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Writing Clear and Reader-Friendly Texts

“In this paper, the problem of digital capital is addressed. It is believed by the author that this problem is an important one, and it has been neglected in the academia of the Czech Republic.”

If you had to reread the above passage, or if it made you want to throw your laptop out the window, this workshop is for you. The goal is to show you the hows and whys of clear and reader-friendly texts, or making them more concise and coherent, as well as dynamic.

I believe that the most effective learning takes place when we discover on our own. This is why the workshop will be highly interactive - I will ask you to analyze examples and suggest improvements. Using this hands-on approach, you will leave the classroom knowing how to make your texts more reader-friendly, concise and coherent.

The seminar will be held by Martin Sedláček, who is a lecturer at the Center of Academic Writing at the Czech Academy of Sciences.

The event is organized via the platform FIT & SMART STUDENT.


Event start 11 May 2023 at 14.00
Event end 11 May 2023 at 16.00
Organiser Denisa Pavlovičová
Organiser's contact email denisa.pavlovicova@ruk.cuni.cz
Organiser's contact phone +420224491893
Event website https://ukpoint.cuni.cz/IPSCEN-151.html
Venue Green Auditorium, Celetná 20, Prague 1
Reservation https://registrace.cuni.cz/RegisterEvent/2edda68c-a9a4-4b0d-8401-7a262c3008a0
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