Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 period follows up on the efforts of Charles University to be on par with international standards and to strengthen its position as a renowned research institution which can be benchmarked against the best. The plan reflects the rapidly changing situation in education and research, as well as the university’s role in society. It builds on the results of internal discussion within the university, as well as recommendations from our international peers.

"Excellence, autonomy and freedom of research and teaching are principles to which we persistently adhere.

Charles University is one of the most important scientific and educational institutions not only in the Czech Republic, but in Europe as well. It is a research-oriented university that persistently adheres to the historical traditions of one of the oldest seats of learning and carries out a crucial role in the scientific, cultural, social and economic development of society.

As a public institution, it also adheres to the responsibility for the development of the society and environment that surrounds it. As much as before, Charles University will, therefore, in the forthcoming period take part in the development of the regions in which it operates and contribute, through its activities, to the fulfilment of national priorities, such as those enshrined in the strategic plan of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for higher education system, as well as international commitments such as supporting the European Higher Education and Research Area.

We, who act on its behalf today, strive to honour the commitment to systematically develop knowledge, education and culture that has been handed down to us, and to pass it on to those who come after us. In this calling, we commit ourselves to follow the values that are inseparably related to this mission - to serve the truth, to foster the ideals of humanity, democracy, and openness, and to cherish the ideal of worldwide cooperation among universities as a precondition for international research and education. As in the past, we will place the highest demands on ourselves and on the quality of our research and education, and benchmark ourselves against the best."

— Preamble to the Strategic Plan for 2021-2025

Last change: August 16, 2024 09:49 
Responsible for site content: Analyses and Strategies Department
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