Date of effect: 1 October 2018
1. Supervisors of students who have graduated from doctoral programmes of study are to be paid a bonus under conditions stipulated by this Directive.
2. The amount of bonus depends upon the length of study of the respective student.
3. The length of study is to be calculated in years for the purposes of this Directive; it is determined as a whole part of the total number of days when a student studied full-time or part-time (i.e. days when the study was not interrupted) divided by 365 and increased by one. If the enrolment in study of a student was between 1 July and 30 September, the length of study for the purposes of this Directive is calculated from 1 October. In the case the second round of the admissions procedure to the doctoral study was held in the beginning of a calendar year the date of enrolment in study for the purposes of this Directive is uniform, namely on 1 March.
4. All earlier periods of study in the same programme of study and the same subject area, where the programme is subdivided into subject areas, at Charles University (“University”) are included in the calculation should the earlier study have been terminated under section 56 (1) a) or b) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb. as amended, governing higher education institutions and amending other laws (“Higher Education Act”).
5. The period of former study from which a student moved to the current programme of study is to be included in the calculation of the length of study for the purposes of this Directive.1 A different procedure may be permitted by the Rector upon an application by the dean of a faculty or the director of another University unit.
1. Supervisors of students in doctoral programmes of study who graduated within the standard period of study and within the standard period of study increased by one year, are granted a bonus in the amount of CZK 50,000.
2. The Rector may, for reasons deserving special attention, satisfy an application of the dean of a faculty or the director of another University unit to allow for an exception and to award a bonus should the length of study of the graduate exceed the standard length of study increased by one year due to the inclusion in calculation periods of earlier study under Article 1 (4) or Article 1 (5).
1. Bonus is paid by a Faculty or University unit to the respective supervisor after the student has graduated from the programme at issue.
2. Supervisors who are employed by the University, are paid the bonus in the form of an extra pay; other supervisors are paid under an agreement to work or through a bank transfer to the employer of the supervisor under a special contract.
3. An application for the payment of bonus (including levies relating to health and social insurance) is delivered by the Faculty or University unit to the Finance Department of the University Rectorate exclusively through the relevant module of the Student Information System (change of status to “finances rectorate”) not later than by the 10th day of the month following the quarter when the student graduated. The fourth quarter of a year is an exception as such application must be submitted not later than by 31 December of that current year. Applications submitted later will not be handled.
4. An application must contain the following data:
a) The student´s name including his or her internal University identification;2
b) Doctoral programme of study and/or subject-area;
c) Standard length of study of the respective programme and/or subject area;
d) Date of enrolment in study;
e) Date of graduation from study;
f) Name of the supervisor;
g) Employer of the supervisor if different from the University;
h) Amount of bonus; and
i) Time of payment of the bonus.
5. The payment of money under approved applications will be made by the Finance Department of the Rectorate by the end of the month following the relevant quarter except for the fourth quarter when payment is to be made not later than by 20 January of the following year.
1. The amount of bonus of a supervisor or supervisors where
a) the person of a supervisor has been changed during the study of a student; or
b) an advisor has substantially assisted the student in the course of study,
will be determined by the Rector upon application of the dean of a faculty or director of another University unit.
2. Applications under paragraph 1 herein, under Article 1 (5) and Article 2 (2) are always appended with the position of the Chair of the respective subject-area board of the doctoral programme of study.
1. More details of procedures under the Directive herein are contained in the Guidelines and Instructions for using the relevant module in the Study Information System.
2. Any changes in the calculation resulting from amendment of the Rector´s Directive will be introduced in the fourth quarter of the calendar year 2018.
3. This Directive becomes effective on 1 October 2018.
4. Rector´s Directive No. 36/2017 is hereby repealed.
Prague, 23 May 2018
prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA
1 |
i.e. in the SIMS Register of Students the termination of previous study is recorded as a registered transfer or move. |
2 |
“ukčo” of a student and ID of study. |
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