestinian Territories. I am in my final year of studying Liberal Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Humanities with a focus on history and anthropology. Aside from university, I’m a theater kid who loves karaoke nights, as well as a political loudmouth who will never shy away from a chat about geopolitics. You can also find me talking about random tidbits of history when strolling through the center of Prague (e.g. Václavské náměstí was once a horse market). One more thing, if you make it to the flea market U Elektry, let me know if you find non-EU paper money, well-made renaissance costumes, or flags, as I am always eager to expand my collection of each.

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Why did I choose Charles University?

Charles University was an obvious choice for me. Not only does it exist in the beautiful city of Prague (and Plzeň, Hradec Králové, and Poděbrady), it also provides a respected - and affordable - education. I applied to the Liberal Arts and Humanities programme because, while vast in scope, I wanted to be immersed in several different fields of study in a true renaissance fashion. While it was daunting at first, studying anthropology, history, sociology, and psychology all at once yielded a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness among seemingly disparate fields. Aside from the programme itself, Charles University is also a highly ranked institution with a number of follow-up master’s programs that I intend to pursue after graduation.

What do I like about my studies in Czechia?

Prague is a great host. By day, the city is a gorgeous, walkable, and culturally diverse place, with plenty of green space and cafés. By night, Prague’s cultural scene comes to life, with home-grown techno hosted at several venues throughout the city. I would say that life outside of university is equally as enriching as the academic and there is never a shortage of activities to do or hobbies to pursue. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the safety of Prague and the ease of living in the city. I am not afraid to come home in the late hours of the night or early hours of the morning, still by a reliable public transportation.

When I’m not studying or engaging in the cultural activities, I have a part time job as an English teacher, made possible due to the flexibility of my study programme. Having a job is unquestionably a benefit of studying at CU and it is quite common among the students.

Medicine and Health

General Medicine

Daniela Mendes


I’m Daniela, currently in my sixth year as a General Medicine student at the Third Faculty of Medicine (LF3). I’m from Portugal, but moved to Prague right after finishing high school at the age of 17. Back then I talked to an older student and asked him all the questions I had about moving to Prague, studying here and what to expect at the faculty. Now, as a sixth-year student, I’ll get to help others the same way he helped me. In my free time I enjoy being outdoors, meeting up with friends or staying fit with activities like swimming or going to the gym.

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Why did I choose Charles University?

In the last year of high school I still wasn’t sure about what I wanted to study. I had 2 completely different ideas in my mind – pursuing mathematics back home or exploring medicine abroad.

I started looking up universities that offered the course of medicine in English and that’s when the Czech Republic and Charles University in particular came up.

After some research, I realised the university was highly ranked (higher than the ones back home). Within a few weeks, I decided that this was what I really wanted to do. A couple months later, I took the entrance exam, visited Prague for the first time and fell in love with it. And now, here I am. The parks, beautiful monuments, and the feeling of safety while walking around the city were the final points that convinced me.

What do I like about my studies in Czechia?

My favorite part about living in Prague is really how safe it is here. Whether it’s 2PM or 2AM, Prague is a lot safer than most of the other cities I’ve been to. Additionally, the expat community is huge. My colleagues are all from different countries so we get to come in contact with people from very different backgrounds and cultures.

Another great thing is the fact that there's always something happening or to do – from parks and gardens to go to during the day, to loads of bars and clubs to choose from for an amazing night out. Plus, if we want to spend a day in nature or go for a weekend-getaway, all it takes is a 1-2h trip by bus to get to the mountains or other Czech cities!

The student benefits are also worth mentioning - we get the best discounts, including access to all public transport in Prague for 5 Euros per month and the chance to visit other cities for a very low price – like getting to Berlin for 11 Euros!

Last change: June 3, 2024 10:49 
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