Erasmus Study Stays

Through the Erasmus+ programme, several hundred students each year travel from Charles University for a study period abroad at another European higher education institution (HEI). More than 2300 bilateral agreements have been prepared for Charles University students, covering over 4000 places for one- or two-semester study periods abroad. They include destinations in all the countries that have joined the Erasmus+ programme.

Organizing study periods abroad through the Erasmus+ programme requires an administrative procedure which has been simplified by CU’s online system. Through this system every participant in the Erasmus programme can follow the individual administrative steps and the current status of their application, download the necessary documents in pdf format, check dates and the amount of financial support sent to them, etc.

The Erasmus programme online system uses data from the University’s Student Information System (SIS) and information about the bilateral agreement on whose basis a student is nominated for a study period abroad.

ViaErasmus! is the new web interface for outgoing students going abroad under the Erasmus+ programme, which contains the most common questions and answers related to the whole administrative process: ViaErasmus!

Taking part in the Erasmus programme

According to the Erasmus programme Eligibility Rules, students are eligible for a study period abroad if:

  • they are enrolled in an accredited Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD degree  programme at Charles University;

  • they have enrolled for studies at Charles University; and

  • they will remain enrolled as students of Charles University throughout their study period abroad.

Selection procedures and nomination of students

The selection procedures are the responsibility of the individual faculties or sections of faculties (departments, institutes, etc.), which announce the selection procedures, and ensure all students have equal access to them and the selection is transparent.

Selection procedures have either one round (in faculties where they are organized centrally), or two rounds, with the first round being organized by the department or institute and the second at central (faculty) level. The result of a selection procedure is a list of successful students, listed in order of preference for the individual countries. Students apply to take part in selection procedures according to the conditions stipulated by the selection commission and by registering in the Charles University online system.

Nomination of students

Students who have been successful in the selection procedure can be nominated for the Erasmus programme. Students are nominated by the faculty coordinator (authorized by the Dean) through the online system. Once nominated, students are entitled to receive financial support for their Erasmus period.

Applying through the on-line system

When registering in the online system, all candidates can apply for up to three destinations for any one selection procedure from among the places offered by the Charles University faculty where they are enrolled. When choosing destinations, they should take into account the field of study offered there.

All students who comply with the Eligibility Rules of the Erasmus programme can apply through the

on-line system at

Students gain access to the system by using their personal number (the eight-figure number on their student identity card below the photo) and the password that goes with the card. If they have forgotten the password or it has expired, they can get a new one from the Charles University Central Authentication Service (CAS) at


The online system is open for applications for Erasmus study periods abroad in the winter and summer semesters during February. The period of the selection procedure is set by the individual faculties or their sections (departments or institutes). The results are announced by the Erasmus faculty coordinators and are also entered in the online system (by indicating whether students are nominated or not nominated).

If the available student-months are not all used up in the "spring" selection, additional selection procedure can be held to fill the rest of the places in the summer semester.

Study plan

The study plan abroad must correspond with the student’s degree programme at Charles University. Course units can be recognized if they have an equivalent in the degree programme at Charles University. The study plan can be made up of compulsory, recommended optional, or optional course units. If a course unit taken abroad has no equivalent in the accredited degree programme, it can be recognized as an optional course unit.

Students enter the course they have chosen to study abroad into their study plan in the online system. When printed, the study plan takes the form of a Record of the Study Plan Abroad (Protokol o studijním plánu v zahraničí). The compatibility of each course is approved by the director of the degree programme at Charles University (or the chairperson of the Board of Degree Programme Directors) and then by the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs at the relevant Charles University faculty. Courses approved on the Record of the Study Plan Abroad are entered in the Learning Agreement which is part of the Application Form sent to the partner institution abroad. At the same time, these course units represent the minimum requirements for completing the chosen study plan at the receiving institution.

In some cases partner institutions have their own application forms or Learning Agreement forms, and they might require a transcript of students’ academic results. It is therefore essential that students check the requirements of the partner institution and provide all the required documents in cooperation with the programme coordinators.

