Matriculation and Graduation Code of CU

Under section 36 (2) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered the Disciplinary Code for Students of Charles University under ref. n. MSMT-38084/2016 on 14 December 2016.


                                                                                        Mgr. Karolína Gondková

                                                                       Director of the Higher Education Department

Matriculation and Graduation Code of Charles University of 14 December 2016

Under sections 9 (1) (b) and 17 (1) (k) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, and under Article 59 (4) of the Constitution of Charles University the Academic Senate of Charles University has adopted the following Matriculation and Graduation Code of Charles University, as an internal regulation of the University:

Article 1 Introductory Provisions

This Code governs the procedures of matriculation and graduation ceremonies at Charles University (“the University”).*

Article 2 Procedure for the Matriculation Ceremony

  1. Matriculated students in formal dress are seated in their places before the ceremony begins.

  2. Ceremonial procession, to the sound of music, in the following order:


    the academic staff of the relevant faculty in academic gowns;


    the vice-dean in his academic gown carrying academic insignia;


    the Beadle of the faculty in Beadle’s robe carrying academic insignia;


    the Dean in academic gown carrying academic insignia;


    the Rector’s Beadle in Beadle’s robe carrying academic insignia; and


    the Rector in academic gown carrying academic insignia.

  3. National anthem.

  4. The Rector opens the assembly, addresses the audience, and invites the Dean to address the audience.

  5. The Dean’s address: "Your Magnificence, ... It is among the traditions of this University that at the beginning of their study the students take an academic oath. I would like to ask everybody in this hall to stand up and you, Your Honour, (Honorabilis) Vice-Dean, to read the oath."

  6. The Vice-Dean reads the text of the oath: “I promise to properly exercise the rights and fulfil the duties of a member of the academic community of Charles University. I promise to respect the glorious humanistic and democratic tradition of Charles University, to heed its good reputation, and to study so that my activity brings universal benefit.”

  7. The students take the oath by raising their hand towards the head of the sceptre, shaking hands with the Dean, and saying “I promise”.

  8. The Rector: "You have taken the academic oath and Charles University admits you into its academic community. Remember this moment, remember what you have promised, and remember your personal resolution of these days. I believe that your resolution is good and honest. I wish you for all your resolutions to come true. Quod bonum, felix, faustum fortunatumque eveniat".

  9. Music – Old Czech hymn Jezu Kriste, štědrý kněže (Jesus Christ, generous Prince).

  10. Departure from the hall under paragraph (2) in reverse order, to the sound of student anthem Gaudeamus igitur.

Article 3 Procedure for the Bachelor’s Graduation Ceremony

  1. Ceremonial procession to the representative hall of the House for the Professed (Profesní dům) at Malostranské náměstí square in Prague in the following order:


    the graduates to be awarded academic degrees in formal dress;


    two members of the academic staff of the relevant faculty in academic gowns;


    the degree awarding official (the Promotor) in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the dean in academic gown with academic insignia; and


    the Rector in academic gown with academic insignia.

  2. National anthem.

  3. The Dean gives the opening speech and introduces the graduates, stating their first name, family name, maiden name if relevant, place of birth, thecompleted programme of study, and if completed with distinction where relevant. Then he requests the Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony.

  4. The Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony.

  5. The Promotor delivers the Latin formula and the text of the oath set in the Constitution of the relevant faculty.

  6. The graduates take the oath by shaking hands with the Promotor and saying “I promise”.

  7. The Promotor hands the graduates their diplomas.

  8. One of the graduates gives the valedictorian speech.

  9. Music – Old Czech hymn Jezu Kriste, štědrý kněže (Jesus Christ, generous Prince) or Svatý Václave, vévodo české země (Saint Wenceslas, Duke of the Czech Land).

  10. Representatives of the academic community offer their congratulations to the graduates.

  11. Departure from the hall under paragraph (1) in reverse order, to the sound of student anthem Gaudeamus igitur.

Article 4 Procedure for the Master’s Graduation Ceremony

  1. Ceremonial procession to the Large Hall of the Carolinum, to the sound of music, in the following order:


    the graduates to be awarded academic degrees in formal dress;


    the academic staff of the relevant faculty in academic gowns;


    the Promotor in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the Beadle of the faculty in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia;


    the dean in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the Rector’s Beadle in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia; and


    the Rector in academic gown with academic insignia.

  2. National anthem.

  3. The Dean gives the opening speech and introduces the graduates, stating their first name, family name, maiden name if relevant, place of birth, the completed programme of study and if completed with distinction where relevant. Then he requests the Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony.

