Employee ID cards

Background colour: Orange (with or without ITIC licence) or blue (with ALIVE licence)

Intended for: Charles University employees and persons who have concluded a work contract with Charles University (“employee”)

Validity: The duration of employment or the validity of a work contract, however, a maximum of nine years from the date of issue. If an employee is employed at or has a work contract at more than one faculty or unit of Charles University, an ID card will be issued at each of these faculties or units, and the identification of the employee and all of their issued ID cards will be secured via the CU information system. After terminating employment or the work contract, the employee is required to return the ID card.


  • CU employee ID card

  • CU employee ID card with an ITIC licence (International Teacher Identity Card)

  • CU employee ID card with an ALIVE licence

An ID card with an ITIC licence may be issued to an employee for a specific period of time only once. This type of ID is limited to academic staff with at least a 0.3 work schedule and with a work contract valid for at least 12 months.

An ID card with an ALIVE licence may be issued to an employee for a specific period of time only once and only if an ID card with an ITIC licence has not been issued for the employee (even if the validity of the ITIC licence on the card has expired). This type of ID is limited to CU employees whose employment with a faculty or other unit of Charles University does not allow the employee to obtain an employee ID card with an ITIC licence.


  • Free of charge – CU employee ID card

  • CZK 230 – CU employee ID card with an ITIC licence

  • CZK 230 – CU employee ID card with an ALIVE licence

  • Accessories: Card sleeve free of charge

Renewal of an ITIC/ALIVE licence costs the same amount as stipulated above.

Card service centres:

  • Prague, CU Point, Celetná 13

  • Prague, CU Faculty of Law, nám. Curieových 7,

  • Prague, CU Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3,

  • Hradec Králové, Na Kotli dormitory, Na Kotli 1147,

  • Plzeň, Registrar’s Office of the Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň, Husova 3,

  • Plzeň, Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň, Information Technology Centre, Lidická 1, (ID cards for employees of the Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň).

  • Additionally, upon agreement with the respective faculty or other unit, or when needed, via the mobile card service centre for a specific period.

Information about opening hours and contacts of the card services centres

Replacement cards:

  • CU employee ID card – CZK 100

  • CU employee ID card with ITIC/ALIVE licence – CZK 330 (CZK 100 – price of card and CZK 230 price of licence)

  • Card sleeve – CZK 10

Card replacement due to a change of personal data or malfunction of the technological elements of the ID card not caused by the holder are free of charge.

Last change: March 5, 2020 11:27 
Responsible for site content: Finance, Human Resources and Payroll Department
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