The completed Learning Agreement included in the Application Form does not have to be the final version, and it is usually possible to alter it after the start of the study period abroad. The final version of the Record of the Study Plan Abroad must correspond to the courses that the student studies abroad and which the partner institution confirms on the Transcript of Academic Records.

Application Form

The Application Form is generated automatically in pdf format and after it has been filled out it can be printed at any time from the online system. In addition to personal details and the Learning Agreement, it contains further details which must be filled in before it can be printed. These include the planned length of the study period, language skills, previous experience of studying abroad, the reasons for the choice of study and destination, and contact people at Charles University. As with the Learning Agreement, it is essential to check on the requirements of the partner institution, which may ask for its own forms to be completed, especially regarding accommodation, orientation days, language courses, etc. Partner institutions also often have their own online registration.

Deadlines for applications at partner institutions may be different from those at Charles University !!!

Partner institutions usually inform students that they have been accepted for a study period abroad by sending a Letter of Admission and/or the confirmed Application Form. These documents are usually sent to the student’s address. If they are sent to the faculty or the European Office at Charles University, the relevant coordinators will inform the student at once so he or she can start to deal with the financial documents.

Transferring grants to a EUR account

When a grant is awarded to a student, it is transferred to his or her special bank account in Euros.

The amount of financial support is stipulated in the financial documents. Students must fill in the account number in the online system as a condition for the Financial Agreement to be drawn up.

The EUR accout can be activated at any bank in Czech Republic.

EU Academy language test

Attention: From 23.01.2023 this language test is OPTIONAL

We would like to inform you about a new online language support (OLS) on the platform EU Academy.

This new version offers many interactive and interesting language activities that will help you to learn a new language or advance a language you already know. The EU Academy is designed to meet needs of all students. Creating an account and starting a language education takes only a few seconds! The introduction module will quickly show you how to create a new account, which will give you an access to the OLS and many other short courses at the EU Academy.

The first step is to create an account at:, after receiving a confirmation email, follow the link bellow.

How to take the entrance exam?

1. Follow the second link

2. Click on ‚Resume‘. Scroll down and click on ‚Join community‘

3. Choose the preferred language group (English is at the bottom) and click on ‚Language assessment‘ to start the exam

4. Complete the exam

5. The EU Academy will immediately give you your results (wrong/correct answers). At the end it will show you the level of language.

6. After completing the exam you can continue in learning the language in ‚Dashboard‘

Dean Resolution about the scholarship

After receiving the Application Form (confirmed by the receiving institution) and the Letter of Admission, students are entitled to receive a grant to support them during their study period abroad. This grant is awarded on the basis of document "Dean Resolution about the scholarship".

The faculty coordinator is responsible for drafting the Dean Resolution about the scholarship. The Letter of Admission and confirmed Application Form are usually sent to the address of the student given in the Application Form. If they are sent to the faculty or the European Office, the relevant coordinator will inform the student without delay. An email message cannot be considered a valid Letter of Admission.

The amount of the grant depends on the level of financial support stipulated for the specific country and on the time spent there, as stated in the Eligibility Rules of the Erasmus programme.

Amount of the scholarship for academic year 2024/2025:


Amount of the scholarship



Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden

660 EUR/month

810 EUR/month

Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain

600 EUR/month

750 EUR/month

Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey

540 EUR/month

690 EUR/month

Erasmus month = 30 days

Financial Agreement

The proper use of the grant that has been awarded and the conditions for paying it out are set out in the Financial Agreement (Participant´s Agreement), in accordance with the Eligibility Rules of the Erasmus programme.

Financial agreement here: Agreement

Students sign the Financial Agreement with Charles University at the European Office. The Financial Agreement will be ready for the student to sign approximately 10 working days after the Decision of the Dean to Award a Grant is issued or 1 month before departure. The student’s Erasmus application must be properly completed online before the Financial Agreement can be printed and prepared for signing. An email informing the student of how the Financial Agreement can be signed and collected will be sent to the address of the student given in the online system.

In order for the Financial Agreement to be signed and the grant paid out, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Dean Resolution about the scholarship signed by the Dean of the Faculty

  • Learning Agreement for Studies - confirmed by all 3 parties!

