Rector's Directive No. 5/2019

Principles of Implementation of Specific University Research Projects at Charles University

To implement: Article 8 (1) of the Grant Rules of Charles University

Date of effect: 1 September 2019

Article 1 - Introductory Provision

These Principles of Implementation of Specific University Research Projects at Charles University (“Call for Proposals of SUR Projects”) regulate elements of the proposals of SUR projects as stipulated in the Grant Rules of Charles University (“the Grant Rules” and “the University”), as well as other details of the Call for Proposals of SUR Projects.

Article 2 - Basic Provisions

Specific university research is research carried out by students in the course of of accredited doctoral and master’s study programmes. In compliance with legal regulations, the following conditions of the Call for Proposals of SUR Projects are set:


the lead researcher is a member of academic staff of the University;


the other members of the research team include at least three students of doctoral study programmes, students of master’s study programmes at the University, academics, researchers, scientists, developers, and/or other creative workers of the University;


the number of students of doctoral or master’s study programmes in a research team is at least equal to the number of other members of the research team;


a call for proposals is made at three-year intervals, the period of implementation of a project is usually three years;


a project may take the form of a student research project, or a student research conference;


the minimum support for a student research project is CZK 400,000 annually, and it cannot exceed CZK 3,000,000 annually; support for a student conference can be no more than 1,000,000 annually;


the proportion of personnel costs or expenditures, including scholarships for students of doctoral or master’s study programmes, in the total personnel costs or expenditures, including scholarships and funded within the framework of eligible costs1 of the project, exceeds 60%; this requirement does not apply to student research conferences;


the proportion of financial means that can be allocated to a faculty for student research conferences cannot exceed 20% of the total funds allocated to a particular faculty2;


the financial means to cover the Calls for Proposals of SUR Projects is not earmarked separately.

Article 3 - Submission of Project Proposals and Allocation of Financial Means

  1. The manner of submitting project proposals is regulated by a Rector’s Directive announcing a relevant round of a call for proposals. The participation of one student in two or more projects is not allowed, unless he is a person studying simultaneously in multiple doctoral study programmes.

  2. In the case of a student research project, the proposal should include:


    a description of the project,


    the intended number of members of the research team – students of doctoral and master’s study programmes, as well as academics and researchers, and a nominal list of key persons therein,


    a brief CV of the principal researcher, including a list of his most important works published in the period of ten years preceding the proposal submission,


    specification of the financial means required,


    the opinion of the Dean of the faculty (Article 4 (1)).

  3. In the case of a student research conference, the proposal should include:


    the brief characteristics of the conference,

    1. the organizer,

    2. the purpose of the conference,

    3. the target audience,

    4. the anticipated number of participants – students of doctoral and/or master’s study programmes, academics, and researchers,

    5. the venue and date of the conference,


    specification of the financial means required,


    the anticipated allocation of financial means to individual faculties where the project involves a multi-faculty student conference,


    the opinion of the Dean of the faculty (Article 4(1)).

  4. Financial means are divided into the following classes:


    wages and other personnel costs,


    national social insurance contributions and health insurance contributions as set out by law, and contributions to the social fund at a rate of 2%,




    operational costs, costs of minor tangible and intangible property, travel expenses and services,


    additional and overhead costs not exceeding 20% of the costs listed in subparagraphs a) – d).

Article 4 - Assessment of Proposals, Contract

  1. The Dean of a faculty expresses his opinion on whether:


    a proposed project is compliant with the strategic plan of the faculty,


    it is possible to secure the necessary operating conditions through faculty units, and


    the staffing of the research team corresponds to the set objectives.

  2. A project proposal is assessed by the Grant Council of Charles University, which assesses in particular whether:


    the project is compliant with the strategic plan of the university,


    the project satisfies the criteria of the Call for Proposals of SUR Projects, and


    the professional level of the researcher and costs are adequate to the set objectives.

    A project proposal that did not contain all information and has not been rectified upon invitation will not be assessed.

  3. The Grant Council makes a proposal for the granting, non-granting, or termination of a project to the Rector; where a project has been granted, the Grant Council’s opinion also contains a proposal for the amount of financial means to be allocated.

  4. The allocation and management of financial means is regulated in a contract concluded between the University, faculty, and lead researcher.

Article 5 - Progress Report and Final Report

  1. The mode of submitting progress and final reports is determined in a Rector’s directive.

  2. A progress report and final report includes in particular:


    overall verbal evaluation of results and benefits,


    a list of defended qualification theses of members of the research team in the case of a student project,


    a list of papers published and other outcomes authors of which are students from the research team, and


    an overview of expended financial means.

Article 6 - Dates

Dates for making a call for proposals, submitting proposals, presenting a report of the Grant Council of Charles University to the Rector, as well as the date for submitting a running and final report are determined in a Rector’s directive. That directive may also set other dates and administrative requisites.

Article 7 - Repealing Provision

Rector’s Directives No. 36/2009, No. 16/2010, No. 17/2016, and No. 16/2017 are hereby repealed.

Prague, 12 February 2019

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA



Section 7 (5) of Act No. 130/2002 Sb. and Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 1021 of 1 August 2009.


Provided that in the budget of the University for a respective year the amount of financial means earmarked for Grant Agency is at least equal to the amount of financial means intended for the Calls for Proposals of SVV Projects.


Article 6 of the Scholarships and Bursaries Rules of Charles University.

Last change: August 8, 2019 15:43 
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