Student Ambassadors

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About the programme

Active since 2018, the Student Ambassador Programme brings together enthusiastic international students who seek further opportunities to represent their alma mater and bring its international community together. These opportunities include wide range of activities such as:

  • participation at university fairs

  • talking to prospective applicants

  • organising faculty tours for foreing visitors

  • social media management

  • graphic design

  • blogging about student life

  • edu market research

  • university merchandise development

  • volunteering at big university events

  • participating at focus groups

  • event ideas, management, and attendance

  • meeting stakeholders and other VIPs

  • contribution on the future heading of our university

The ambassador programme is diverse and very dynamic, yet inherently prestigious. The core team of our ambassadors attend meetings with coordinators where they discuss possible events and goals for the next semester while brainstorming new schemes of cooperation. Ambassadors may be approached with a chance to travel abroad and represent Charles University on various recruitment events. Similarly, those keen to do PR work may become part of our social media team. We especially welcome active students who would like to help us create more inclusive environment and serve as community leaders. The time commitment is always individual and reflects the student’s study obligations. Not even studying abroad is considered as a hindrance in participation. It is therefore always important to know your comfortable limits and communicate them with the coordinators.

The project’s core idea is collaboration. Instead of a top-down approach, we aim to tighten the relationship between our students and the university. Recently, several student associations, mentors, and tutors also joined our effort and now, we all work together. Overall, the programme’s structure has two main lines:

  • PR (representation and communication outside)

  • community building (inside)

These are not exclusive but complementary and ambassadors lean to one or another based on their own strengths and affinity. Ambassadors also serve as important ‚information beacons‘ at their faculties, helping to disseminate key information about the available services and events.

Currently, our team consists of approx. 30 student ambassadors from all our campus cities, one main coordinator, and one staff member of the university.

Prospects are selected on the basis of their applications and a number of other key criteria such as their nationality, faculty affiliation, level of study etc. These aspects reflect the university and faculty strategy of current and future recruitment efforts and the diversity of our student community. Therefore, these aspects are data-driven and certainly not subjective.


1) What are the responsibilities?

It always depends on the particular ambassador. In general, student ambassadors represent university on social media and at recruitment events, they are involved with the university PR team, and work with international applicants and various stakeholders. Within the university itself, they mostly work with international students, listen to their needs, and are responsible for events aiming at integrating the international and local academic communities. Regardless of their particular role, student ambassador is expected to be a reliable partner of the university and complete the tasks, he or she is assigned to.

2) What is the time commitment?

Being a student ambassador is not a time consuming role in particular. It is much more about being in the right place at the right time. There are usually three to four meetings with the coordinators per year and many regular activities, including social media management and event coordination. Besides, there are plenty of non-obligatory events available for everyone to join. The rest is always up to the ambassador, which activities he or she chooses to fulfil.

3) What are the requirements?

Apart from the enthusiasm, we are looking for full-degree students enrolled in any of the English-taught study programmes at our university. Applicants from all faculties in Prague, Pilsen, and Hradec Kralove are welcomed! Since ambassadors are expected to share their own experience, we are looking for students in at least their second year of study yet not exceeding the standard length of study. Communication language required from all our ambassadors (apart from their mother tongue) is English. Any other relevant information or skills are welcomed but optional.

4) Is there any reward?

Every semester, each student ambassador can be awarded a symbolic scholarship according to the tasks he or she completes. Ambassadors also receive a Certificate of Recognition at the end of their involvement that serves as an official proof of their prestigious position at the university.

5) How does one apply?

We are happy that you are interested to become a member of our team! Every summer, we recruit new ambassadors by sending the call out to your inbox. Students can also be nominated by the faculty. Afterwards, you just fill in the application form and we'll get back to you by the end of September. With the selected candidates, we might conduct a short interview to discuss the mutual cooperation. For any questions regarding the Student Ambassador Programme, feel free to contact the team leader, Martin Hanker, at .

Last change: December 17, 2024 11:22 
Responsible for site content: CU POINT
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