Students receive one original of the Financial Agreement, and also an Erasmus Nomination Letter in English for the officials (immigration police) abroad. According to EU regulations students are obliged to register with the immigration police in the place where they are going to study within 30 days of their arrival.

Payment details

For mobilities below 180 days, grants will be transferred to the students’ activated bank accounts in one payment. For longer study periods grants will be transferred in two payments, the second half of the scholarship will be sent in the middle of the mobility.

Power of Attorney

In case of signing the Financial Agreement by an authorized person, it is possible to use the following document: Power of attorney.

Participation contract can´t be signed retroactively!!! (i.e. after returning from mobility, i.e. the scholarship can no longer be paid).

Health insurance

EU citizens are entitled to health care in EU and EEA countries in accordance with the EEC Council Regulations 1408/71 and 574/72. However, in all EU countries patients may have to pay some of the costs themselves. For this reason it is students’ responsibility to make sure they have an insurance policy covering all medical expenses that is valid for the country they will study in. Since 1 June 2004 an amendment of the Regulations referred to above has been in force, establishing the European Health Insurance Card as the document entitling patients to medical care in EU and EEA countries.

Studies abroad, changes to the study plan, extending the study period

Studies abroad, changes to the study plan, extending the study period

Partner institutions usually inform students about how and when to register/enrol by sending information either by email or in printed form together with the Letter of Admission.

Changes to the study plan

It is not unusual for students to change their study plan during the course of their studies abroad. According to the rules of the Erasmus programme, all changes should be formally notified within 1 month of the start of the studies. Students notify changes to their study plan and submit a proposal for their approval through the online system, where they can notify the cancellation of course units they originally intended to take and the addition of new ones. They then send the document "Changes in the Record of the Study Plan" (Změny v protokolu o studijním plánu) in pdf format to the director of their degree programme for approval. The faculty coordinator confirms the changes in the online system.

Extending the study period

Erasmus study periods can be extended without entitlement to additional financial support ("zero-grant students"). During the period of extension, students continue to have Erasmus status and are able to make use of all the advantages the Erasmus programme offers. A study period can only be extended if this is in accordance with the Eligibility Rules of the Erasmus programme. This means that the total length of the study period (including the extension) must not be more than 12 months and the study period must finish by the end of the academic year at the latest. The period of extension must follow on directly from the study period that was originally planned.

In order to extend their study period, students should send their faculty coordinator confirmation that the receiving institution agrees with the extension (a Letter of Admission for the period of extension), fill in a study plan for the period of extension in the online system, and send the form "Changes in the Record of the Study Plan" (Změny v protokolu o studijním plánu) in pdf format to the director of their degree programme for approval. After receiving both documents, the faculty coordinator will extend the study period in the online system.

The European Office will send the student an Addendum to the Financial Agreement to be signed, which alters the length of the study period abroad and the obligations after returning. The other provisions of the Financial Agreement remain unchanged.

Obligations after returning

With accordance to the conditions stated in the Participant Agreement, the student is obliged to complete the final evaluation report and submit the following documents to the European Office:

  • Confirmation of Erasmus+ period

    It is a document that confirms the total period of time spent on the abroad stay Confirmation of Erasmus Study Period. It is issued and signed by the receiving institutuion, it states the purpose and the total period of the stay. The form containing all the essential elements of this document can be found in the Participant Agreement in web apps.

    Ways of delivering it:

    - Bring the original copy to the European Office (Rectorate - Ovocný trh 3, 1st floor, door number 109)

    - Have the receiving institution send us a copy via mail to

    - Via email sent original copy of the document with electronic signature*

    Deadline for submitting the document: within 30 days of the date it was issued by the receiving institution.

    In the case that the Erasmus period stated in the Confirmation of Erasmus+ Period is shorter then the mobility dates stated in the Participant Agreement, the student is obligated to return a proportionate part of the stipendship awarded to him.

    *Electronically signed original copy:

    In general, if an electronic document is to be an original, it must contain a qualified electronic signature. See Act No. 297/2016 Coll., on trust services for electronic transactions. The document is usually in pdf form, which the electronic signature locks for further editing.

  • Transcript of records

    Copy of a record of the study results achieved, it is issued and confirmed by the receiving institution.