  4. The Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony.

  5. The Promotor delivers the Latin formula and the text of the oath set in the Constitution of the relevant faculty.

  6. The graduates take the oath by raising their hand towards the head of the sceptreand saying “Spondeo ac polliceor”.

  7. The Promotor finishes reading the graduation oath.

  8. The Promotor hands the graduates their diplomas.

  9. One of the graduates gives the valedictorian speech.

  10. Music – Old Czech hymn Jezu Kriste, štědrý kněže (Jesus Christ, generous Prince) or Svatý Václave, vévodo české země (Saint Wenceslas, Duke of the Czech Land).

  11. Representatives of the academic community offer their congratulations to the graduates.

  12. Departure from the hall under paragraph (1) in reverse order, to the sound of student anthem Gaudeamus igitur.

Article 5 Procedure for the Doctoral Graduation Ceremony

  1. Ceremonial procession to the Large Hall of the Carolinum, to the sound of music, in the following order:


    the graduates to be awarded academic degrees in formal dress;


    the academic staff of the relevant faculty in academic gowns;


    the Promotor in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the Beadle of the faculty in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia;


    the dean in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the Rector’s Beadle in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia; and


    the Rector in academic gown with academic insignia.

  2. National anthem.

  3. The Dean gives the opening speech and introduces the graduates, stating their first name, family name, maiden name if relevant, place of birth, the completed programme of study, and the topic of dissertation. Then he requests the Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony (in Latin).

  4. The Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony (in Latin).

  5. The Promotor delivers the Latin formula and the text of the oath set in the Constitution of the relevant faculty.

  6. Graduates take the oath by raising their hand towards the head of the sceptreand saying “Spondeo ac polliceor”.

  7. The Promotor finishes reading the graduation oath.

  8. The Promotor hands the graduates their diplomas.

  9. One of the graduates gives the valedictorian speech.

  10. Music – Old Czech hymn Jezu Kriste, štědrý kněže (Jesus Christ, generous Prince) or Svatý Václave, vévodo české země (Saint Wenceslas, Duke of the Czech Land).

  11. Representatives of the academic community offer their congratulations to the graduates.

  12. Departure from the hall under paragraph (1) in reverse order, to the sound of student anthem Gaudeamus igitur.

Article 6 Procedure for the Rigorosum Graduation

  1. Ceremonial procession to the Large Hall of Carolinum, to the sound of music, in the following order:


    the graduates to be awarded academic degrees in formal dresses;


    the academic staff of the relevant faculty in academic gowns;


    the Promotor in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the Beadle of the faculty in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia;


    the dean in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the Rector’s Beadle in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia; and


    the Rector in academic gown with academic insignia.

  2. National anthem.

  3. The Dean gives the opening speech and introduces the graduates, stating their first name, family name, maiden name if relevant, and place of birth. Then he requests the Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony (in Latin).

  4. The Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony (in Latin).

  5. The graduation ceremony itself:

    The Promotor:

    Doctorandi clarissimi, examinibus, quae ad eorum, qui doctoris nomen et honores consequi student, doctrinam explorandam lege constituta sunt, cum laude superatis, nos adistis desiderantes, ut vos eo honore in hoc sollemni consessu ornaremus.

    Prius autem fides est danda, vos tales semper futuros, quales vos esse iubebit dignitas, quam obtinueritis, et nos vos fore speramus.

    Spondebitis igitur

    (The Promotor and others stand up)

    Primum; vos huius Universitatis, in qua doctoris in ........ disciplinis gradum ascenderitis, piam perpetuo memoriam habituros, eiusque res ac rationes, quoad poteritis, adiuturos;

    Dein;  honorem eum, quem in vos collaturus sum, integrum incolumemque servaturos;

    Postremo;  studia.... impigro labore culturos et provecturos non sordidi lucri causa, nec ad vanam captandam gloriam, sed ut veritas propagetur et lux eius, qua salus generis humani continetur, clarius effulgeat;

    Haec vos ex animi vestri sententia spondebitis ac pollicebimini?

    (The graduates take the oath by raising their hand towards the head of the sceptre and saying “Spondeo ac polliceor”. The Promotor follows them with his eyes.)

    The Promotor:

    Itaque iam nihil impedit, quominus honores, quos obtinere cupitis, vobis impertiamus.Ergo ego promotor rite constitutus vos ex decreto ordinis mei doctores creo, creatos renuntio omniaque doctoris iura ac privilegia in vos confero. In cuius rei fidem haec diplomata Universitatis Carolinae sigillo firmata vobis in manus trado.

