Academic-Pedagogical Degrees

In the Czech Republic there are two “academic-pedagogical degrees” - "docent" and "profesor". These correspond with the posts of Associate Professor and Full Professor respectively, and are awarded not only for academic achievements, but also on the basis of the applicant’s teaching activities. The degree “docent” is awarded by the Rector on the basis of a procedure known as habilitation. The degree “profesor” is awarded by the President of the Czech Republic on the basis of a nomination.

Additionally there are three purely academic degrees - Honorary Doctorate (doctor honoris causa), Emeritus Professor, and Visiting Professor. Charles University also awards the honorary posthumous degrees “docent in memoriam” and “profesor in memoriam”.

Associate Professorships and Full Professorships

In compliance with Act no. 111/1998 Sb. on higher education institutions, the appointment procedure (habilitation) for Associate Professorships (the degree “docent”, abbreviated to “doc.”) verifies the applicant’s scholarly or artistic qualities, primarily based on the defence of a major scholarly or artistic work submitted by the applicant (the habilitation thesis) plus other scholarly or artistic work previously produced or published by the applicant, in addition to the applicant’s pedagogical competence, based on the evaluation of a lecture and previous teaching activities.

In compliance with Act no. 111/1998 Sb. on higher education institutions, the appointment procedure for Full Professorships (the degree “profesor”, abbreviated to “prof.”) verifies the applicant’s pedagogical and scholarly or artistic qualities. Applicants for Full Professorships are important and respected figures in their respective fields.

Appointments to Associate Professorships and Full Professorships (“docent” and “profesor”) at Charles University are carried out in fields of study with the necessary accreditation in compliance with Act no. 111/1998 Sb. on higher education institutions.


Code of Procedure for the Granting of Associate Professorship and Full Professorship

Code of Procedure for Research Board of Charles University

Rector's Directive No. 72/2017 Making the Electronic Database of Final Theses Accessible

Rector's Directive No. 15/2019 Comparison of final theses and habilitation dissertations and their storage in inter-university and international databases of theses

Rector's Directive No. 35/2019 till 01.05.2023

Rector's Directive No. 20/2023 after 01.05.2023

Rector's Directive No. 20/2023 - czech language after 01.05.2023


List of Associate Professors

List of Professors

List of Accredited Fields of Study

Appointments Pending

Honorary Doctorates

An Honorary Doctorate (“doctor honoris causa”) is an honorary academic degree awarded by Charles University to those who have made a major international contribution to the advancement of scholarship, science or culture or who have otherwise contributed to the benefit of mankind.

The following overview gives a list of Honorary Doctorates awarded by Charles University to major scholarly and cultural figures since 1990:

List of Honorary Doctorates

Charles University Emeritus Professors

According to Article 41 of the Constitution of Charles University, the degree Emeritus Professor may be awarded to a Professor who has retired from his/her employment at the University, or who is currently retired but was formerly employed by the University. Emeritus Professors are appointed by the Rector upon the Dean’s proposal after the Research Board of the relevant faculty has expressed its opinion. “Emeritus Professor of Charles University” is an honorary degree which does not create membership in the Academic Community of the University. An Emeritus Professor is entitled to participate in scholarly research at the University and to use its equipment and information technologies for that purpose; the appointment as Emeritus Professor does not create any proprietary rights. An Emeritus Professor has the right to be given the floor at assemblies of members of the Academic Community.

List of Emeritus Professor



Visiting Professors at Charles University

Teachers from universities outside the Czech Republic whose position corresponds with the position of the Czech “docent” or “profesor” (Associate Professor and Full Professor respectively) may, during their stay at the University, use the working title “Visiting Professor of Charles University” following a decision by the Rector issued on the basis of a proposal from the Research Board of the relevant faculty or institute. The award of this title is governed by Article 40 of the Constitution of Charles University. Visiting Professors have the same rights and duties as other members of the Academic Community, with the exception of the right to vote for candidates to the Academic Senates and to be elected to the Academic Senates.

List of Visiting Professor



Degrees in Memoriam

According to Article 43 of the Constitution of Charles University, a member of academic staff who achieved outstanding results in teaching and scholarly work during his/her life and who died in connection with the fulfilment of his/her professional duties may be appointed Professor in Memoriam (“profesor in memoriam”). Professors in Memoriam are appointed by the Rector upon a proposal by the faculty Research Board after the Research Board of the University has expressed its opinion. This degree may also be awarded in other cases worthy of special consideration. “Professor in Memoriam of Charles University”(“profesor in memoriam Univerzity Karlovy”) is an honorary degree which does not create any proprietary rights. This degree has not been awarded during the past twenty years.

List of Degrees in Memoriam

Last change: November 11, 2024 15:37 
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