    Deadline for submitting the document: within 30 days of the date it was issued by the receiving institution.

  • Final report:

    It consists of two parts:

    1/ EU Survey – it is filled out in whole-wide European database (i.e. the Beneficiary Module system of the European Commision), the student will receive a link via email stated in his online application, asking him to fill out his report in English. Deadline for submitting the report: within 1 month of receiving the link.

    2/ Final report – it is to be filled out upon the student’s return at the page:

The European office keeps a record of all the printed documents required after the end of the study period and the final reports. Students can check whether they have been received in the on-line system.

Details of financial arrangements if the study period is terminated early

If the “Confirmation of study period” document shows that the study period has been terminated early, students are obliged to return the part of the grant that they have received but were not entitled to. According to the Erasmus Eligibility Rules, the amount of the grant students are entitled to is calculated in the same way as the financial support awarded for the study period that was originally planned.

If the study period abroad does not last for a whole number of months, the grant for the last month is allocated on the basis of the number of days of the last month spent abroad, whereby “month” does not mean a calendar month, such as March, but a period of time, such as 6 March to 6 April.

Green Erasmus+


According to the new rules of the European Commission, Green Erasmus can only be used for Short-term mobility - in the lenght of 5 - 30 DAYS:

BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) or Short-term PhD mobility 


"Distance" is defined as the direct distance between the headquarters of the sending and receiving institutions.  

Distance calculator

Table of travel costs by type of means of transport

Výše cestovního nákladu v případě Green Erasmus = Travel costs for Green Erasmus - train, bus, carpooling, bike

Výše cestovního nákladu (non-green) = Travel costs (non-green) = travelling by plane, car, boat

The travel costs are already included in the Financial Agreement scholarship awarded.

Documents after arrival

After returning from the mobility, send copies of the tickets, an original affidavit and other receipts to

A car-sharing or carpool is not considered to be a carpool if someone drives you to the mobility location and returns without you (family, friends).

In the case of the “car sharing or car pooling” option, you must provide an original Affidavit with the signatures of all the persons who shared the journey and proof that the journey actually took place (petrol receipt, toll receipts etc.). All documents should be submitted at the European office at IRO at the Rectorate of CU.


If you are documenting a mobility trip by car sharing, here you can download the document: Affidavit .


The aim of Green Erasmus is to raise awareness of environmental issues and to implement projects in an environmentally sustainable way.

Acceptable means of transport to/from the host foreign institution are the following: train, bus, bike, or car share.

The first journey to the mobility location and the last journey back to the Czech Republic must be made by one of the above-mentioned means. Participants must keep evidence of such a journey (tickets).

The one-off contribution is EUR 50.

In the case of the “car share” option, it must be a carpool. In this sense, if someone drives you to the mobility location and returns without you (family, friends), is not considered a carpool. You must provide an original affidavit with the signatures of all the persons who shared the journey and proof that the journey actually took place (petrol receipt, toll receipts, etc.). All documents should be submitted at the Erasmus Office at the Rectorate of CU.

Addendum to contract form: Addendum

The form is to be filled in when the financial agreement is signed and the contribution is paid at the same time as the scholarship before the mobility. For this contribution is not possible to apply during or after the mobility.

After returning from the mobility, send copies of the tickets to

Short-term mobility

Valid for: BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) and Short-term PhD mobilities

More information about BIP:

BIP (Blended Intensive Programme

More information about Short-term PhD mobilities:

In order to better meet the diverse training needs of doctoral students and to ensure equal opportunities, doctoral students can now also undertake short-term physical mobilities for a study stay or traineeship.

Duration of stay: 5–30 days

The scholarship is allocated according to the length of stay:

1–14 days 79 EUR/day

15–30 days 56 EUR/day

A scholarship can also be awarded for travel. This means for one day before the start of mobility and one day after the end of mobility.

This scholarship can be increased by a social scholarship of 100 EUR for stays of 1–14 days or 150 EUR for stays of 15–30 days.

GREEN ERAMUS for Short-term mobilities:

New rules for academic year 2024/2025

Administrative procedure:

· In case of a study stay, please follow the rules for study stays in the given academic year.

