Structure of Studies


    To start this programme, no Bachelor's degree is needed.

    • Bachelor’s programmes (typically 3 years)

    • Long-cycle Master’s programmes (undivided; typically 5 or 6 years)


    • Follow-up Master's programmes (= post-bachelors; typically 2 years)


    • Doctoral programmes (typically 4 years)

The University's code of study and examination is further specified by our Internal Regulation.

Bachelor's programmes

Our Bachelor's degree programmes provide you with a broad knowledge base which can be further developed by studying in a follow-up Master's programme. Alternatively, you may acquire further job-specific skills while working right after the graduation.

Bachelor's programmes are completed with the final State Examination including the defence of your Bachelor's thesis. Graduates are awarded the academic title of “Bachelor” (abbreviated to Bc. and written in front of the holder's name).

Long-cycle Master’s programmes

Long-cycle Master’s programmes are self-contained undivided programmes which do not follow on any previous Bachelor’s programme, hence do not recquire an a priori Bachelor's degree. These programmes mostly cover fields like General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Law etc.

Long-cycle Master’s programmes are completed with the final State Examination and some also include the defence of your Master’s (= diploma) thesis. Graduates are awarded various academic titles, depending on the particular study programme: Mgr. (“Master”), MUDr. (“Medicinae Universae Doctor” = Doctor of General Medicine), MDDr. ("Medicinae Dentium Doctor" = Doctor of Dental Medicine). All of these titles are equivalent to the “Master” title and written in front of the holder’s name.

Follow-up Master’s programmes

Follow-up Master’s programmes, sometimes also reffered to as post-Bachelor's, are designed to follow your previous related Bachelor's studies, hence they recquire an a priori Bachelor's degree. The acquired knowledge broadens your academic horizon while allowing you to focus and deeply understand specific issues in their context.

Follow-up Master’s programmes are completed with the final State Examination including the defence of your Master’s (= diploma) thesis. Graduates are awarded the academic title of “Master” (abbreviated to Mgr. and written in front of the holder’s name).

Doctoral programmes

Doctoral programmes represent the highest level of formal education, distinguished from Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes by their individual focus and emphasis on independent research in a specific field in collaboration with an experienced supervisor and under the guidance of the subject-area board of academics who are responsible for running the particular Ph.D. programme. Doctoral studies prepare you for a career in research and/or for highly qualified work in a number of professions. Besides research activities, our Ph.D. students gain experience in teaching, publishing, and presenting. Our university is one of the most important providers of doctoral studies in the Czech Republic – one in three doctoral students in the Czech Republic study at Charles University. Therefore, we consider doctoral studies as one of our key long-term strategic priorities and focus on developing partnerships with other research institutions including the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Ph.D. studies can be pursued as either a full-time study or a part-time study (also known as “combined” study as it offers a combination of in-class lessons and e-learning). As a full-time doctoral student you will receive a monthly scholarship, which is usually supplemented by other sources of income, e.g. by awards for participation in grant projects or remuneration for teaching undergraduates. The amount of the scholarship depends on the faculty. Some of the faculties also offer merit-based scholarships. See scholarships and bursary rules at CU. For information on governmental scholarships, please visit the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Further, you may consult the dedicated sections at the websites of Study in Prague, Study in Czechia, and also our own CU website.

Doctoral studies are completed with a final State Examination and a dissertation defence. Graduates are awarded the academic title of “Doctor” (abbreviated to Ph.D. and written after the holder’s name). In theology, the academic title is “Doctor of Theology” (abbreviated to Th.D. and written after the name).

For more information visit our website dedicated to doctoral studies at CU.

Last change: July 11, 2024 14:29 
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