  6. The Promotor hands the graduates their diplomas.

  7. One of the graduates gives the valedictorian speech.

  8. Music – Old Czech hymn Jezu Kriste, štědrý kněže (Jesus Christ, generous Prince) or Svatý Václave, vévodo české země (Saint Wenceslas, Duke of the Czech Land).

  9. Representatives of the academic community offer their congratulations to the graduates.

  10. Departure from the hall under paragraph (1) in reverse order, to the sound of student anthem Gaudeamus igitur.

Article 7 Procedure for Associate Professor’s Graduation

  1. The associated professors being appointed are seated in their places before the ceremony begins.

  2. Ceremonial procession to the Large Hall of the Carolinum, to the sound of music, in the following order:


    the beadles of the faculties in Beadles’ robes with academic insignia;


    the deans of the faculties in academic gowns with academic insignia;


    the Chief Financial Officer of the University in academic gown;


    the vice-rectors in academic gowns with academic insignia;


    the Promotor in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the Beadle of the Dean of the faculty from which the majority of associate professors are, in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia;


    the Dean of the faculty from which the majority associate professors are, in academic gown with academic insignia;


    the Rector’s Beadle in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia; and


    the Rector in academic gown with academic insignia.

  3. National anthem.

  4. The Promotor welcomes all present persons and initiates the handing of letters of appointment. Then he invites the Rector to give his speech.

  5. The Rector’s speech.

  6. The Rector steps down to the table and gives associate professors their letters of appointment handed by the Chief Financial Officer. Simultaneously, the Promotor introduces the associated professors appointed, stating their first name, family name, their field of study, and the faculty or unit. After distributing all the letters of appointment, the Rector returns to the Rector’s seat.

  7. The Promotor invites one from among the associate professors appointed to give the valedictorian speech.

  8. An associate professor gives the valedictorian speech.

  9. The Promotor thanks for the address, offers congratulations to the associate professors appointed, and closes the graduation ceremony.

  10. Music - Old Czech hymn Jezu Kriste, štědrý kněže (Jesus Christ, generous Prince) or Svatý Václave, vévodo české země (Saint Wenceslas, Duke of the Czech Land).

  11. Departure from the hall to the sound of music under paragraph (2) in reverse order


Article 8 Procedure for Honorary Doctor’s Graduation Ceremony

  1. Ceremonial procession to the Large Hall of the Carolinum, to the sound of music, in the following order:


    beadles of the faculties in Beadles’ robes with academic insignia;


    the rectors of other higher education institutions and academic staff in academic gowns;


    the beadles of the faculties in Beadles’ robes with academic insignia;


    the deans in academic gowns with academic insignia;


    the Chief Financial Officer of the University in academic gown;


    the vice-rectors in academic gowns with academic insignia, the candidate in academic gown, the Promotor in academic gown with insignia,


    the Beadle of the faculty proposing the candidate in Beadles’ robes with academic insignia;


    the Dean of the same faculty in academic gown with insignia;


    the Rector’s Beadle in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia; and


    the Rector in academic gown with academic insignia.

  2. National anthem. If the candidate is a citizen of a foreign state, the national anthem of the relevant state follows.

  3. The presiding vice-rector opens the assembly by welcoming the candidate and other persons.

  4. Music.

  5. The presiding vice-rector asks the Dean of the faculty proposing the candidate to introduce him.

  6. Introduction of the candidate.

  7. The Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony.

  8. The graduation ceremony itself:

    The Promotor delivers the formula of graduation and the text of the oath:

    Consilium Facultatis ………. Universitatis Carolinae non ignorans, vir/femina illustrissime/illustrissima, te et doctrina tua, quam in ……… (the branch of science of the candidate) quaestiones perscrutandas impendisti, et vitae tuae operibus necnon actibus, quibus patriae tuae atque totius mundi cognitionem et scientiam generi humano maxime proficuam amplificavistiEQ \O(), de saluteEQ \O()universi generis humani prae ceteris optime meritum/meritam esse

    communi omnium applausu decrevit, ut in doctorum ……… (the branch of science) honoris causa numerum recipereris.

    Quod ordinis nostril consultum cum a consilio generali Universitatis Carolinae confirmatum esset, EQ \O()teEQ \O(), vir/femina illustrissime/illustrissima, petiimus, ut illum unum et summum honorem, quem tibi EQ \O()Universitas nostra impertire posset, in hoc sollemni consessu acciperes.

    Prius autem sponsio sollemnis tibi suscipienda est.

