Mobility Fund

Title: Statutes of the Mobility Fund of Charles University

Rector’s Measure no. 33/2018

For realisation: -

Comes into effect on: 1 August 2018

Art. 1 - Basic Provisions

The Mobility Fund of Charles University ("MF CU") is established as a support, initiation and motivation tool aimed at expanding the University's international relations in the field of degree programmes realised at the university and scientific, research or other creative activities within approved projects and programmes at the University. The basic mission of MF CU is to support student exchange, the participation of students of the University in international study and professional events, and the international exchange of academic and scientific staff.

Art. 2

  1. The objective of MF CU is to provide financial support, particularly for:


    study for a period of one or two semesters at a foreign university,


    participation of students in international study or professional events abroad,


    short-term scientific or research stays abroad,


    study by international students at the University,


    stays of international university or scientific staff at the University.

    The FM CU support should be stated in the published research results that have been produced in cooperation with the participation of a foreign institution.

  2. MF CU consists of funds that are earmarked for MF CU each year as part of the university budget or funds from other sources.

  3. Support from MF CU funds can be provided to:


    students in full-time study,


    academic staff who work at least 50 percent of full-time hours,


    faculties, for the partial reimbursement of costs related to study by an international student at the faculty,


    faculties or other constituent parts of the University to partially cover the costs of stays by international staff.

  4. Support from MF CU funds can be provided for the payment of:


    travel costs,


    accommodation and boarding costs,


    tuition fees,


    fees for international study or professional events,


    payroll in the case of visiting university professors

    up to a maximum of one half of the total cost. In exceptional cases, the Rector may decide to grant higher support.

  5. The statutory body of MF CU is the MF CU Council (the “Council”), which is appointed by the Rector as his advisory body. The President of the Council is the University's Vice-Rector for International Affairs. The Council is composed of representatives of the humanities, social sciences, medical sciences and theology. The Council has an odd number of members. The Council's activities are governed by the Council's Rules of Procedure.

  6. Based on the recommendation of the Council, the Rector annually announces the priorities for MF CU activities and two deadlines for submitting proposals (the "Priorities"); usually, one deadline is announced for the winter semester and one for the summer semester.

  7. Financial support from MF CU funds can be provided on the basis of the complete and timely submission of a proposal. Proposals under paragraph 3 (a) or (b) must be submitted by the person concerned, together with a statement from the dean of the relevant faculty or director of the other constituent part. Proposals under paragraph 3 (c) or (d) must be submitted by the dean of the faculty or director of the other constituent part. The other elements of the proposal are governed by the Council's Rules of Procedure.

  8. The Council shall assess the proposals submitted according to priority. Decisions on the provision of funds from MF CU resources are taken by the Rector based on the recommendations of the Council.

  9. The person who has been provided with funds from MF CU resources is responsible for their proper and economical use and is required to report to the Council on the progress and results of the relevant event within one month of its conclusion. If funds are provided under paragraph 3 c) or d), this person is defined as the faculty or other constituent part of the University.

  10. At least once a year, the Council shall submit a report on MF CU activities, which shall be published in the usual manner following approval by the Rector.

  11. MF CU activities shall be administered by the International Relations Office of the University Rectorate.

Art. 3 - Final Provisions

  1. Rector's Measures nos. 7/2001, 6/2002 and 4/2008 are repealed.

  2. This regulation shall take effect on 1 August 2018.

Prague, 26 July 2018


International Relations Office


Last change: October 18, 2021 10:40 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
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