University Museum

In its underground vaults, the historical building of Carolinum hides our University Museum with its permanent exhibition called The History of Charles University (see video from its opening). Visitors can see the founding charter of the university and copies of the university seals and scepters. The exhibition is divided into several parts tracing the university's development - from the Utraquist University and Charles-Ferdinand University up to its present times. Also recollected are notable personae associated with the university, e.g. the biologist and physiologist Jan Evangelista Purkyně, the renowned physicist Albert Einstein or the Nobel Prize for Chemistry laureate Jaroslav Heyrovský.

All accompanying texts for the exhibits are in Czech and English.

The museum is open to the public every day 10-18:00 for a voluntary entrance fee.

Last change: July 7, 2023 15:19 
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