
Principal protagonists of the cultural life at Charles University are the student associations from individual faculties. Moreover, throughout the year, both the faculties and the rectorate provide students with a number of opportunities to socialise. If you don't want to miss any events organised by the CU, follow the main university calendar or the CU Point calendar. Our university also hosts many exhibitions during the academic year in the Cross Corridor of the Carolinum or visit Botanical Garden.

In the city center, there is a place called Campus Hybernská, offering a diverse range of activities including student clubs, educational festivals, exhibitions, workshops, charity events, book and film screenings, concerts, lectures, debates, and backyard coffee meetings. Many events organized directly by Charles University also take place here, so you may already be familiar with it.

Furthermore, you are encouraged to explore cultural opportunities beyond Charles University.

Last change: February 21, 2024 14:46 
Responsible for site content: CU POINT
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