Guideline 2 – Publishing a list of students/alumni


11 June 2018

Publication of a list of Charles University students or alumni in printed form (e.g. in an annual report, promotional publications) or on the web pages of the faculty/a segment of Charles University is not admissible without the consent of the students/alumni.

If consent is provided, publication is admissible only in the scope that the students/alumni have provided consent (e.g. for publishing the results of participants in an event, where participants were informed about publication as a part of registration, and by confirming registration in the event, have expressed consent).


The laws of the Czech Republic, including the Higher Education Act, do not impose any obligation to publish a list of students or alumni in printed form or on publicly accessible web pages. Thus, there is no legal basis for publishing a list of students or alumni. Publishing personal data of students or alumni in an annual report, a promotional publication, or on publicly accessible web pages is only possible with the consent of this data subject.

Last change: January 7, 2019 14:44 
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