Bilateral International Agreements

The Czech Republic receives offers of scholarships to universities abroad on the basis of international agreements implemented by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Every such offer specifies the length of stay and the number of places available, eligibility requirements, etc.

In the Czech Republic, the contact body and coordinator for these stays is the Academic Information Agency (AIA) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

The scholarships are awarded:

  • out of a pre-assigned quota (Charles University receives a predetermined number of scholarships and organizes its own selection procedure)

  • through a centrally organized selection procedure (the scholarships are pooled for all Czech universities and selection procedures are organized by the AIA).

For detailed information see the website of the Centre for International Cooperation in Education at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Current offer

The offer of scholarships based on international agreements: quotas allocated to Charles University

Applicants must submit two copies of the following documents:

1. Application form (Mobility Proposal/Scholarship Application)

2. Statement of purpose

3. Grade point average

Since The Centre for International Cooperation in Education has introduced an electronic filing system for Mobility Proposals, you must complete the relevant form online (in Czech only), for more information contact please Centre for International Cooperation in Education, phone (+420) 221 850 100, (+420) 221 850 102, e-mail:

The completed application form must be submitted to the international office of your faculty by the faculty deadline, which is earlier than the Rectorate deadline given below: you must therefore ask your faculty about this earlier deadline.

The faculty nomination lists (with candidates listed in order of preference) are submitted to the International Relations Office at the Charles University Rectorate.

Payment of travel costs associated with student mobility based on international agreements

As of 1 January 2013, there has been a change in the system for reimbursing travel costs of students who have completed study periods abroad based on international agreements.

If you complete a study period abroad based on one of these agreements, you can, within a deadline set by your faculty, apply to the faculty for a refund of your travel costs.

For more specific information about refund applications, please contact the international office of your faculty.

Last change: March 14, 2022 11:46 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
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