Employment offers

In accordance with the The Competitive Hiring Process Code of Charles University, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University announces opening of the following position with submission deadline June 15, 2024

Postdoc position / Earthquake ground-motion modeling using kinematic and dynamic source models

Non-academic position
Workplace:Faculty of Mathematics and Physics - School of Physics - Department of Geophysics
Expertise:Seismology, earthquake ground-motion modeling using kinematic and dynamic source models
Job Offer Code: 202406-PD-MFF-KG-039

The Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic), wishes to fill one full-time postdoc position in seismology, with a focus on advanced earthquake ground-motion modeling using kinematic and dynamic source models.

The position is available from August 1st, 2024, and is for a one-year period with possible extensions of up to three years.

Gross monthly salary (depending on previous eligible experience) starting at 50.000 CZK. In addition, progressive salary increases for successful project applications and significant publication bonuses will be granted.

The candidate will join the seismological team of the department involved in Project OP JAK “Natural and anthropogenic georisks” no. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004605.

We are looking for a person with a strong background in seismology with rich experience in earthquake ground motion modeling. The research will include the use of state-of-the-art kinematic and dynamic forward and inverse ground-motion modeling techniques, earthquake scenario modeling, validation against observed seismograms for selected events and empirical ground-motion models, earthquake scenario ground-motion predictions, and their statistical analyses. The results will be presented at conferences and published regularly in peer-reviewed journals.

Please submit your application including the following list of information:

  • Curriculum vitae with a detailed presentation of professional and research activities, including also pdf of diplomas
  • List of all publications (refereed & non-refereed), lectures and research projects
  • Specification of programming and language skills
  • Statement describing past research experience and plans, research interests and career goals, and indicating why you are interested in the position (max. 1 page)
  • Contact details of 2 professionals willing to provide a letter of reference

Qualification and Other Requirements:
  • Strong theoretical background in:

Earthquake seismology

Ground motion modeling using 1D and 3D numerical methods

Empirical ground motion models

Kinematic and/or dynamic earthquake rupture modeling

  • Technical skills:

Seismological data handling and processing (downloading data from public repositories, waveform filtration, integration, etc.)

Advanced knowledge of numerical methods for wave propagation and dynamic rupture simulations

Experience with Linux operating system (working in command line mode) and shell scripting

  • Further requirements:

Completed PhD in a field related to seismology and earthquake engineering

Publication record in the fields highlighted above as well as international orientation and recognition

Willingness and ability to lead own research

Experience in the acquisition, management, and implementation of research projects

High motivation, ability to work in a team, independence

Required education:Ph.D., CSc, Th.D. or comparable education abroad
Employment Type and Scope:Full time employment, 40 hours per week
Expected Start Date:August 01, 2024 or negotiable
Duration of Contract:1 year
Informal inquiries can be sent to:frantisek.gallovic@matfyz.cuni.cz


The application with required attachments should be sent by e-mail to positions@matfyz.cuni.cz by the deadline. The subject of this e-mail should contain the job offer code.


If any recommendation letters are required, the applicant is responsible to ensure that they are sent to the same e-mail address positions@matfyz.cuni.cz. The subjects of these e-mails should also contain the job offer code.


In justified cases, e.g., if the applicant completes his doctoral studies in the period between the submission of the application and the date of starting the employment relationship, the applicant must provide proof of the completed doctoral studies before signing the employment contract.


Candidates who progress to the second round of the selection procedure will be invited for an interview. The interview may be conducted by means of information and communication technology if justified, at the request of the candidate. The Committee may invite selected candidates to give a lecture to the academic community of the Faculty.

Application Submission Deadline:June 15, 2024 at 00:00 CEST
Documents Required for the Application:
  • structured CV
  • education credentials, proof of academic degrees and ranks
  • list of scientific and publication activity
  • motivation letter
Published On: May 14, 2024
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Last change: June 2, 2022 10:43 
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