UNICA is a network of leading European universities, which are characterized by the fact that, apart from excellence in science and teaching, they are universities operating in the capitals of European countries. It was founded in 1990 and currently has 56 member universities from 41 European countries. The seat is in Brussels.
With the exception of traditional activities related to the international agenda at individual institutions, UNICA focuses in great detail on sustainability through the UNICA Green group. Charles University is involved in the group with the Environment Centre and the Manager for Sustainability.
Within the framework of UNICA, student conferences are organized every year, in which the Charles University, through its students, regularly participates with results in the form of student declarations and other essential outputs. The conference strives for an interdisciplinary focus with a European context.
As part of the international relations agenda (IRO), in addition to traditional activities related to mobility and international projects, a special group IRO Core Group was founded to bring together heads of international offices at individual universities. Within this group, they can determine the direction of development at the IRO level for the next two years with focus on modernization potential. The head of IRO is representing Charles University.
Sylvie Boumová
International Relation Office
Charles University, rectorate
Tel.: +420 224 491 301