Rector's Directive No. 48/2017

Constitution of the Prizes Awarded to Students and Graduates of Charles University

To implement: Article 26 (2) of the Constitution of Charles University and Article 9 (2) of the Scholarships and Bursaries Rules of Charles University

Date of effect: 1 October 2017

Part I The Rector Prize for the Best Graduates of Charles University

Article 1

The Charles University Rector Prize for the Best Charles University graduates (“The Best Graduates Prize”) may be awarded to excellent graduates of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study for outstanding results in scholarly, research, sports, or cultural activities achieved during the course of study.

Article 2

The Best Graduates Prize may be awarded annually to one graduate of a bachelor’s programme of study and one graduate of a master’s programme of study in the following five categories:

  • Prof. MUDr. Karel Weigner Prize – programmes in medicine (First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové)

  • Prof. JUDr. Karel Engliš Prize – programmes in social sciences (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities)

  • Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Heyrovský Prize – programmes in science (Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport)

  • Josef Dobrovský Prize – programmes in theology (Catholic Theological Faculty, Protestant Theological Faculty, Hussite Theological Faculty)

  • Prof. PhDr. Václav Příhoda Prize – programmes in education (Faculty of Education, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Mathematics and Physic, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts, Hussite Theological Faculty).

Article 3

1. Nominations for the Best Graduates Prize are considered by commissions established for each category under Article

2. Members and chairs of the commissions are appointed by the Rector upon nomination by the deans of faculties. Each faculty is represented by one member in the respective commission.

3. Nominations for the Best Graduates Prize are sent by the deans to the Student Affairs Department of the Rectorate (“SAD RCU”).

4. The written nomination includes:

  • the name and surname, date of birth, and permanent address or address for delivery of the graduate);

  • the name of the programme of study or the field of study;

  • study results and the evaluation of the course of study;

  • the list of publications, overview of lectures, specialist articles, or other proof of outstanding results achieved in scholarly, research, sports, or cultural activities;

  • justification of the nomination for the Best Graduates Prize.

5. The commission considers the nominations received and submits nominations for the award to the Rector in the form of a ranking of individual applicants by 31 December. The commission always proposes the amount of the Best Graduates Prize.

6. The commission may request, through SAD RCU, further opinions from the nominating faculty for the consideration of the nomination.

7. The awarding of the Best Graduates Prize and its amount is decided by the Rector.

Article 4

The Best Graduates Prize is set at a minimum amount of 15,000 CZK for graduates of a bachelor’s programme of study and 30,000 CZK for graduates of a master’s programme of study.

Part II. The Rector’s Extraordinary Prize for Students of Charles University

Article 5

The Rector’s Extraordinary Prize for Students of Charles University (“The Extraordinary Prize”) is awarded:

a. for an honourable act or activity performed during the course of study and proving outstanding civil courage or selflessness;

b. for the achievement of outstanding results in science or research in the course of study; or

c. for an exceptional appreciation achieved in the performance of cultural or artistic activities or for outstanding sport results achieved in national or international competitions.

Article 6

1. Nominations for the Rector Extraordinary Prize are sent by the deans to the SAD RCU. Nominations may be also submitted by the Rector.

2. Nominations for the Rector Extraordinary Prize includes:

  • the name and surname, date of birth, and permanent addressor address for delivery of the student;

  • the name of the programme of study or the field of study;

  • the justification of the nomination for the Rector Extraordinary Prize.

3. The awarding of the Rector Extraordinary Prize and its amount is decided by the Rector.

Article 7

The Extraordinary Prize is set at a minimum amount of 20,000 CZK.

Part III The Bolzano Prize

Article 8

1. The Bolzano Prize is a prestigious Charles University prize for students and graduates. It is awarded to Charles University students and graduates for outstanding innovative work with excellent creative content and usually interdisciplinary import carried out in the course of study.

2. Nominations for the Bolzano Prize are called by the Rector of Charles University annually on 1 May. The Rector may announce a priority focus of the Prize in the given academic year.

