Strategy of Internationalisation

Strategy of Internationalisation of Charles University 2018 – 2021

The Strategy of Internationalisation of Charles University (CU) (2018-2021) provides a basic framework for the implementation of international cooperation priorities up to 2021. The strategy covers all forms of international cooperation (bilateral and multilateral relations).

Priority Directions of Internationalisation

The first main area is to focus on three priorities: 4EU+ Alliance, CU strategic partnerships and cooperation with LERU. The second area includes strengthening the international exchange of academics and students in all forms of study and the perception of the CU as an attractive institution for talented international students. In the third area, we want to improve the position of Charles University in European and international research and science, internationalize the domestic scientific environment, and increase the share of international academic staff working at CU for an extended period (at least one semester). Last, but not least, we aim to support the third role of the university (active involvement in the social discourse and search for solutions to global economic, social and environmental issues).

Each area is further elaborated into main activities to meet the set goals.

Quantified Objectives of CU Internationalisation

  • The first goal is to achieve a 20% share of international students at CU by 2021 (currently 16%).

  • The second goal is to achieve a 10% share of international staff at CU by 2021 (currently 8%).

  • The third goal is to increase the overall mobility rate of CU students to at least 8% (currently 5%).

  • The fourth is to increase the share of international projects to 15-20 projects per year (now 10-12 projects from H2020).

The objective of the Strategy of Internationalisation is to increase the involvement of CU academics and scientists in international projects, while also strengthening the participation of international staff in the CU projects. It is necessary to use the experience of the European Centre, which creates a support system for submitting large international projects. The goal is to enhance cutting-edge research at CU.

Implementation Team

The Implementation Team will oversee the implementation of the strategy. Its task will be to effectively coordinate all initiatives so that they meet current CU needs and new trends in international development. The implementation team will specify the financial requirements of each activity. Continuous communication with relevant ministries, foreign offices, non-governmental organizations and foreign universities is also foreseen. The implementation of the strategy will be coordinated by the International Relations Office of the CU Rectorate.

Global Institution

Charles University is a globally open institution that proactively establishes relations with foreign universities and supports the exchange of students and the mobility of teachers, academics, and administrative staff. It is involved in international discourse, especially in the fields of science and education, and contributes to the exchange of study and scientific experience amongst prestigious European and world institutions.

International Students

Charles University is attended by international students and researchers from many countries around the world (117 countries in 2018). The number of international students has grown in recent years, currently accounting for 16% of all students, less than half of whom come from the Slovak Republic. About one third of international students study in a foreign language. According to official statistics of the European Commission, CU ranks among the top ten European universities with the largest exchange of students and staff within the Erasmus+ programme. It is also ranked fifth in terms of popularity of destination within this programme. International students are mostly interested in studying general medicine, pharmacy, intercultural communication, Czech as a foreign language, English, and law.

Regional Strategy

Part of the Strategy of Internationalisation is the Regional Strategy. In this context, the aim of Charles University is to improve its strengths and its presence on the international scene. The global trend is to focus on attracting talented international students from various regions and therefore ensuring balanced cooperation in this way.

Evaluation and Monitoring of Performance

The Strategy will be evaluated once a year and will be discussed and approved by the Rector's Board. In 2021, it will be assessed with regard to its meeting of individual objectives and in line with the implementation and updating of the Long-term Strategic Plan of Charles University 2016 – 2020.


International Relations Office


Last change: February 4, 2019 13:49 
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