Rector's Directive No. 26/2015

The Constitution of the Miloslav Petrusek Prize for Presentation as provided in Rector’s Measure No. 4/2013 and amended by Rector’s Measure No. 26/2015

Date of effect:

1 June 2015

Article 1 – Introductory Provision

The Miloslav Petrusek Prize for Presentation is established at Charles University (the Prize). The Prize is awarded for a positive act which significantly influences the image of Charles University (the University) in the public perception. The Prize is named after Miloslav Petrusek, outstanding Czech social scientist, Dean Emeritus of the Faculty of Social Sciences, founder of social sciences studies, and Vice-Rector Emeritus of the University.

Article 2

The Prize may be awarded to an individual or a group regardless of their membership in an academic community of the University.

Article 3

Nominations for the Prize with justification may be submitted to the Rector by the Deans of faculties, directors of other units, members of the Research Board, the Board of Trustees, and the Academic Senate of the University by the end of February of a given calendar year.

Article 4

  1. The awarding of the Prize is decided by the Rector upon a proposal from the Prize Board (the Board).

  2. The Members of the Board are appointed by the Rector from the ranks of employees and students of the University and from the non-University area. In the case of funding under Article 7, a representative of the sponsor is usually appointed a member of the Board.

  3. The Board has five members and its Chair is always a representative of the University. Members of the Board, including its Chair are, appointed by the Rector.

  4. The Board submits to the Rectora candidate’s nomination for the Prize on the date according to the timetable (Article 8).

Article 5

The main criterion for assessment is the fulfilment of the requirements for the awarding of the Prize under Article 1.

Article 6

  1. The prize is awarded to individuals or groups by the Rector or a Vice-Rector designated by him at a ceremonial meeting held on the anniversary of the foundation of the Universityin April.

  2. The awarding of the Prize is attested by a diploma with the University coat of arms and the Rector’s signature.

  3. The Prize is associated with a financial award of at least 50,000 CZK.

Article 7

The Prize is funded from the means of the University or from a sponsor’s means.

Article 8

The Public Affairs and Communications Department of the Rectorate prepares and organises the awarding of the Prize in compliance with the schedule set by the Vice-Rector for Public Affairs.

Article 9

  1. The Prize need not be awarded in any given year.

  2. There is no legal title to the awarding of the Prize.

Article 10

  1. This Constitution replaces the current Constitution of the Prize for Presentationof Charles University issued in Rector’s Directive No. 37/2007 which is hereby repealed.

  2. This Constitution becomes effective on 1 March 2013.1

prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA



The change of this Constitution becomes effective on 1 June 2015 (RM No. 26/2015).

Last change: August 5, 2019 14:51 
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