3. The Bolzano Prize is awarded in three categories, namely in the categories of social sciences (including theology), science, and biomedicine.

4. Only works completed (defended, published) in the academic year for which the Bolzano Prize is being awarded may be nominated. The same work may not be submitted repeatedly.

Article 9

1. The written nomination includes:

a. the name and surname, year of birth, personal number, and permanent residenceor address for delivery of the student/graduate;

b. the name of the work;

c. the type of work (a bachelor’s thesis, diploma thesis, dissertation thesis, or competition paper);

d. the name of the faculty and doctoral student training unit (department, institution);

e. the name of the programme and field of study;

f. the type of programme of study (Bc, NMgr, Mgr, Ph.D.);

g. the date and signature.

2. Supplementary documents required for the application:

a. professional CV and the nominee’s list of publications;

b. in case of qualification theses (i.e., bachelor’s, diploma, or dissertation thesis) a written, signed statement of the supervisor or advisor providing a brief summary of the competition thesis and the justification of its originality and creative benefit; also a written, signed statement of one or two reviewers regarding the content and formal standard of the work;

c. in case of other competition papers, a written and signed statement of two or three reviewers regarding the content and formal standard of the paper which should evaluate the outstanding creative benefit and interdisciplinary import of the paper.

3. The faculty comments on the entering for the competition.

4. The student submits the work in one printed copy and in electronic form.

5. In the case of a qualification thesis which has been published in the repository of final theses of CU, the electronic version of the thesis may be referred to by the identification number of the paper.

Article 10

1. The Rector’s advisory board for considering the nominations for the prize award is the Bolzano Prize Board.

2. The Board has nine members which are appointed and removed by the Rector. The Chair of the Board is usually the Vice-Rector for Education, who appoints the deputy chair from among the members. The Board membership is honorary and without proxy.

3. The Board is convened and its meetings are presided over by its Chair. The Board has a quorum if two thirds of its members are present.

4. The Board considers only those applications which have all the requisites under Article 9 (1), (2) and (3) of this provision.

5. The Board may request other expert reports and opinions.

6. The Board passes a resolution on the nomination for the awarding of the prize by a simple majority of members present. The proposal is then submitted to the Rector for a decision.

7. The organisation and administration connected with the activities of the Board are ensured by the Centre for Information, Counselling, and Social Services CU which also keeps records of the prizes awarded.

Article 11

1. The Bolzano Prize is set at a minimum amount of 40,000 CZK.

Part IV Common Provisions

Article 12

1. Nominations for the prizes under this provision must be submitted in electronic form and printed copy no later than on 31 October.

2. Students are awarded the prizes as a bursary under Article 9 (2) of the Scholarships and Bursaries Rules of Charles University; in other cases the prizes are awarded under Article 26 (2) of the Constitution of Charles University.

3. The prizes are covered from the Charles University funds.

4. The prizes are awarded to the prize-winners by the Rector or a designated Vice-Rector.

5. The prize award is certified by a diploma which provides the name and surname of the prize-winner, reasons for awarding the prize, and its date. The diploma bears the coat of arms of Charles University and the Rector’s signature.

6. Prizes together with the Rector’s diplomas are awarded at a ceremonial occasion such as a session of the Research Board of Charles University.

Part V Final Provisions

Article 13

1. The CU in Prague Rector’s Directive No. 10/2001 of 14 May 2001, as amended by the CU in Prague Rector’s Directive No. 12/2013 of 24 June 2013 and by the CU in Prague Rector’s Directive No. 17/2008 of 13 June 2008, as amended by the CU in Prague Rector’s Directive No. 13/2013 of 24 June 2013, the CU in Prague Rector’s Directive No. 23/2015 of 11 May 2015 are hereby repealed.

2. This directive comes into effect on 1 October 2017.

In Prague on 20 June 2017

Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA

Last change: August 5, 2019 13:27 
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