· In the case of a traineeship, please follow the rules for traineeships in the academic year.

Documents upon return from the stay:

· Confirmation of Erasmus period – original or copy emailed directly to the Erasmus coordinator by the host institution

· Evaluation report - the mobility report, please copy emailed to

· 2 final reports: EU Survey (automatically generated email from the European Commission directly to student´s mail), Charles Abroad –

Students with special needs

In accordance with the objectives of the Erasmus+ programme, Charles University strives to provide an experience from abroad in the form of a study stay or a practical internship to as wide a range of students as possible. For this reason, in addition to the support in the form of scholarships, it also provides additional financial support to students with disabilities and students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

- Students with economic disadvantages, or with underage children

- Students with physical, mental, or health disadvantages

An Addendum to the Participant Agreement for the additional scholarship is always signed along with the Participant Agreement itself before the start of the mobility.

Below, you can find information on the possibilities how to increase your Erasmus+ financial support in order to help you manage your stay abroad more easily.

Students with economic disadvantages, or with underage children

In order to be eligible for additional financial support due to your socio-economical disadvantages, you must be a student on a study stay or on a practical internship abroad and:

- be entitled to the state social benefit; or

- be entitled to the child benefit; or

- be the recipient of the Charles University scholarship in social need; or

- be taking care alone for an underage child.

To be awarded the additional financial support, it is conditional that the total family income does not exceed the product of the family subsistence income with the coefficient of 3.4, and that the applicant has not reached the age of 26.

The definition of an eligible person who can apply is as stated in the Act on Higher Education. The reference period is the previous calendar year.

A student who does not receive child benefits from the Czech Republic may also apply for an increase of the additional financial support scholarship if he can prove being the recipient of similar benefits under similar conditions in his country of origin.

The increase of the scholarship has been set at 250 EUR per month (i.e. 30 days of the stay abroad) by the decision of the National Agency (Dům zahraniční spolupráce Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky – the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic). The amount of the increased scholarship will be paid to the student after signing the Erasmus+ Participant Agreement or the Addendum to this Agreement.

If you are interested in this scholarship, please contact Pavel Knap at the email address:

Students with physical, mental, or medical disadvantages

The Erasmus+ additional financial support scholarship is designed to help students cover the increased expenses abroad resulting from their medical needs.

If awarded this scholarship, it must be accounted for upon the student’s return from the Erasmus+ stay abroad! Invoices must be submitted indicating the actual costs incurred, the name and address of the entity that issued the invoice, the price, currency, and the date of the invoice.

If you are interested in this scholarship, please contact Pavel Knap at the email address:

The application must be accompanied by:

- a medical report;

- a copy of the disabled person's ID card (the “ZTP card”, if the student has one);

- Erasmus+ documents: signed Learning Agreement for studies/traineeship

- a letter of acceptance from the host institution confirming the acceptance of the student for the study stay/practical internship and confirming that the institution is aware of the student’s medical condition.

International mobility

The international mobility is intended for students going to countries where it is not possible to go using the traditional Erasmus. For more information about the selection procedure, please contact your faculty coordinator.

Who: Any student who is enrolled in an accredited bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree programme and will be duly enrolled for studies at Charles University for the entire period of the stay abroad may participate.

When: The stay is open to any student from the 2nd year of bachelor studies.

For how long: Stays can last from 2 to 12 months. The minimum length of stay of 2 months is considered to be 60 days.

How often: Within the Erasmus+ programme, students can participate in a stay abroad repeatedly at each level of their higher education studies (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral). The total allowed for each level of studies is 12 months (or 24 months for 5-year Master’s programmes), and these 12 (or 24) months may consist of a study stay (Student Mobility for Studies), a traineeship (Student Mobility for Traineeship) and/or a combination of these activities.


ViaErasmus! is the new web interface for outgoing students going abroad under the Erasmus+ programme. More information here: ViaErasmus!

Last change: January 31, 2025 13:19 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
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Charles University

Ovocný trh 5

Prague 1

116 36

Czech Republic

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Phone: +420 224 491 850

Erasmus+ info:



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