Rector's Directive No. 41/2018

Herzl Center of Israel Studies

Date of effect: 1 November 2018

Article 1 Introductory Provisions

  1. The Herzl Center of Israel Studies (“the Center”) is founded with the aim of enhancing and broadening the study of topics connected to modern Israel.

  2. The Center is established based on the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) between Charles University, represented by the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS UK), and the Israel Institute, and it fully complies with the Strategic Plan for Charles University (“CU”) and the long-term goals of the internationalisation of CU.

  3. The seat of the Center isat the FSS CU to which it is administratively affiliated.

Article 2 Activities of the Center

  1. The Center supports, coordinates, and administers:


    the arranging of courses aimed at topics connected tomodern Israel;


    the broadening of cooperation with Israeli higher education institutions;


    the support to research in the areas of expertise of the Israel Institute;


    the granting of scholarships to doctoral students and


    the organisation of public events relating to the issues of modern Israel.

  2. The CU faculties establish their own teams for the fulfilment of the mentioned tasks at the respective faculties.

Article 3 Management of the Center

  1. The activities of the Center are managed by the Board,which is composed of representatives of CU and the Israel Institute.

  2. The Board consists of experts focused on modern Israel in a wider subject area context.

  3. The Board consists of eight members: the Chair, the Deputy Chair, and other Board members. The head of the Board is the Chair; the Deputy chair acts for him/her in the Chair’s absence.

  4. A candidate for the Chair of the Board is chosen in acompetitive hiring process organised by the FSS CU. The Chair of the Board is appointed tothe office jointly by the Rector of CU and the Dean of the FSS.

  5. The Chair of the Board is responsible for the compliance of activities of the Board and the Center with the MOU and the relevant regulations of CU and the FSSCU.

  6. Under the MOU, the Chair of the Board submits inspection reportson the work of the Center to the Rector of CU and the Dean of the FSS CU regularly one month before the date set in the MOU.

  7. Members of the Board for CU are appointed and removed by the Rector in such manner that particularly those faculties or other units of the University which participate in the activities of the Center are represented. Two members are always nominated by the Dean of the FSS CU and two by the Israel Institute. Four members are appointed upon nominations bythe deans of other participating faculties and directors of other units of CU. For the purposes of appointment, the extent to which faculties and other units of CU will participate in the specialist activities of the Center in compliance with the MOU and the specialisation of the Israel Institute are considered.

  8. The term of office of the members of the Board is two years; members may be reappointed for another term of office.

  9. The Deputy Chair of the Board is elected, by the members of the Board, from the ranks of CU representatives.

  10. An executive secretary is responsible for ensuring the administration and organisation of the activities of the Board and the Center.

  11. The executive secretary is chosen in acompetitive hiring process begun by the Dean of the FSS CU upon the initiative of the Center’s Board; his place of work is at the FSS CU.

  12. The executive secretary keeps recordsof the activities of the Board and the Center and archives all documents of the Board in compliance with the relevant legislation. S/he performs other activities assigned by the Chair or Deputy Chair of the Board.

Article 4 Parts of the Center

The following faculties participate in the activities of theCenter for CU:


Protestant Theological Faculty of CU,


Faculty of Humanities of CU,


Faculty of Social Sciences of CU,


Faculty of Arts of CU,


Hussite Theological Faculty of CU,


Catholic Theological Faculty of CU,


Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of CU,


Faculty of Law of CU,


Faculty of Science of CU.

Article 5 Board Meeting

  1. The Board meets as necessary, but at least twice a year. The meeting is convened and presided over by the Chair of the Board or the Deputy Chair acting for her/him.

  2. Board members are always invited to the meeting in writing. The invitation must be sent at least ten working days before the date of the meeting.

  3. The Chair of the Board is obliged to convene a meeting of the Board within five days if a third of the Board members so requests.

  4. Board members are obliged to attend the Board meetings and to actively participate in the work of the Board.

  5. The Board has a quorum if more than a simple majority of all Board members are present at the meeting. The Board passes resolutions by a majority of votes of the members present.

  6. Board meetings are closed. Persons invited by the Board or the Chair of the Board, in particular representatives of other faculties and units involved in a project, may participate at the meeting without the right to vote.

  7. The Board may pass a resolution on more detailed rules for Board meetings.

  8. The minutes of Board meetings are sent to the Board members.

  9. The Board may take a vote in writing if necessary.

  10. Internal and external communication of the Board may take electronic form.

Article 6 Vote in Writing

  1. The Chair of the Board may announce voting outside of a meeting of the Board (“vote in writing”) in case of an urgent matter or a proposal for the consideration of which it is not possible or sensible to convene a meeting of the Board of the Center.

  2. The announcement of voting, the text of the proposal, and the voting form are sent to members via an electronic conference. The announcement provides the deadline for voting, which is at least five and no more than ten working days.

  3. The completed voting form contains the name and surname of the voter and her/his vote (for/against/abstain), otherwise it is invalid. The proposal is considered as passed if a simple majority of all members of the Board of the Center voted for it. The members are informed of theresult after the end of the vote.

  4. The Board of the Center approves the record of the vote in writing and its result at the next regular meeting and it becomespart of the minutesof that meeting.

Article 7 Funding

The activities of the Center are covered from the funds of the CU units mentioned in Article 4 which participate in the operations of the Center, from subsidies, and from other sources.

Article 8 Final Provisions

This directive comes into effect on 1 November 2018.

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: August 5, 2019 11:03 
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