    Spondebis igitur:

    Primum te huius Universitatis, in qua hunc summum viriEQ \O()/feminae doctiEQ \O()/doctae gradum honoris ascenderis, piam perpetuo memoriam habiturum/habituram eique auctoritate, auxilioEQ \O(), consiliis tuis numquam defuturum/defuturam,

    dein studia utilissima, sicut adhuc facere semper consuevistiEQ \O(), provehere non desiturum/desituram, ut veritas salutem generis humani continens propagetur et lux eius terrarum orbem illustret.

    Haec tu ex animi tuiEQ \O() sententia EQ \O()spondebis ac polliceberis?

    The candidate makes the oath: “Spondeo ac polliceor”.

    The Promotor: Itaque iam nihil impedit, quominus honores, quibus te ordo noster ornare cupit, tibi impertiamus.

    Ergo ego, promotor rite constitutus,

    ex decreto consilii Facultatis …………

    teEQ \O(), …………(scientific degree, name)

    virum/feminam doctissimum/doctissimam, qui/quae ……… (grounds for granting the degree of Honorary Doctor)

    ………(the branch of science) doctorem honoris causa creo, creatum/creatam renuntio,

    omnia ……… doctoris privilegia in te confero in eiusque rei fidem hoc diplomaEQ \O() Universitatis Carolinae sigillo maiore EQ \O()insignitum tibi in manus trado.EQ \O() (The Promotor hands the diploma to the doctor.)

    Decoreris etiam catena deaurataEQ \O(), qua EQ \O()vinculum tuum cumEQ \O() Universitate Carolina per omnes annos duraturum aperte ac symbolice significetur. (The Promotor decorates the doctor with a chain.)

    Quod bonum, felix, faustum fortunatumque eveniat!

  9. Music – Old Czech hymn Jezu Kriste, štědrý kněže (Jesus Christ, generous Prince) or Svatý Václave, vévodo české země (Saint Wenceslas, Duke of the Czech Land).

  10. The Honorary Doctor gives a speech.

  11. The presiding vice-rector thanks for the speech, offers congratulations to the doctor, and closes the graduation ceremony.

  12. Departure from the hall under paragraph (1) in reverse order, to the sound of student anthem Gaudeamus igitur.

Article 9 Common Provisions

  1. Matriculations take place in the Large Hall of the Carolinum. Faculties whose seat is not in Prague may organise matriculations in places determined by the dean.

  2. Matriculation ceremonies in master’s programmes of study following the bachelor’s programmes of study and doctoral programmes of study are organised only if the dean decides so in his directive. In the contrary case, the matriculation ceremony is replaced by the student’s signature of the matriculation oath at the faculty.

  3. Bachelor’s graduation ceremonies may be organised for graduates from more than one faculty, usually related by their orientation. The position of the dean and Promotor is held by the dean and Promotor of the faculty with the highest number of graduates, unless the relevant faculties agree otherwise. One member of academic staff of each of the faculties is present.

  4. Master’s, doctor’s and rigorosum graduation ceremonies may be organised for graduates from more than one faculty, usually related by their orientation. The position of the dean is held by the dean of the faculty with the highest number of graduates, the formula and the text of oaths is delivered by the Promotor of the faculty with the highest number of graduates, unless the relevant faculties agree otherwise. The academic staff of all faculties is present.

  5. As a matter of principle, academic ceremonies are performed in Czech with the exception of parts delivered in Latin. In cases where the academic ceremony is performed for students or graduates of programmes of study accredited in a foreign language, it is possible to replace the Czech language with the relevant foreign language.

  6. Taking into consideration the orientation of the Faculty, with the Rector’s consent the dean may determine that another act is added to the procedure for the matriculation or graduation ceremony; this act, however, may not interfere with the overall nature of the ceremony.

  7. A vice-rector determined by the Rector may substitute for the Rector during matriculation and graduation ceremonies.

  8. A vice-dean determined by the dean may substitute for the Dean during matriculation and graduation ceremonies.

  9. The role of the Promotor may be performed by a full professor or an associate professor, and, in the case of a doctor’s graduation, only by a full professor.

Article 10 Final Provisions

  1. The Matriculation and Graduation Code of Charles University, registered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on 13 March 2000, as amended, is hereby repealed.

  2. The Code was approved by the Academic Senate of the University on November 25, 2016.

  3. The Code comes into force on the date of registration by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.1

  4. The Code becomes effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date of coming into force.

PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.                                            Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc.

President of the Academic Senate                                                               Rector

* Translator’s note: Words importing the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.



S. 36 of the Higher Education Act. The registration was completed on December 14, 2016.

Last change: August 2, 2019 17:00 
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