Outgoing Students

The international activities available to Charles University students include study periods lasting one semester or a whole academic year, plus placements, summer schools, language courses and research trips abroad; the University is continuously striving to broaden the range of international activities on offer to students.

The most commonly used mobility options are the Erasmus programme and exchanges implemented under inter-university and faculty agreements.

The navigation menu on the left contains the complete offer of international activities and information on the conditions for acquiring scholarships from prestigious organizations, foundations and funds, including the Charles University Mobility Fund.

ViaErasmus! is the new web interface for outgoing students going abroad under the Erasmus+ programme. More information here: ViaErasmus!

Last change: November 25, 2024 09:18 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
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Charles University

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116 36

Czech Republic

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Phone: +420 224 491 850

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