Study Programmes and Branches

Degree programmes and branches at Charles University

Study programmes realized at our university have an accreditation of the Ministry of Sport, Youth and Education (before August 31, 2016), or from the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education (from 2018), or acquired a license within the institutional accreditation of the Charles University (hereinafter “accreditation”).

The offer of study programmes is extraordinary rich in international comparison and long term stable encompassing the majority of fields of study in the following areas: biology, ecology, economics, pharmacy, philology and literatures, philosophy, theology and religions, physics, earth sciences, history, chemistry, medicine, health care specialties, mathematics and theoretical informatics, pedagogy, psychology, sports and kinanthropology, law, social sciences, and art history, as well as teachers’ training in most of the mentioned areas.

In the graduate study, there are currently accredited 164 study programmes with 583 branches. Sorted according to cycles, there are 64 bachelor’s, 66 master’s and 34 long-cycle master’s study programmes with 215 bachelor’s, 274 master’s  and 94  long-cycle master’s study branches at the Charles University.

From the aggregate number of 34 long-cycle master’s programmes– i.e. self-contained programmes that do not follow on from a three-year Bachelor’s programme – with 94 branches, the university decided to continue to run just: General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Law and Legal Science, Primary Education and Catholic Theology in future.

In postgraduate doctoral study, Charles University has been implementing in total 222 study programmes with 195 study branches (a number of doctoral study programmes, particularly in the area of medicine and science, do not split into branches).

For more than ten years, the instruction proceeds under the university’s credit system for bachelor and master studies, which is compatible with the rules of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), facilitating student mobility and recognition of study within the European Union and offshore;

Some of the degree programmes listed in the database below may not open for admissions every year. For degree programmes offered in the current academic year, see Admissions.

Last change: February 10, 2018 23:19 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
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